
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

Swine y los programas windows con wine son otra cosa

Tenía puesto el q4wine, lo puse por probarlo y el i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1 como paquete que me proporciona wine pero iba muy lento y cuando ya no te acordabas se abría la aplicación requerida, lo que me dió que pensar que algo fallaba pues con swine que viene a ser un lanzador de aplicaciones iba la cosa mas rápida.

Así que me lo he quitado, el q4wine y he vuelto al swine, así de principio a swine parece que le cuesta arrancar la primera aplicación pero después va como la seda, suave y rápido.

 [ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% sudo pkg delete q4wine-1.1.r2_3
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:

The operation will free 5 MiB.

Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Deinstalling q4wine-1.1.r2_3...
[1/1] Deleting files for q4wine-1.1.r2_3: 100%

[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% sudo pkg install swine-1.0.4_1
Updating pcbsd-major repository catalogue...
pcbsd-major repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    swine: 1.0.4_1
    icoutils: 0.31.0_1
    cabextract: 1.6

The process will require 894 KiB more space.
203 KiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
Fetching swine-1.0.4_1.txz: 100%  150 KiB  51.1kB/s    00:03   
Fetching icoutils-0.31.0_1.txz: 100%   53 KiB  54.1kB/s    00:01   
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/3] Installing icoutils-0.31.0_1...
[1/3] Extracting icoutils-0.31.0_1: 100%
[2/3] Installing cabextract-1.6...
[2/3] Extracting cabextract-1.6: 100%
[3/3] Installing swine-1.0.4_1...
[3/3] Extracting swine-1.0.4_1: 100%
Message from swine-1.0.4_1:

Swine has been installed.

For more info about running wine on FreeBSD please see:

FreeBSD/amd64 users:
You need to manually install Wine 32bit binary from:

This program will attempt to obtain some system information by accessing files
in procfs. You must mount procfs filesystem for this to work correctly.
This can be accomplished by adding the following line to your /etc/fstab file:

# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
proc                    /proc           procfs  rw              0       0

and then, as root, executing the command:

mount /proc

Also you need passwordless sudo for mdconfig, mount_cd9660, umount commands for
work with ISO images.


Swine solo trabaja con versiones i386 de wine si miramos lo que hay en paquetes vemos lo siguiente:

[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% pkg search wine
i386-wine-1.8,1                32bit Microsoft Windows compatibility environment for 64bit FreeBSD
i386-wine-devel-1.9.1,1        32bit Microsoft Windows compatibility environment for 64bit FreeBSD
i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1      32bit Wine built with the Staging patchset for 64bit FreeBSD
q4wine-1.1.r2_3                QT4 front-end for WINE
swine-1.0.4_1                  Qt4 graphical Wine frontend
wine-1.8,1                     Microsoft Windows compatibility environment
wine-devel-1.9.1,1             Microsoft Windows compatibility environment
wine-gecko-2.21                Gecko Layout Engine for Wine (HTML support)
wine-gecko-devel-2.40          Gecko Layout Engine for Wine development branch (HTML support)
wine-mono-0.0.8                Mono .NET implementation for Wine development branch (HTML support)
wine-mono-devel-4.5.6          Mono .NET implementation for Wine development branch (HTML support)
wine-staging-1.9.1,1           Wine built with the Staging patchset
winefish-1.3.3_15              LaTeX editor based on BlueFish
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~%

Y la que nos conviene en teoría y en la práctica es la versión mas alta esta es: i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1 podemos consultar esta página de FBSD: y esta otra: para ver las aplicaciones de terceros sobre el tema wine normalmente lanzadores de aplicaciones o embotelladores de aplicaciones que es lo que se lleva ahora. Y en cuanto a la instalación de wine.

[ximo@nunbsd-6836] /usr/home/ximo# pkg install i386-wine-staging
Updating pcbsd-major repository catalogue...
pcbsd-major repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    i386-wine-staging: 1.9.1,1

The process will require 273 MiB more space.
36 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
Fetching i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1.txz: 100%   36 MiB 506.4kB/s    01:15   
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Installing i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1...
[1/1] Extracting i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1: 100%
This system does not appear to use a nvidia graphics driver.  If this changes
and then every time the driver's version changes execute (as root)
    sh /usr/local/share/wine/
to get 2D/3D acceleration to work with the nvidia driver.  Without this wine
will crash when a program requires 2D/3D graphics acceleration.

Message from i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1:
Some ZFS tuning guides recommend setting KVA_PAGES=512 in your kernel
configuration.  This is incompatible with Wine.  The maximum possible
is KVA_PAGES=500, which should still be enough for ZFS.

The port also installs some of Wine's documentation which describes
additional programs that are not in the manual pages under
There is more in the source tree but the others are only useful in
conjunction with the rest of the source tree.
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] /usr/home/ximo# which wine
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] /usr/home/ximo#

Aparte de los consabidos juegos hay muchas aplicaciones que se pueden usar por ejemplo las de PortableApps: en sourceforge: hay un buen repositorio de aplicaciones de windows con altas probabilidades de que funcionen aquí, mirar  por ejemplo el Free Manga Downloader, eso si os gusta el manga o mirar la imagen primera de este post con swine y algunas aplicaciones que he hecho funcionar en mas o menos plenitud.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Entre calendarios agendísticos y turpiales twitteros

Tenía puesto el qOrganizer desde hace la tira de tiempo sin embargo solo lo probé cuando lo instalé y ahora me ha tocado quitarlo pues me ha colgado el sistema operativo, he salido simplemente tocando el botón de apagado un rato y he podido reiniciar. Como siempre una de cal y una de arena.

Bueno he puesto iCal (es ical) que es una aplicación tcl/tk aunque usando xfce está el orage no agendo mucho la verdad pero ical es una muy buena aplicación que se lo digan a los de MAC. Y solo unos ks al menos en la configuración de paquetes que mantengo. Ha sido mas o menos esto lo necesario para instalarlo:

[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% pkg search ical
R-cran-epicalc-      Epidemiological calculator
biblical-curse-0.02            Fake biblical curse generator
chemical-mime-data-0.1.94_7    Collection of chemical MIME types for UNIX desktops
comical-0.8_9                  Sequential image viewer
criticalmass-1.0.2_3,1         SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game
davical-1.1.2_1                Simple CalDAV server using a postgres backend
fisicalab-0.3.3_3              Physics simulation program for educational use
ghemical-3.0.0_8               Computational chemistry software package
ical-2.2_4                     Calendar application
ical2html-2.0_2                Manipulation commands for iCalendar files
libghemical-3.0.0_6            Support libraries of science/ghemical port
libical-1.0.1                  Implementation of the IETF Calendaring and Scheduling protocols
libical-glib-1.0.3             Introspection bindings for libical
libticalcs2-1.1.8_2            TI calculator library
p5-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle-2009110301_1 Shuffle a list
p5-Chemistry-Canonicalize-0.11_1 Number the atoms in a molecule in a unique way
p5-Data-ICal-0.22              Data::ICal - Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
p5-Date-ICal-2.678_1           Perl extension for ICalendar date objects
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical-0.06 Dates in the pataphysical calendar
p5-DateTime-Event-ICal-0.13    Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences
p5-DateTime-Format-ICal-0.09_1 Parse and format ICal datetime and duration strings
p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals-2.01 Perl extension for Devel::StackTrace + PadWalker
p5-Eval-WithLexicals-1.003005  Perl extension for pure perl eval with persistent lexical variables
p5-Lexical-Alias-0.04_1        Makes a lexical an alias for another variable
p5-Lexical-Import-0.002_2      Clean imports from package-exporting modules
p5-Lexical-Persistence-1.023_1 Persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls
p5-Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.009 Perl module to prevent leakage of lexical hints
p5-Lexical-Var-0.009_2         Perl module for static variables without namespace pollution
p5-Net-Amazon-MechanicalTurk-1.02_2 Perl interface to the Amazon Mechanical Turk
p5-Sub-Exporter-Lexical-0.092292_1 Export lexically-available subs with Sub::Exporter
p5-Tie-iCal-0.15_1             Tie iCal files to Perl hashes
p5-XML-Canonical-0.10_5        Perl Implementation of Canonical XML
p5-XML-CanonicalizeXML-0.03_3  Extension for inclusive/exclusive canonicalization of XML
p5-constant-lexical-2.0001_2   Perl pragma to declare lexical compile-time constants
p5-iCal-Parser-1.20_1          Parse iCalendar files into a data structure
p5-lexical-underscore-0.003_1  Access lexical underscore of your caller
pathological-1.1.3_11          Enriched clone of the game "Logical"
pear-Horde_Icalendar-2.1.2     Horde iCalendar API
phpicalendar-RC7-2.4,1         Webbased calendar with iCal support
py27-MechanicalSoup-0.4.0      Python library for automating interaction with websites
py27-canonicaljson-1.0.0       Canonical JSON
py27-icalendar-3.9.1           Parser and generator of iCalender files for Python
py27-radicale-1.0.1            Python based CalDAV/CardDAV server
qt5-graphicaleffects-5.4.1     Qt Quick graphical effects
rubygem-icalendar-2.3.0        Library for working with iCalendar files
wikicalc-1.0                   Open Source Wiki-Spreadsheet
xlogical-1.0p8_10              Remake of the classic puzzle game Logical
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% sudo pkg install ical-2.2_4
Updating pcbsd-major repository catalogue...
pcbsd-major repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ical: 2.2_4

The process will require 584 KiB more space.
148 KiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
Fetching ical-2.2_4.txz: 100%  148 KiB  30.3kB/s    00:05   
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Installing ical-2.2_4...
[1/1] Extracting ical-2.2_4: 100%
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% ical

CORRECT>cal (y|n|e|a)? no
Fontconfig warning: "local.conf", line 1093: saw number, expected matrix
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% which iCal
iCal: Comando inexistente.
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% which ical

He conseguido entender el turpial aplicación Python para twitter y está imparable pones el tema que quieres mas o menos o vas a piñón fijo con un hashtag determinado y tienes información del asunto por un tubo.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

Y esto es un no parar pero no va a mejor

Después de estar unos días con la tontería salió otro update que a mi como siempre me hace polvo, por el tiempo que me ocupa, sigo pensando que a pesar de tener en un USB un UNIX multilenguaje totalmente transportable no merece la pena tanto esfuerzo a lo mejor si tuviera una máquina con mas potencia y RAM sería otra cosa pero lo dicho ya hasta ahora, en un principio parecía que lo del TOR arreglaba cosas ahora tengo que pensar que fué a lo mejor fallo del administrador del sistema que no puso el proxy.

Como siempre tengo que instalar el libreoffice en un sitio sin proxy porque fallan las fuentes tipo libertine lo que sea.

Lo que ha puesto no me compensa tanto tiempo haciendolo. No sé a vosotros pero hay que inventarse otra forma de actualizar con dependes que no sea tan gilipolla.

En fin lo que ha hecho es lo siguiente:

pc-updatemanager: miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016, 09:13:55 CET
Stopping syscache...
Updating the package repo database...
Cleaning old pkg upgrade cache...
Verifying / fetching packages for ports-mgmt/pkg - pkg-1.6.2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for misc/pcbsd-base - pcbsd-base-2020151023.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for arabic/aspell - ar-aspell-1.2.0_1,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for archivers/quazip - quazip-0.7.1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for archivers/xarchiver - xarchiver-0.5.4_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for astro/gpsd - gpsd-3.14_3.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for audio/libmusicbrainz5 - libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for audio/musepack - musepack-2011.08.10.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for audio/normalize - normalize-0.7.7_10.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for audio/sox - sox-14.4.2_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for chinese/ibus-chewing - zh-ibus-chewing-1.4.14.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for chinese/ibus-pinyin - zh-ibus-pinyin-1.5.0_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for comms/lirc - lirc-0.9.0_7,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for databases/akonadi - akonadi-1.13.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for databases/xapian-core - xapian-core-1.2.22,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for deskutils/fbreader - fbreader-0.99.6_2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for deskutils/menumaker - menumaker-0.99.9.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for deskutils/qorganizer - qorganizer-3.1_4.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for devel/liborcus07 - liborcus07-0.7.1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for devel/p5-perlqt - p5-perlqt-4.14.3.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for devel/py-qt4 - py27-qt4-4.11.4.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for devel/qjson - qjson-0.8.1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for devel/ruby-qtruby - ruby20-qtruby-4.14.3_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for editors/libreoffice-es - es-libreoffice-5.0.4.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for emulators/i386-wine-staging - i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for emulators/q4wine - q4wine-1.1.r2_3.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for french/aspell - fr-aspell-0.50.3_1,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for ftp/multiget - multiget-1.1.3_10.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for ftp/wxdfast - wxdfast-0.6.0_9.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for games/pysolfc - pysolfc-2.0_6.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for german/aspell - de-aspell-20030222.1_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for graphics/djvulibre - djvulibre-
Verifying / fetching packages for graphics/libraw - libraw-0.17.1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for graphics/prison - prison-1.0_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for graphics/qcomicbook - qcomicbook-0.9.0_6.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for graphics/ristretto - ristretto-0.8.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for hebrew/aspell - iw-aspell-1.0.0_1,2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for hungarian/aspell - hu-aspell-,2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for japanese/font-vlgothic - ja-font-vlgothic-20141206_3.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for japanese/ibus-mozc - ja-ibus-mozc-2.17.2106.102.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for java/icedtea-web - icedtea-web-1.5.2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for korean/baekmukfonts-ttf - ko-baekmukfonts-ttf-2.2_2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for math/djbfft - djbfft-0.76_2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for math/libqalculate - libqalculate-0.9.7_5.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for misc/chmlib - chmlib-0.40_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for misc/kde4-xdg-env - kde4-xdg-env-1.1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for misc/mc - mc-4.8.15.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for misc/pcbsd-meta-mate - pcbsd-meta-mate-1421269030.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for misc/pcbsd-meta-openbox - pcbsd-meta-openbox-1366133527.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for misc/xfce4-weather-plugin - xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.6_2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for multimedia/freetuxtv - freetuxtv-0.6.6.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for multimedia/libmatroska - libmatroska-1.4.4.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for multimedia/transcode - transcode-1.1.7_25.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for net-im/pidgin - pidgin-2.10.12_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for net-im/turpial - turpial-3.0_2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for net/cagibi - cagibi-0.2.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for net/openslp - openslp-2.0.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for net/qoauth - qoauth-1.0.1_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for polish/aspell - pl-aspell-6.0.20061121.0_1,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for russian/aspell - ru-aspell-0.99.f7.1_1,2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for security/gpgme - gpgme-1.6.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for security/heimdal - heimdal-1.5.3_4.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for security/libssh - libssh-0.7.2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for security/pam_kde - pam_kde-1.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for sysutils/di - di-4.37.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for sysutils/ksysguardd - ksysguardd-4.11.14.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for sysutils/lineakd - lineakd-0.9_4.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for sysutils/xfce4-genmon-plugin - xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_5.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for textproc/ebook-tools - ebook-tools-0.2.2_3.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for textproc/en-hunspell - en-hunspell-7.1_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for textproc/ibus-m17n - ibus-m17n-1.3.3_5.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for textproc/ibus-qt - ibus-qt-1.3.3_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for textproc/ibus-table - ibus-table-1.5.0_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for textproc/libwps03 - libwps03-0.3.1_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for textproc/xfce4-dict-plugin - xfce4-dict-plugin-0.7.1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for ukrainian/aspell - uk-aspell-,2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for vietnamese/aspell - vi-aspell-,2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for www/firefox - firefox-43.0.4_1,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for www/tidy-lib - tidy-lib-090315.c_3.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11-fonts/fonts-indic - fonts-indic-2.1.5_3.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11-fonts/wqy - wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11-themes/kde4-wallpapers-freebsd - kde4-wallpapers-freebsd-1.0.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11-wm/icewm - icewm-1.3.8_2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11-wm/wmakerconf - wmakerconf-2.12_11.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11-wm/xfce4 - xfce-4.12_1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11/lumina - lumina-0.8.7_1,1.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for x11/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin - xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.2_2.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for sysutils/grub2-pcbsd - grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7.txz
Verifying / fetching packages for sysutils/grub2-efi - grub2-efi-2.02_15.txz
Creating stage BE...
GRUB configuration updated successfully
Created successfully
Mounting the stage BE...
Running: cp /tmp/.newPkgUpdateList.8046 /.updateStage/install-pkg-list
Running: mount -t devfs devfs /.updateStage/dev
Preparing the new boot-environment... (This may take a while)
Running: chroot /.updateStage pkg unlock -ay
CoinMP-1.8.3: already unlocked
GentiumBasic-110_3: already unlocked
ImageMagick-,1: already unlocked
ORBit2-2.14.19_1: already unlocked
OpenEXR-2.2.0_5: already unlocked
OpenSSH-askpass- already unlocked
Thunar-1.6.10_1: already unlocked
a2ps-4.13b_8: already unlocked
aalib-1.4.r5_11: already unlocked
adwaita-icon-theme- already unlocked
akonadi-1.13.0: already unlocked
alsa-lib-1.1.0: already unlocked
alsa-plugins-1.1.0: already unlocked
anacron-2.3_6: already unlocked
appres-1.0.4: already unlocked
apr- already unlocked
ar-aspell-1.2.0_1,1: already unlocked
argyllcms-1.7.0_1: already unlocked
aspell- already unlocked
at-spi2-atk-2.16.0: already unlocked
at-spi2-core-2.16.0: already unlocked
ataidle-2.7.2: already unlocked
atk-2.16.0: already unlocked
atkmm-2.22.7: already unlocked
atril-1.10.2: already unlocked
attica-0.4.2,2: already unlocked
avahi-app-0.6.31_5: already unlocked
babl-0.1.14: already unlocked
bash-4.3.42_1: already unlocked
beadm-1.5.3: already unlocked
binutils-2.25.1: already unlocked
bitmap-1.0.8: already unlocked
boost-libs-1.55.0_9: already unlocked
ca_root_nss-3.20.1: already unlocked
cabextract-1.6: already unlocked
cagibi-0.2.0: already unlocked
cairo-1.14.6,2: already unlocked
cairomm-1.10.0_3: already unlocked
caja-1.10.3: already unlocked
cantarell-fonts-0.0.16: already unlocked
cdrdao-1.2.3_5: already unlocked
cdrtools-3.01: already unlocked
celt-0.11.3_2: already unlocked
chmlib-0.40_1: already unlocked
cln-1.3.4: already unlocked
clucene- already unlocked
colord-1.2.11: already unlocked
compat9x-amd64-9.3.903000.20151116: already unlocked
compositeproto-0.4.2: already unlocked
consolekit-0.4.5_4: already unlocked
crosextrafonts-caladea-20130214_1: already unlocked
crosextrafonts-carlito-20130920_2: already unlocked
cups-base-2.0.3_3: already unlocked
cups-bjnp-2.0: already unlocked
cups-client-2.0.3_2: already unlocked
cups-filters-1.5.0: already unlocked
cups-image-2.0.3_2: already unlocked
cups-pdf-2.6.1_2: already unlocked
cups-pk-helper-0.2.5: already unlocked
curl-7.46.0_1: already unlocked
cursor-jimmac-theme-0.1_2: already unlocked
cuse4bsd-kmod-0.1.36: already unlocked
cvsps-2.1_1: already unlocked
cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12: already unlocked
damageproto-1.2.1: already unlocked
db5-5.3.28_3: already unlocked
dbus-1.8.20: already unlocked
dbus-glib-0.104: already unlocked
dconf-0.24.0_1: already unlocked
de-aspell-20030222.1_1: already unlocked
debootstrap-1.0.75: already unlocked
dejavu-2.35: already unlocked
desktop-file-utils-0.22_3: already unlocked
di-4.37: already unlocked
dirac-1.0.2_4: already unlocked
disktype-9: already unlocked
djbfft-0.76_2: already unlocked
djvulibre- already unlocked
dmidecode-3.0: already unlocked
dmxproto-2.3.1: already unlocked
docbook-1.5: already unlocked
docbook-sgml-4.5_1: already unlocked
docbook-xml-5.0_3: already unlocked
docbook-xsl-1.76.1_2: already unlocked
dri-11.0.8,2: already unlocked
dri2proto-2.8: already unlocked
droid-fonts-ttf-20131024_3: already unlocked
dvd+rw-tools-7.1_1: already unlocked
e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.42.13: already unlocked
ebook-tools-0.2.2_3: already unlocked
eject-1.5_4: already unlocked
en-hunspell-7.1_1: already unlocked
enca-1.13_1: already unlocked
enchant-1.6.0_5: already unlocked
encodings-1.0.4_3,1: already unlocked
engrampa-1.10.1: already unlocked
enscript-a4-1.6.6_1: already unlocked
es-libreoffice-5.0.4: already unlocked
esound-0.2.41_3: already unlocked
exempi-2.2.2: already unlocked
exiv2-0.24_2,1: already unlocked
expat-2.1.0_3: already unlocked
faad2-2.7_5,1: already unlocked
farsight2-0.0.31_3: already unlocked
fbreader-0.99.6_2: already unlocked
fdk-aac-0.1.4: already unlocked
ffmpeg-2.8.4,1: already unlocked
fftw3-3.3.3_2: already unlocked
fftw3-float-3.3.3_2: already unlocked
firebird25-client-2.5.4_3: already unlocked
firefox-43.0.3_1,1: already unlocked
fixesproto-5.0: already unlocked
flac-1.3.1_1: already unlocked
fluidsynth-1.1.6_2: already unlocked
fluxbox-1.3.7: already unlocked
fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack-20071215_3: already unlocked
font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4_3: already unlocked
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4_3: already unlocked
font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4_3: already unlocked
font-alias-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-arabic-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bh-type1-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-dec-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-ibm-type1-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-isas-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-jis-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-micro-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-misc-misc-1.1.2_3: already unlocked
font-mutt-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2_3: already unlocked
font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4_3: already unlocked
font-sony-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-sun-misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-util-1.3.1: already unlocked
font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4_3: already unlocked
fontcacheproto-0.1.3: already unlocked
fontconfig-2.11.1_1,1: already unlocked
fonts-indic-2.1.5_3: already unlocked
fontsproto-2.1.3,1: already unlocked
foo2zjs-20150511_1: already unlocked
foomatic-db-20150819: already unlocked
foomatic-filters-4.0.17_4: already unlocked
fr-aspell-0.50.3_1,1: already unlocked
freeglut-3.0.0: already unlocked
freetuxtv-0.6.6: already unlocked
freetype2-2.6.2: already unlocked
fribidi-0.19.7: already unlocked
fusefs-libs-2.9.4: already unlocked
fusefs-ntfs-2015.3.14_3: already unlocked
gamin-0.1.10_8: already unlocked
garcon-0.4.0_1: already unlocked
gbm-11.0.8: already unlocked
gcc-4.8.5_2: already unlocked
gcc-ecj-4.5: already unlocked
gconf2-3.2.6_4: already unlocked
gconfmm-2.28.2_3: already unlocked
gcr-3.16.0: already unlocked
gdbm-1.11_2: already unlocked
gdk-pixbuf2-2.32.1: already unlocked
gegl-0.2.0_14: already unlocked
geoclue-2.2.0: already unlocked
getopt-1.1.6: already unlocked
gettext-runtime-0.19.6: already unlocked
gettext-tools-0.19.6: already unlocked
ghostscript9-base-9.06_11: already unlocked
ghostscript9-x11-9.06_11: already unlocked
giflib-5.1.1: already unlocked
gimp-app-2.8.16,1: already unlocked
git-2.6.4: already unlocked
gle-3.1.0_6: already unlocked
glew-1.13.0: already unlocked
glib-2.44.1_2: already unlocked
glib-networking-2.44.0: already unlocked
glibmm-2.44.0,1: already unlocked
glproto-1.4.17: already unlocked
gmp-5.1.3_2: already unlocked
gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10_4: already unlocked
gnome-keyring-3.16.0: already unlocked
gnome-mount-0.8_12: already unlocked
gnome-pty-helper-0.40.2: already unlocked
gnome_subr-1.0: already unlocked
gnupg-2.1.8: already unlocked
gnutls- already unlocked
gobject-introspection-1.44.0: already unlocked
goom-2k4.0_5: already unlocked
gpgme-1.6.0: already unlocked
gpsd-3.14_3: already unlocked
grantlee-0.5.1: already unlocked
graphite2-1.3.3: already unlocked
graphviz-2.38.0_10: already unlocked
grub2-efi-2.02_15: already unlocked
grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7: already unlocked
gsed-4.2.2: already unlocked
gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.16.1: already unlocked
gsfonts-8.11_6: already unlocked
gsm-1.0.13_2: already unlocked
gsmartcontrol-0.8.7_4: already unlocked
gstreamer-0.10.36_4: already unlocked
gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13_4: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-0.10.36_6,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.19_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.23_2,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_13: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.23_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.19_4,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31_2,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.31_2,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.19_3,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-mp3-0.10.0_1: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.36_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.36_2,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.36_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.19_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-v4l2-0.10.31_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.36_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.23_1,3: already unlocked
gstreamer1-1.6.1: already unlocked
gstreamer1-libav-1.6.0: already unlocked
gstreamer1-plugins-1.6.1: already unlocked
gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.6.1: already unlocked
gtar-1.28_2: already unlocked
gtk-engines2-2.20.2_2: already unlocked
gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2_4: already unlocked
gtk-theme-switch-2.0.0.r2_5: already unlocked
gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.29: already unlocked
gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0: already unlocked
gtk2-2.24.29: already unlocked
gtk2-qtcurve-theme-1.8.18: already unlocked
gtk3-3.16.7_1: already unlocked
gtkmm24-2.24.4_2: already unlocked
gtksourceview2-2.10.5_4: already unlocked
gtkspell-2.0.16_5: already unlocked
gucharmap-3.16.2: already unlocked
gvfs-1.24.2: already unlocked
hal-0.5.14_30: already unlocked
hal-info-20091130: already unlocked
harfbuzz-1.1.2: already unlocked
heimdal-1.5.3_4: already unlocked
hicolor-icon-theme-0.15: already unlocked
hu-aspell-,2: already unlocked
hunspell-1.3.3: already unlocked
hupnp-1.0.0_1: already unlocked
hyphen-2.8.8: already unlocked
i386-wine-staging-1.8.r3,1: already unlocked
ibus-1.5.11: already unlocked
ibus-m17n-1.3.3_5: already unlocked
ibus-qt-1.3.3_1: already unlocked
ibus-table-1.5.0_1: already unlocked
iceauth-1.0.7: already unlocked
icedtea-web-1.5.2: already unlocked
icewm-1.3.8_2: already unlocked
icoutils-0.31.0_1: already unlocked
icu-55.1: already unlocked
ilmbase-2.2.0: already unlocked
imlib2-1.4.6_7,2: already unlocked
indexinfo-0.2.4: already unlocked
inputproto-2.3.1: already unlocked
iocage-devel-20151207: already unlocked
iso-codes-3.63: already unlocked
iso8879-1986_3: already unlocked
iw-aspell-1.0.0_1,2: already unlocked
ja-font-vlgothic-20141206_3: already unlocked
ja-ibus-mozc-2.17.2106.102: already unlocked
ja-mozc-server-2.17.2106.102: already unlocked
ja-mozc-tool-2.17.2106.102: already unlocked
ja-tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3: already unlocked
ja-zinnia-0.06_1: already unlocked
jackit-0.124.1_5: already unlocked
jailme-0.2.0: already unlocked
jasper-1.900.1_15: already unlocked
java-zoneinfo-2015.f: already unlocked
javavmwrapper-2.5: already unlocked
jbig2dec-0.12: already unlocked
jbigkit-2.1_1: already unlocked
jpeg-turbo-1.4.2: already unlocked
json-c-0.12_2: already unlocked
json-glib-1.0.4: already unlocked
kbproto-1.0.7: already unlocked
kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3: already unlocked
kde4-wallpapers-freebsd-1.0: already unlocked
kde4-xdg-env-1.1: already unlocked
kdelibs-4.14.3_4: already unlocked
ko-baekmukfonts-ttf-2.2_2: already unlocked
ksysguardd-4.11.14: already unlocked
lame-3.99.5_2: already unlocked
lcms-1.19_6,1: already unlocked
lcms2-2.7_2: already unlocked
ldb-1.1.24: already unlocked
libEGL-11.0.8: already unlocked
libFS-1.0.7: already unlocked
libGL-11.0.8: already unlocked
libGLU-9.0.0_2: already unlocked
libICE-1.0.9_1,1: already unlocked
libIDL-0.8.14_2: already unlocked
libSM-1.2.2_3,1: already unlocked
libX11-1.6.3,1: already unlocked
libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_3: already unlocked
libXTrap-1.0.1_3: already unlocked
libXau-1.0.8_3: already unlocked
libXaw-1.0.13,2: already unlocked
libXcomposite-0.4.4_3,1: already unlocked
libXcursor-1.1.14_3: already unlocked
libXdamage-1.1.4_3: already unlocked
libXdmcp-1.1.2: already unlocked
libXevie-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
libXext-1.3.3_1,1: already unlocked
libXfixes-5.0.1_3: already unlocked
libXfont-1.5.1,2: already unlocked
libXfontcache-1.0.5_3: already unlocked
libXft-2.3.2_1: already unlocked
libXi-1.7.6,1: already unlocked
libXinerama-1.1.3_3,1: already unlocked
libXmu-1.1.2_3,1: already unlocked
libXp-1.0.3,1: already unlocked
libXpm-3.5.11_4: already unlocked
libXrandr-1.5.0: already unlocked
libXrender-0.9.9: already unlocked
libXres-1.0.7_3: already unlocked
libXt-1.1.5,1: already unlocked
libXtst-1.2.2_3: already unlocked
libXv-1.0.10_3,1: already unlocked
libXvMC-1.0.9: already unlocked
libXxf86dga-1.1.4_3: already unlocked
libXxf86misc-1.0.3_3: already unlocked
libXxf86vm-1.1.4_1: already unlocked
liba52-0.7.4_3: already unlocked
libaacplus-2.0.2_8: already unlocked
libaacs-0.8.0: already unlocked
libabw-0.1.1: already unlocked
libao-1.2.0_2: already unlocked
libarchive-3.1.2_4,1: already unlocked
libass-0.12.1_1: already unlocked
libassuan-2.4.2: already unlocked
libaudiofile-0.3.6_2: already unlocked
libcaca-0.99.b19_1: already unlocked
libcanberra-0.30_3: already unlocked
libcddb-1.3.2_4: already unlocked
libcdio-0.92_1: already unlocked
libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.90+1_1: already unlocked
libcdr01-0.1.1_1: already unlocked
libcmis-0.5.0: already unlocked
libcroco-0.6.8_2: already unlocked
libdaemon-0.14_1: already unlocked
libdbusmenu-qt- already unlocked
libdca-0.0.5_1: already unlocked
libdevq-0.0.2_1: already unlocked
libdmtx-0.7.4_7: already unlocked
libdmx-1.1.3_3: already unlocked
libdrm-2.4.65_1,1: already unlocked
libdvbpsi-1.2.0: already unlocked
libdvdcss-1.3.99: already unlocked
libdvdnav-5.0.3: already unlocked
libdvdread-5.0.3: already unlocked
libe-book-0.1.2_1: already unlocked
libebml-1.3.3: already unlocked
libedit-3.1.20150325_1: already unlocked
libepoxy-1.3.1: already unlocked
liberation-fonts-ttf-2.00.1,2: already unlocked
libetonyek01-0.1.3_1,1: already unlocked
libevent2-2.0.22_1: already unlocked
libexif-0.6.21_4: already unlocked
libexo-0.10.7: already unlocked
libexttextcat-3.4.4: already unlocked
libffi-3.2.1: already unlocked
libfontenc-1.1.3: already unlocked
libfpx- already unlocked
libfreehand-0.1.1: already unlocked
libftdi-0.20_4: already unlocked
libgcrypt-1.6.4_3: already unlocked
libgd-2.1.0_7,1: already unlocked
libglade2-2.6.4_8: already unlocked
libglademm-2.6.7_7: already unlocked
libglapi-11.0.8: already unlocked
libglesv2-11.0.8: already unlocked
libgltf-0.0.2_1: already unlocked
libgnome-keyring-3.12.0_2: already unlocked
libgpg-error-1.20_1: already unlocked
libgphoto2-2.5.9: already unlocked
libgsf-1.14.34: already unlocked
libgtop-2.31.90: already unlocked
libgxps- already unlocked
libical-1.0.1: already unlocked
libiconv-1.14_9: already unlocked
libid3tag-0.15.1b_1: already unlocked
libidn-1.31: already unlocked
libijs-0.35_5: already unlocked
libinotify-20150910: already unlocked
libiodbc-3.52.9_1: already unlocked
libirman-0.4.6: already unlocked
libkate-0.4.1_6: already unlocked
libksba-1.3.3: already unlocked
liblangtag-0.5.8: already unlocked
liblqr-1-0.4.1_8: already unlocked
libltdl-2.4.6: already unlocked
libmad-0.15.1b_6: already unlocked
libmatekbd-1.10.0: already unlocked
libmatemixer-1.10.0_1: already unlocked
libmateweather-1.10.0: already unlocked
libmatroska-1.4.4: already unlocked
libmng-1.0.10_2: already unlocked
libmpeg2-0.5.1_6: already unlocked
libmspack-0.5: already unlocked
libmspub01-0.1.2_1: already unlocked
libmtp-1.1.10: already unlocked
libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0: already unlocked
libmwaw03-0.3.7: already unlocked
libnice-0.1.13: already unlocked
libnice-gst010-0.1.13: already unlocked
libnotify-0.7.6_1: already unlocked
libodfgen01-0.1.5: already unlocked
libogg-1.3.2_1,4: already unlocked
liboldX-1.0.1_3: already unlocked
libopenraw-0.0.9_3: already unlocked
liborcus-0.9.2: already unlocked
liborcus07-0.7.1: already unlocked
libotf-0.9.13_2: already unlocked
libpagemaker-0.0.2: already unlocked
libpaper- already unlocked
libpci-3.4.0: already unlocked
libpciaccess-0.13.4: already unlocked
libproxy-0.4.6: already unlocked
libpthread-stubs-0.3_6: already unlocked
libpurple-2.10.11: already unlocked
libqalculate-0.9.7_5: already unlocked
libqrencode-3.4.4_1: already unlocked
libraw-0.17.1: already unlocked
libreoffice-5.0.4: already unlocked
libressl-devel-2.3.1: already unlocked
librevenge-0.0.3: already unlocked
librsvg2-2.40.12: already unlocked
libsamplerate-0.1.8_6: already unlocked
libsecret-0.18.3: already unlocked
libshout-2.4.1: already unlocked
libsigc++-2.4.1: already unlocked
libslang2-2.3.0: already unlocked
libsndfile-1.0.26: already unlocked
libsoup-2.50.0: already unlocked
libsoup-gnome-2.50.0: already unlocked
libspectre-0.2.7_1: already unlocked
libspiro-0.5.20150702,1: already unlocked
libssh-0.7.2: already unlocked
libssh2-1.6.0_1,2: already unlocked
libstreamanalyzer-0.7.8_5: already unlocked
libstreams-0.7.8_1: already unlocked
libsunacl-1.0: already unlocked
libtasn1-4.7: already unlocked
libtheora-1.1.1_6: already unlocked
libublio-20070103: already unlocked
libunibreak-1.1_3,1: already unlocked
libunicode-0.4_10: already unlocked
libv4l-1.6.3_1: already unlocked
libvdpau-1.1.1: already unlocked
libvisio01-0.1.3: already unlocked
libvolume_id-0.81.1: already unlocked
libvorbis-1.3.5,3: already unlocked
libvpx-1.5.0: already unlocked
libwmf- already unlocked
libwnck-2.30.7_1: already unlocked
libwpd010-0.10.0: already unlocked
libwpg03-0.3.1: already unlocked
libwps-0.4.2: already unlocked
libwps03-0.3.1_1: already unlocked
libwraster-0.95.7_1: already unlocked
libx264-0.144.2533_1: already unlocked
libxcb-1.11.1: already unlocked
libxfce4menu-4.12.1_1: already unlocked
libxfce4util-4.12.1: already unlocked
libxkbcommon-0.5.0_1: already unlocked
libxkbfile-1.0.9: already unlocked
libxkbui-1.0.2_4: already unlocked
libxklavier-5.3_1,1: already unlocked
libxml++-2.34.2_2: already unlocked
libxml2-2.9.3: already unlocked
libxshmfence-1.2: already unlocked
libxslt-1.1.28_8: already unlocked
libxul-38.5.2: already unlocked
libyaml-0.1.6_2: already unlocked
libzip-1.0.1: already unlocked
libzvbi-0.2.35_2: already unlocked
life-preserver-1441050470: already unlocked
lineakd-0.9_4: already unlocked
linux_dvbwrapper-kmod-1.0_1: already unlocked
linuxlibertine-g-20120116_1: already unlocked
lirc-0.9.0_7,1: already unlocked
liveMedia-2014.12.17_1,2: already unlocked
llvm36-3.6.2_2: already unlocked
lp_solve- already unlocked
lua51-5.1.5_9: already unlocked
lua52-5.2.4: already unlocked
luit-1.1.1: already unlocked
lumina-0.8.7_1,1: already unlocked
lzo2-2.09: already unlocked
m17n-db-1.7.0: already unlocked
m17n-lib-1.6.4_6: already unlocked
mDNSResponder-576.30.4: already unlocked
madplay-0.15.2b_5: already unlocked
marco-1.10.2: already unlocked
mate-applets-1.10.3_1: already unlocked
mate-backgrounds-1.10.0: already unlocked
mate-base-1.10.0: already unlocked
mate-control-center-1.10.1: already unlocked
mate-desktop-1.10.2: already unlocked
mate-icon-theme-1.10.1: already unlocked
mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.10.0: already unlocked
mate-media-1.10.0: already unlocked
mate-menus-1.10.0_1: already unlocked
mate-notification-daemon-1.10.1: already unlocked
mate-panel-1.10.1: already unlocked
mate-polkit-1.10.1: already unlocked
mate-power-manager-1.10.2: already unlocked
mate-session-manager-1.10.2_1: already unlocked
mate-settings-daemon-1.10.2: already unlocked
mate-system-monitor-1.10.1: already unlocked
mate-terminal-1.10.1: already unlocked
mate-themes-1.10.4: already unlocked
mate-utils-1.10.3: already unlocked
mc-4.8.15: already unlocked
menumaker-0.99.9: already unlocked
mkfontdir-1.0.7: already unlocked
mkfontscale-1.1.2: already unlocked
mousepad-0.4.0_2: already unlocked
mpage-2.5.6: already unlocked
mpc-1.0.3: already unlocked
mpfr-3.1.3: already unlocked
mtools-4.0.10_4: already unlocked
multiget-1.1.3_10: already unlocked
musepack-2011.08.10: already unlocked
mysql56-client-5.6.27: already unlocked
mysql56-server-5.6.27: already unlocked
mythes-1.2.4: already unlocked
neon-0.30.1: already unlocked
netpbm-10.35.97: already unlocked
nettle-2.7.1: already unlocked
nginx-1.8.0_3,2: already unlocked
normalize-0.7.7_10: already unlocked
noto-1.0.4_1: already unlocked
npth-1.2: already unlocked
nspr-4.11: already unlocked
nss-3.20.2_1: already unlocked
nss_ldap-1.265_12: already unlocked
nss_mdns-0.10_3: already unlocked
ntdb-1.0: already unlocked
numlockx-1.2: already unlocked
obconf-2.0.4_2: already unlocked
obkey-1.0: already unlocked
obmenu-1.0_8: already unlocked
openbox-3.6_1: already unlocked
openbox-themes-1.0.1_5: already unlocked
opencollada- already unlocked
opencv-core-2.4.9_3: already unlocked
openjdk8-8.66.17_1: already unlocked
openjpeg-2.1.1: already unlocked
openjpeg15-1.5.2_1: already unlocked
openldap-client-2.4.43: already unlocked
openntpd-5.7p4_1,2: already unlocked
openslp-2.0.0: already unlocked
opus-1.1.1_1: already unlocked
opusfile-0.6_1: already unlocked
orage-4.12.1_1: already unlocked
orc-0.4.24_1: already unlocked
p11-kit-0.23.2: already unlocked
p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1: already unlocked
p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1: already unlocked
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1: already unlocked
p5-Encode-Locale-1.05: already unlocked
p5-Error-0.17024: already unlocked
p5-File-Listing-6.04_1: already unlocked
p5-GSSAPI-0.28_1: already unlocked
p5-HTML-Parser-3.71_1: already unlocked
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1: already unlocked
p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.01_1: already unlocked
p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.01_1: already unlocked
p5-HTTP-Date-6.02_1: already unlocked
p5-HTTP-Message-6.11: already unlocked
p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1: already unlocked
p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1: already unlocked
p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.37: already unlocked
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.021: already unlocked
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02_1: already unlocked
p5-Mozilla-CA-20141217: already unlocked
p5-Net-HTTP-6.09: already unlocked
p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03: already unlocked
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.72: already unlocked
p5-Socket-2.021: already unlocked
p5-Term-ReadKey-2.32_1: already unlocked
p5-URI-1.69: already unlocked
p5-Unicode-Map8-0.13_1: already unlocked
p5-Unicode-String-2.09_1: already unlocked
p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1: already unlocked
p5-libwww-6.15: already unlocked
p5-perlqt-4.14.3: already unlocked
p5-subversion-1.9.3: already unlocked
p7zip-15.09: already unlocked
pam_kde-1.0: already unlocked
pam_ldap-1.8.6_3: already unlocked
pam_mkhomedir-0.2: already unlocked
pango-1.36.8_2: already unlocked
pangomm-2.36.0: already unlocked
pangox-compat-0.0.2_1: already unlocked
paprefs-0.9.10: already unlocked
pavucontrol-3.0: already unlocked
pbi-manager-1441126851: already unlocked
pcbsd-appweb-1441129621: already unlocked
pcbsd-base-2020151023: already unlocked
pcbsd-libsh-1438351389: already unlocked
pcbsd-meta-mate-1421269030: already unlocked
pcbsd-meta-openbox-1366133527: already unlocked
pcbsd-syscache-1439494375: already unlocked
pcbsd-utils-1448899406: already unlocked
pcbsd-utils-qt5-1451956244: already unlocked
pciids-20151224: already unlocked
pciutils-3.4.0: already unlocked
pcre-8.37_4: already unlocked
perl5-5.20.3_8: already unlocked
phonon-4.8.3: already unlocked
php56-5.6.16: already unlocked
php56-filter-5.6.16: already unlocked
php56-gd-5.6.16: already unlocked
php56-json-5.6.16: already unlocked
php56-session-5.6.16: already unlocked
pidgin-2.10.11: already unlocked
pinentry-0.9.5: already unlocked
pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5: already unlocked
pixman-0.32.8: already unlocked
pkg-1.6.2: already unlocked
pkgconf-0.9.12_1: already unlocked
pl-aspell-6.0.20061121.0_1,1: already unlocked
pluma-1.10.2: already unlocked
png-1.6.20: already unlocked
policykit-0.9_10: already unlocked
policykit-gnome-0.9.2_7: already unlocked
polkit-0.113_1: already unlocked
polkit-qt-0.112.0: already unlocked
poppler-0.34.0: already unlocked
poppler-data-0.4.7: already unlocked
poppler-glib-0.34.0: already unlocked
poppler-qt4-0.34.0: already unlocked
poppler-qt5-0.34.0: already unlocked
poppler-utils-0.34.0: already unlocked
popt-1.16_1: already unlocked
printproto-1.0.5: already unlocked
prison-1.0_1: already unlocked
protobuf-2.6.1: already unlocked
pulseaudio-6.0_2: already unlocked
pwcview-1.4.1_6: already unlocked
py27-Babel-2.1.1: already unlocked
py27-Jinja2-2.8: already unlocked
py27-MarkupSafe-0.23: already unlocked
py27-cairo-1.10.0_2: already unlocked
py27-dbus-1.2.0_1: already unlocked
py27-dnspython-1.12.0: already unlocked
py27-fail2ban-0.9.3_1: already unlocked
py27-gobject-2.28.6_6: already unlocked
py27-gobject3-3.16.2: already unlocked
py27-gstreamer-0.10.22_3: already unlocked
py27-gtk2-2.24.0_4: already unlocked
py27-gtksourceview-2.10.1_2: already unlocked
py27-libturpial-1.7.0: already unlocked
py27-libxml2-2.9.3: already unlocked
py27-notify-0.1.1_11: already unlocked
py27-oauth-1.0.1_2: already unlocked
py27-pillow-2.9.0: already unlocked
py27-pycups-1.9.73: already unlocked
py27-pycurl- already unlocked
py27-pytz-2015.7,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-4.11.4: already unlocked
py27-qt4-assistant-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-core-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-dbus-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-dbussupport-4.11.4_1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-declarative-4.11.4: already unlocked
py27-qt4-demo-4.11.4_1,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-designer-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-designerplugin-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-doc-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-gui-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-help-4.11.4: already unlocked
py27-qt4-multimedia-4.11.4: already unlocked
py27-qt4-network-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-opengl-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-phonon-4.11.4: already unlocked
py27-qt4-qscintilla2-2.9.1,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-script-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-scripttools-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-sql-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-svg-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-test-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-webkit-4.11.4: already unlocked
py27-qt4-xml-4.11.4,1: already unlocked
py27-qt4-xmlpatterns-4.11.4: already unlocked
py27-requests-2.8.1: already unlocked
py27-setproctitle-1.1.9: already unlocked
py27-setuptools27-19.2: already unlocked
py27-simplejson-3.8.1: already unlocked
py27-sip-4.17,1: already unlocked
py27-sqlite3-2.7.11_7: already unlocked
py27-tkinter-2.7.11_6: already unlocked
py27-xdg-0.25: already unlocked
pydbus-common-1.2.0_1: already unlocked
pygobject3-common-3.16.2: already unlocked
pysolfc-2.0_6: already unlocked
python-2.7_2,2: already unlocked
python2-2_3: already unlocked
python27-2.7.11: already unlocked
q4wine-1.1.r2_3: already unlocked
qca-2.1.1: already unlocked
qcomicbook-0.9.0_6: already unlocked
qimageblitz-0.0.6_2: already unlocked
qjson-0.8.1: already unlocked
qoauth-1.0.1_1: already unlocked
qorganizer-3.1_4: already unlocked
qpdf-5.1.2_1: already unlocked
qscintilla2-2.9.1,1: already unlocked
qt4-assistant-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-clucene-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-corelib-4.8.7_1: already unlocked
qt4-dbus-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-declarative-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-designer-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-doc-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-gui-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-help-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-iconengines-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-imageformats-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-inputmethods-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-libQtAssistantClient-4.6.3_1: already unlocked
qt4-multimedia-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-mysql-plugin-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-network-4.8.7_1: already unlocked
qt4-opengl-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-qdbusviewer-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-qt3support-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-script-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-scripttools-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-sql-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-style-qtcurve-1.8.18: already unlocked
qt4-svg-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-testlib-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-webkit-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-xml-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.7: already unlocked
qt5-assistant-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-buildtools-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-clucene-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-concurrent-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-core-5.4.1_2: already unlocked
qt5-dbus-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-gui-5.4.1_3: already unlocked
qt5-help-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-imageformats-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-linguist-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-linguisttools-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-multimedia-5.4.1_1: already unlocked
qt5-network-5.4.1_1: already unlocked
qt5-opengl-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-printsupport-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-qmake-5.4.1_4: already unlocked
qt5-qml-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-quick-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-sql-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-svg-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-testlib-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-webkit-5.4.1_2: already unlocked
qt5-widgets-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-x11extras-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-xml-5.4.1: already unlocked
qt5-xmlpatterns-5.4.1: already unlocked
qtcurve-utils-1.8.18: already unlocked
quazip-0.7.1: already unlocked
qwt5-5.2.3: already unlocked
qzeitgeist-0.8.0_2: already unlocked
randrproto-1.5.0: already unlocked
raptor2-2.0.15_1: already unlocked
rar-5.2.1,3: already unlocked
rarian-0.8.1_4: already unlocked
rasqal-0.9.33: already unlocked
rdesktop-1.8.3: already unlocked
recode-3.6_12: already unlocked
recordproto-1.14.2: already unlocked
redland-1.0.17_4: already unlocked
renderproto-0.11.1: already unlocked
ristretto-0.8.0: already unlocked
rpm2cpio-1.4_1: already unlocked
rpm4- already unlocked
rsync-3.1.2_1: already unlocked
ru-aspell-0.99.f7.1_1,2: already unlocked
ruby-,1: already unlocked
ruby20-qtruby-4.14.3_1: already unlocked
samba36-libsmbclient-3.6.25_2: already unlocked
samba41-4.1.22: already unlocked
sane-backends-1.0.25: already unlocked
schroedinger-1.0.11_4: already unlocked
scrnsaverproto-1.2.2: already unlocked
sdl-1.2.15_7,2: already unlocked
sdocbook-xml-1.1_1,2: already unlocked
serf-1.3.8_1: already unlocked
sessreg-1.1.0: already unlocked
setxkbmap-1.3.1: already unlocked
shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0: already unlocked
shared-mime-info-1.5: already unlocked
sipcalc-1.1.6: already unlocked
smartmontools-6.4_1: already unlocked
smokegen-4.14.3: already unlocked
smokeqt-4.14.3_1: already unlocked
smproxy-1.0.6: already unlocked
socat- already unlocked
soprano-2.9.4_1: already unlocked
soundtouch-1.9.2: already unlocked
sox-14.4.2: already unlocked
speex-1.2.r2,1: already unlocked
speexdsp-1.2.r3_1: already unlocked
spidermonkey170-17.0.0_1: already unlocked
splix-2.0.0_6: already unlocked
sqlite3-3.9.2: already unlocked
startup-notification-0.12_4: already unlocked
stunnel-5.28,1: already unlocked
subversion-1.9.3_1: already unlocked
sudo-1.8.15: already unlocked
svgalib-1.4.3_7: already unlocked
system-config-printer-1.4.7_2: already unlocked
t1lib-5.1.2_4,1: already unlocked
taglib-1.9.1_2: already unlocked
talloc-2.1.5: already unlocked
tcl84-8.4.20_2,1: already unlocked
tcl85-8.5.18_1: already unlocked
tcl86-8.6.4: already unlocked
tdb-1.3.8,1: already unlocked
tevent-0.9.26: already unlocked
tidy-lib-090315.c_3: already unlocked
tiff-4.0.6: already unlocked
tk84-8.4.20,2: already unlocked
tk85-8.5.18: already unlocked
tk86-8.6.4: already unlocked
tor- already unlocked
transcode-1.1.7_25: already unlocked
trapproto-3.4.3: already unlocked
trousers-tddl-0.3.10_7: already unlocked
turpial-3.0_2: already unlocked
twm-1.0.9: already unlocked
twolame-0.3.13_4: already unlocked
uk-aspell-,2: already unlocked
unique-1.1.6_6: already unlocked
unrar-5.30,5: already unlocked
unzip-6.0_6: already unlocked
upower-0.99.3: already unlocked
vi-aspell-,2: already unlocked
videoproto-2.3.2: already unlocked
vlc-2.2.1_6,4: already unlocked
volman-0.7_2: already unlocked
vorbis-tools-1.4.0_10,3: already unlocked
vte-0.28.2_2: already unlocked
warden-1438351389: already unlocked
webcamd- already unlocked
webkit-gtk2-2.4.9: already unlocked
webp-0.4.4_1: already unlocked
wget-1.16.3: already unlocked
windowmaker-0.95.7_1: already unlocked
wmakerconf-2.12_11: already unlocked
wmicons-1.0_2: already unlocked
wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1: already unlocked
wx28-gtk2-2.8.12_6: already unlocked
wx28-gtk2-common-2.8.12_6: already unlocked
wxdfast-0.6.0_9: already unlocked
x11perf-1.6.0: already unlocked
x11vnc-0.9.13_2: already unlocked
xapian-core-1.2.21,1: already unlocked
xarchiver-0.5.4_1: already unlocked
xauth-1.0.9_1: already unlocked
xbacklight-1.2.1_1: already unlocked
xbitmaps-1.1.1: already unlocked
xbrightness-0.3: already unlocked
xcalc-1.0.6_2: already unlocked
xcb-util-0.4.0_1,1: already unlocked
xcb-util-image-0.4.0_1: already unlocked
xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0_1: already unlocked
xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1: already unlocked
xcb-util-wm-0.4.1_3: already unlocked
xclock-1.0.7_1: already unlocked
xcmsdb-1.0.5: already unlocked
xconsole-1.0.6_1: already unlocked
xcursor-themes-1.0.4_1: already unlocked
xcursorgen-1.0.6_1: already unlocked
xdg-utils- already unlocked
xdpyinfo-1.3.2: already unlocked
xdriinfo-1.0.5: already unlocked
xev-1.2.2: already unlocked
xextproto-7.3.0: already unlocked
xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1: already unlocked
xf86-input-mouse-1.9.1_1: already unlocked
xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.2_1: already unlocked
xf86-video-ati-7.5.0_3: already unlocked
xf86-video-intel-2.21.15_9: already unlocked
xf86-video-mach64-6.9.5: already unlocked
xf86-video-nv-2.1.20_7: already unlocked
xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.3_6: already unlocked
xf86-video-r128-6.10.0: already unlocked
xf86-video-scfb-0.0.4_3: already unlocked
xf86-video-vesa-2.3.4: already unlocked
xf86dga-1.0.3_1: already unlocked
xf86dgaproto-2.1: already unlocked
xf86miscproto-0.9.3: already unlocked
xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1: already unlocked
xfce-4.12_1: already unlocked
xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0: already unlocked
xfce4-conf-4.12.0: already unlocked
xfce4-desktop-4.12.3: already unlocked
xfce4-dict-plugin-0.7.1: already unlocked
xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_5: already unlocked
xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1: already unlocked
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.2_2: already unlocked
xfce4-session-4.12.1_2: already unlocked
xfce4-settings-4.12.0_1: already unlocked
xfce4-terminal-0.6.3_2: already unlocked
xfce4-tumbler-0.1.31_1: already unlocked
xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.6_2: already unlocked
xfce4-wm-4.12.3: already unlocked
xgamma-1.0.6: already unlocked
xgc-1.0.5: already unlocked
xhost-1.0.7: already unlocked
xineramaproto-1.2.1: already unlocked
xinit-1.3.4,1: already unlocked
xinput-1.6.2: already unlocked
xkbcomp-1.3.1: already unlocked
xkbevd-1.1.4: already unlocked
xkbutils-1.0.4: already unlocked
xkeyboard-config-2.16: already unlocked
xkill-1.0.4: already unlocked
xlsatoms-1.1.2: already unlocked
xlsclients-1.1.3: already unlocked
xmessage-1.0.4: already unlocked
xmlcatmgr-2.2_2: already unlocked
xmlcharent-0.3_2: already unlocked
xmodmap-1.0.9: already unlocked
xorg-7.7_2: already unlocked
xorg-apps-7.7_2: already unlocked
xorg-docs-1.7.1,1: already unlocked
xorg-drivers-7.7_3: already unlocked
xorg-fonts-7.7_1: already unlocked
xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.7: already unlocked
xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.7: already unlocked
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.7: already unlocked
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.7: already unlocked
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1: already unlocked
xorg-fonts-type1-7.7: already unlocked
xorg-libraries-7.7_2: already unlocked
xorg-server-1.17.4,1: already unlocked
xpr-1.0.4: already unlocked
xprop-1.2.2: already unlocked
xproto-7.0.28: already unlocked
xrandr-1.4.3: already unlocked
xrdb-1.1.0: already unlocked
xrefresh-1.0.5: already unlocked
xsane-0.999_5: already unlocked
xscreensaver-5.34: already unlocked
xset-1.2.3_1: already unlocked
xsetmode-1.0.0: already unlocked
xsetroot-1.1.1: already unlocked
xterm-320: already unlocked
xtrans-1.3.5: already unlocked
xv-3.10a_16: already unlocked
xvid-1.3.4,1: already unlocked
xvinfo-1.1.3: already unlocked
xvkbd-3.7: already unlocked
xwd-1.0.6: already unlocked
xwininfo-1.1.3_1: already unlocked
xwud-1.0.4: already unlocked
yajl-2.1.0: already unlocked
zenity-3.16.3: already unlocked
zh-ibus-chewing-1.4.14: already unlocked
zh-ibus-pinyin-1.5.0_1: already unlocked
zh-libchewing-0.4.0_1: already unlocked
zh-pyzy-0.1.0_1: already unlocked
zip-3.0_1: already unlocked
Running: chroot /.updateStage pkg delete -ay
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 992 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:

The operation will free 6 GiB.
[1/992] Deinstalling es-libreoffice-5.0.4...
[1/992] Deleting files for es-libreoffice-5.0.4: .......... done
[2/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-base-2020151023...
[3/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-meta-mate-1421269030...
[4/992] Deinstalling xfce-4.12_1...
[5/992] Deinstalling atril-1.10.2...
[5/992] Deleting files for atril-1.10.2: .......... done
[6/992] Deinstalling engrampa-1.10.1...
[6/992] Deleting files for engrampa-1.10.1: .......... done
[7/992] Deinstalling libreoffice-5.0.4...
[7/992] Deleting files for libreoffice-5.0.4: .......... done
Unknown media type in type 'all/all'
Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu'
[8/992] Deinstalling mate-base-1.10.0...
[9/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-4.11.4...
[10/992] Deinstalling xfce4-desktop-4.12.3...
[10/992] Deleting files for xfce4-desktop-4.12.3: .......... done
[11/992] Deinstalling xsane-0.999_5...
[11/992] Deleting files for xsane-0.999_5: .......... done
[12/992] Deinstalling Thunar-1.6.10_1...
[12/992] Deleting files for Thunar-1.6.10_1: .......... done
[13/992] Deinstalling caja-1.10.3...
[13/992] Deleting files for caja-1.10.3: .......... done
Unknown media type in type 'all/all'
Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu'
[14/992] Deinstalling gimp-app-2.8.16,1...
[14/992] Deleting files for gimp-app-2.8.16,1: .......... done
[15/992] Deinstalling ibus-m17n-1.3.3_5...
[15/992] Deleting files for ibus-m17n-1.3.3_5: .......... done
[16/992] Deinstalling ibus-qt-1.3.3_1...
[16/992] Deleting files for ibus-qt-1.3.3_1: .......... done
[17/992] Deinstalling ibus-table-1.5.0_1...
[17/992] Deleting files for ibus-table-1.5.0_1: .......... done
[18/992] Deinstalling ja-ibus-mozc-2.17.2106.102...
[18/992] Deleting files for ja-ibus-mozc-2.17.2106.102: .......... done
[19/992] Deinstalling kdelibs-4.14.3_4...
[19/992] Deleting files for kdelibs-4.14.3_4: .......... done
[20/992] Deinstalling orage-4.12.1_1...
[20/992] Deleting files for orage-4.12.1_1: .......... done
[21/992] Deinstalling pluma-1.10.2...
[21/992] Deleting files for pluma-1.10.2: .......... done
[22/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-demo-4.11.4_1,1...
[22/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-demo-4.11.4_1,1: .......... done
[23/992] Deinstalling qoauth-1.0.1_1...
[23/992] Deleting files for qoauth-1.0.1_1: .......... done
[24/992] Deinstalling xfce4-dict-plugin-0.7.1...
[24/992] Deleting files for xfce4-dict-plugin-0.7.1: .......... done
[25/992] Deinstalling xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_5...
[25/992] Deleting files for xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_5: .......... done
[26/992] Deinstalling xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.2_2...
[26/992] Deleting files for xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.2_2: .......... done
[27/992] Deinstalling xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.6_2...
[27/992] Deleting files for xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.6_2: .......... done
[28/992] Deinstalling zh-ibus-chewing-1.4.14...
[28/992] Deleting files for zh-ibus-chewing-1.4.14: .......... done
[29/992] Deinstalling zh-ibus-pinyin-1.5.0_1...
[29/992] Deleting files for zh-ibus-pinyin-1.5.0_1: .......... done
[30/992] Deinstalling gpgme-1.6.0...
[30/992] Deleting files for gpgme-1.6.0: .......... done
[31/992] Deinstalling gvfs-1.24.2...
[31/992] Deleting files for gvfs-1.24.2: .......... done
[32/992] Deinstalling ibus-1.5.11...
[32/992] Deleting files for ibus-1.5.11: .......... done
[33/992] Deinstalling lumina-0.8.7_1,1...
[33/992] Deleting files for lumina-0.8.7_1,1: .........
lumina-0.8.7_1,1: missing file /usr/local/share/xsessions/Lumina-DE.desktop
[33/992] Deleting files for lumina-0.8.7_1,1... done
[34/992] Deinstalling mate-control-center-1.10.1...
[34/992] Deleting files for mate-control-center-1.10.1: .
pkg: /usr/local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache different from original checksum, not removing
[34/992] Deleting files for mate-control-center-1.10.1............ done
[35/992] Deinstalling mate-power-manager-1.10.2...
[35/992] Deleting files for mate-power-manager-1.10.2: .......... done
[36/992] Deinstalling mate-themes-1.10.4...
[36/992] Deleting files for mate-themes-1.10.4: .......... done
[37/992] Deinstalling multiget-1.1.3_10...
[37/992] Deleting files for multiget-1.1.3_10: ... done
[38/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-meta-openbox-1366133527...
[39/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-utils-qt5-1451956244...
[39/992] Deleting files for pcbsd-utils-qt5-1451956244: .......... done
[40/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-designerplugin-4.11.4,1...
[40/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-designerplugin-4.11.4,1: . done
[41/992] Deinstalling qca-2.1.1...
[41/992] Deleting files for qca-2.1.1: .......... done
[42/992] Deinstalling turpial-3.0_2...
[42/992] Deleting files for turpial-3.0_2: .......... done
[43/992] Deinstalling wxdfast-0.6.0_9...
[43/992] Deleting files for wxdfast-0.6.0_9: .......... done
[44/992] Deinstalling xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0...
[44/992] Deleting files for xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0: .......... done
[45/992] Deinstalling xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1...
[45/992] Deleting files for xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1: ...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/xfce4-panel-menu.png different from original checksum, not removing
[45/992] Deleting files for xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/xfce4-panel-menu.png different from original checksum, not removing
[45/992] Deleting files for xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/xfce4-panel-menu.png different from original checksum, not removing
[45/992] Deleting files for xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/xfce4-panel-menu.png different from original checksum, not removing
[45/992] Deleting files for xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce4-panel-menu.png different from original checksum, not removing
[45/992] Deleting files for xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1......... done
[46/992] Deinstalling xfce4-settings-4.12.0_1...
[46/992] Deleting files for xfce4-settings-4.12.0_1: .......... done
[47/992] Deinstalling garcon-0.4.0_1...
[47/992] Deleting files for garcon-0.4.0_1: .......... done
[48/992] Deinstalling gnome-keyring-3.16.0...
[48/992] Deleting files for gnome-keyring-3.16.0: .......... done
[49/992] Deinstalling gnome-mount-0.8_12...
[49/992] Deleting files for gnome-mount-0.8_12: .......... done
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/gnome-mount.schemas"
Falló al abrir «/usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/gnome-mount.schemas»: No such file or directory
[50/992] Deinstalling gnupg-2.1.8...
[50/992] Deleting files for gnupg-2.1.8: .......... done
[51/992] Deinstalling libexo-0.10.7...
[51/992] Deleting files for libexo-0.10.7: .......... done
[52/992] Deinstalling marco-1.10.2...
[52/992] Deleting files for marco-1.10.2: .......... done
[53/992] Deinstalling mate-applets-1.10.3_1...
[53/992] Deleting files for mate-applets-1.10.3_1: .......... done
[54/992] Deinstalling mate-media-1.10.0...
[54/992] Deleting files for mate-media-1.10.0: .......... done
[55/992] Deinstalling mate-utils-1.10.3...
[55/992] Deleting files for mate-utils-1.10.3: .......... done
[56/992] Deinstalling mousepad-0.4.0_2...
[56/992] Deleting files for mousepad-0.4.0_2: .......... done
[57/992] Deinstalling obkey-1.0...
[57/992] Deleting files for obkey-1.0: .......... done
[58/992] Deinstalling obmenu-1.0_8...
[58/992] Deleting files for obmenu-1.0_8: .......... done
[59/992] Deinstalling paprefs-0.9.10...
[59/992] Deleting files for paprefs-0.9.10: .......... done
[60/992] Deinstalling pidgin-2.10.11...
[60/992] Deleting files for pidgin-2.10.11: .......... done
[61/992] Deinstalling py27-gtksourceview-2.10.1_2...
[61/992] Deleting files for py27-gtksourceview-2.10.1_2: .... done
[62/992] Deinstalling py27-notify-0.1.1_11...
[62/992] Deleting files for py27-notify-0.1.1_11: .......... done
[63/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-assistant-4.11.4,1...
[63/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-assistant-4.11.4,1: .... done
[64/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-declarative-4.11.4...
[64/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-declarative-4.11.4: .......... done
[65/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-designer-4.11.4,1...
[65/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-designer-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[66/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-help-4.11.4...
[66/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-help-4.11.4: .......... done
[67/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-multimedia-4.11.4...
[67/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-multimedia-4.11.4: .......... done
[68/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-opengl-4.11.4,1...
[68/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-opengl-4.11.4,1: ......... done
[69/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-qscintilla2-2.9.1,1...
[69/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-qscintilla2-2.9.1,1: .......... done
[70/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-sql-4.11.4,1...
[70/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-sql-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[71/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-svg-4.11.4,1...
[71/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-svg-4.11.4,1: ....... done
[72/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-test-4.11.4,1...
[72/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-test-4.11.4,1: ....... done
[73/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-webkit-4.11.4...
[73/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-webkit-4.11.4: .......... done
[74/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-xmlpatterns-4.11.4...
[74/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-xmlpatterns-4.11.4: .......... done
[75/992] Deinstalling qt5-linguist-5.4.1...
[75/992] Deleting files for qt5-linguist-5.4.1: .......... done
[76/992] Deinstalling ristretto-0.8.0...
[76/992] Deleting files for ristretto-0.8.0: .......... done
[77/992] Deinstalling system-config-printer-1.4.7_2...
[77/992] Deleting files for system-config-printer-1.4.7_2: .
pkg: /usr/local/share/applications/system-config-printer.desktop different from original checksum, not removing
[77/992] Deleting files for system-config-printer-1.4.7_2............ done
[78/992] Deinstalling wmakerconf-2.12_11...
[78/992] Deleting files for wmakerconf-2.12_11: .......... done
[79/992] Deinstalling wx28-gtk2-2.8.12_6...
[79/992] Deleting files for wx28-gtk2-2.8.12_6: .......... done
[80/992] Deinstalling xfce4-session-4.12.1_2...
[80/992] Deleting files for xfce4-session-4.12.1_2: .........
xfce4-session-4.12.1_2: missing file /usr/local/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop
[80/992] Deleting files for xfce4-session-4.12.1_2... done
[81/992] Deinstalling xfce4-terminal-0.6.3_2...
[81/992] Deleting files for xfce4-terminal-0.6.3_2: .......... done
[82/992] Deinstalling xfce4-wm-4.12.3...
[82/992] Deleting files for xfce4-wm-4.12.3: .......... done
[83/992] Deinstalling freetuxtv-0.6.6...
[83/992] Deleting files for freetuxtv-0.6.6: .......... done
[84/992] Deinstalling gconfmm-2.28.2_3...
[84/992] Deleting files for gconfmm-2.28.2_3: .......... done
[85/992] Deinstalling gcr-3.16.0...
[85/992] Deleting files for gcr-3.16.0: .......... done
[86/992] Deinstalling gsmartcontrol-0.8.7_4...
[86/992] Deleting files for gsmartcontrol-0.8.7_4:
pkg: /usr/local/bin/gsmartcontrol-root different from original checksum, not removing
[86/992] Deleting files for gsmartcontrol-0.8.7_4............. done
[87/992] Deinstalling gtksourceview2-2.10.5_4...
[87/992] Deleting files for gtksourceview2-2.10.5_4: .......... done
[88/992] Deinstalling gucharmap-3.16.2...
[88/992] Deleting files for gucharmap-3.16.2: .......... done
[89/992] Deinstalling icedtea-web-1.5.2...
[89/992] Deleting files for icedtea-web-1.5.2: .......... done
[90/992] Deinstalling libglademm-2.6.7_7...
[90/992] Deleting files for libglademm-2.6.7_7: .......... done
[91/992] Deinstalling libpurple-2.10.11...
[91/992] Deleting files for libpurple-2.10.11: .......... done
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/purple.schemas"
Falló al abrir «/usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/purple.schemas»: No such file or directory
[92/992] Deinstalling libxfce4menu-4.12.1_1...
[92/992] Deleting files for libxfce4menu-4.12.1_1: .......... done
[93/992] Deinstalling mate-notification-daemon-1.10.1...
[93/992] Deleting files for mate-notification-daemon-1.10.1: .......... done
[94/992] Deinstalling mate-panel-1.10.1...
[94/992] Deleting files for mate-panel-1.10.1: .......... done
[95/992] Deinstalling mate-session-manager-1.10.2_1...
[95/992] Deleting files for mate-session-manager-1.10.2_1: .........
mate-session-manager-1.10.2_1: missing file /usr/local/share/xsessions/mate.desktop
[95/992] Deleting files for mate-session-manager-1.10.2_1... done
[96/992] Deinstalling mate-settings-daemon-1.10.2...
[96/992] Deleting files for mate-settings-daemon-1.10.2: .......... done
[97/992] Deinstalling mate-system-monitor-1.10.1...
[97/992] Deleting files for mate-system-monitor-1.10.1: .......... done
[98/992] Deinstalling mate-terminal-1.10.1...
[98/992] Deleting files for mate-terminal-1.10.1: .......... done
[99/992] Deinstalling obconf-2.0.4_2...
[99/992] Deleting files for obconf-2.0.4_2: .......... done
[100/992] Deinstalling p5-perlqt-4.14.3...
[100/992] Deleting files for p5-perlqt-4.14.3: .......... done
[101/992] Deinstalling pavucontrol-3.0...
[101/992] Deleting files for pavucontrol-3.0: .......... done
[102/992] Deinstalling pinentry-0.9.5...
[102/992] Deleting files for pinentry-0.9.5: .. done
[103/992] Deinstalling policykit-gnome-0.9.2_7...
[103/992] Deleting files for policykit-gnome-0.9.2_7: .......... done
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/polkit-gnome.schemas"
Falló al abrir «/usr/local/etc/gconf/schemas/polkit-gnome.schemas»: No such file or directory
[104/992] Deinstalling prison-1.0_1...
[104/992] Deleting files for prison-1.0_1: .......... done
[105/992] Deinstalling py27-gtk2-2.24.0_4...
[105/992] Deleting files for py27-gtk2-2.24.0_4: .......... done
[106/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-dbus-4.11.4,1...
[106/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-dbus-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[107/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-gui-4.11.4,1...
[107/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-gui-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[108/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-network-4.11.4,1...
[108/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-network-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[109/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-phonon-4.11.4...
[109/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-phonon-4.11.4: .......... done
[110/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-script-4.11.4,1...
[110/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-script-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[111/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-scripttools-4.11.4,1...
[111/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-scripttools-4.11.4,1: .... done
[112/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-xml-4.11.4,1...
[112/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-xml-4.11.4,1: ........ done
[113/992] Deinstalling qt5-assistant-5.4.1...
[113/992] Deleting files for qt5-assistant-5.4.1: ...... done
[114/992] Deinstalling ruby20-qtruby-4.14.3_1...
[114/992] Deleting files for ruby20-qtruby-4.14.3_1: .......... done
[115/992] Deinstalling windowmaker-0.95.7_1...
[115/992] Deleting files for windowmaker-0.95.7_1: ..
pkg: /usr/local/etc/WindowMaker/WMRootMenu different from original checksum, not removing
[115/992] Deleting files for windowmaker-0.95.7_1...
pkg: /usr/local/etc/WindowMaker/WindowMaker different from original checksum, not removing
[115/992] Deleting files for windowmaker-0.95.7_1........... done
[116/992] Deinstalling wx28-gtk2-common-2.8.12_6...
[116/992] Deleting files for wx28-gtk2-common-2.8.12_6: .......... done
[117/992] Deinstalling xscreensaver-5.34...
[117/992] Deleting files for xscreensaver-5.34: .......... done
[118/992] Deinstalling zenity-3.16.3...
[118/992] Deleting files for zenity-3.16.3: .......... done
[119/992] Deinstalling cups-pdf-2.6.1_2...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf if it is no longer needed.
[119/992] Deleting files for cups-pdf-2.6.1_2: ....... done
[120/992] Deinstalling farsight2-0.0.31_3...
[120/992] Deleting files for farsight2-0.0.31_3: .......... done
[121/992] Deinstalling firefox-43.0.3_1,1...
rmdir: /usr/local/lib/firefox: Directory not empty
[121/992] Deleting files for firefox-43.0.3_1,1: .......... done
[122/992] Deinstalling gconf2-3.2.6_4...
[122/992] Deleting files for gconf2-3.2.6_4: .......... done
[123/992] Deinstalling gtk-engines2-2.20.2_2...
[123/992] Deleting files for gtk-engines2-2.20.2_2: .......... done
[124/992] Deinstalling gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2_4...
[124/992] Deleting files for gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2_4: .. done
[125/992] Deinstalling gtk-theme-switch-2.0.0.r2_5...
[125/992] Deleting files for gtk-theme-switch-2.0.0.r2_5: .. done
[126/992] Deinstalling gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0...
[126/992] Deleting files for gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0: .......... done
[127/992] Deinstalling gtk2-qtcurve-theme-1.8.18...
[127/992] Deleting files for gtk2-qtcurve-theme-1.8.18: .......... done
[128/992] Deinstalling gtk3-3.16.7_1...
[128/992] Deleting files for gtk3-3.16.7_1: .......... done
[129/992] Deinstalling gtkmm24-2.24.4_2...
[129/992] Deleting files for gtkmm24-2.24.4_2: .......... done
[130/992] Deinstalling gtkspell-2.0.16_5...
[130/992] Deleting files for gtkspell-2.0.16_5: .......... done
[131/992] Deinstalling ja-mozc-tool-2.17.2106.102...
[131/992] Deleting files for ja-mozc-tool-2.17.2106.102: ....... done
[132/992] Deinstalling libcanberra-0.30_3...
[132/992] Deleting files for libcanberra-0.30_3: .......... done
[133/992] Deinstalling libdmtx-0.7.4_7...
[133/992] Deleting files for libdmtx-0.7.4_7: ....... done
[134/992] Deinstalling libglade2-2.6.4_8...
[134/992] Deleting files for libglade2-2.6.4_8: .......... done
[135/992] Deinstalling libmatekbd-1.10.0...
[135/992] Deleting files for libmatekbd-1.10.0: .......... done
[136/992] Deinstalling libmateweather-1.10.0...
[136/992] Deleting files for libmateweather-1.10.0: .......... done
[137/992] Deinstalling libwnck-2.30.7_1...
[137/992] Deleting files for libwnck-2.30.7_1: .......... done
[138/992] Deinstalling libwraster-0.95.7_1...
[138/992] Deleting files for libwraster-0.95.7_1: .......... done
[139/992] Deinstalling libxul-38.5.2...
rmdir: /usr/local/lib/libxul/chrome: Directory not empty
rmdir: /usr/local/lib/libxul: Directory not empty
[139/992] Deleting files for libxul-38.5.2: .......... done
[140/992] Deinstalling mate-desktop-1.10.2...
[140/992] Deleting files for mate-desktop-1.10.2: .......... done
[141/992] Deinstalling mate-polkit-1.10.1...
[141/992] Deleting files for mate-polkit-1.10.1: .......... done
[142/992] Deinstalling openbox-themes-1.0.1_5...
[142/992] Deleting files for openbox-themes-1.0.1_5: .......... done
[143/992] Deinstalling pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5...
[143/992] Deleting files for pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5: . done
[144/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-core-4.11.4,1...
[144/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-core-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[145/992] Deinstalling qt5-multimedia-5.4.1_1...
[145/992] Deleting files for qt5-multimedia-5.4.1_1: .......... done
[146/992] Deinstalling qt5-webkit-5.4.1_2...
[146/992] Deleting files for qt5-webkit-5.4.1_2: .......... done
[147/992] Deinstalling smokeqt-4.14.3_1...
[147/992] Deleting files for smokeqt-4.14.3_1: .......... done
[148/992] Deinstalling unique-1.1.6_6...
[148/992] Deleting files for unique-1.1.6_6: .......... done
[149/992] Deinstalling vlc-2.2.1_6,4...
[149/992] Deleting files for vlc-2.2.1_6,4: .......... done
[150/992] Deinstalling vte-0.28.2_2...
[150/992] Deleting files for vte-0.28.2_2: .......... done
[151/992] Deinstalling webkit-gtk2-2.4.9...
[151/992] Deleting files for webkit-gtk2-2.4.9: .......... done
[152/992] Deinstalling xarchiver-0.5.4_1...
[152/992] Deleting files for xarchiver-0.5.4_1: .......... done
[153/992] Deinstalling xfce4-conf-4.12.0...
[153/992] Deleting files for xfce4-conf-4.12.0: .......... done
[154/992] Deinstalling ImageMagick-,1...
[154/992] Deleting files for ImageMagick-,1: .......... done
[155/992] Deinstalling adwaita-icon-theme-
[155/992] Deleting files for adwaita-icon-theme- .......... done
[156/992] Deinstalling cups-base-2.0.3_3...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/cups/cupsd.conf if it is no longer needed.
==> You should manually remove the "cups" user.
[156/992] Deleting files for cups-base-2.0.3_3: .
cups-base-2.0.3_3: missing file /usr/local/share/applications/cups.desktop
[156/992] Deleting files for cups-base-2.0.3_3............ done
[157/992] Deinstalling cups-filters-1.5.0...
[157/992] Deleting files for cups-filters-1.5.0: .......... done
[158/992] Deinstalling gegl-0.2.0_14...
[158/992] Deleting files for gegl-0.2.0_14: .......... done
[159/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_13...
[159/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_13: . done
[160/992] Deinstalling gtk2-2.24.29...
[160/992] Deleting files for gtk2-2.24.29: .......... done
[161/992] Deinstalling mate-icon-theme-1.10.1...
[161/992] Deleting files for mate-icon-theme-1.10.1: .......... done
[162/992] Deinstalling mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.10.0...
[162/992] Deleting files for mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.10.0: .......... done
[163/992] Deinstalling openbox-3.6_1...
[163/992] Deleting files for openbox-3.6_1: .......... done
[164/992] Deinstalling poppler-qt5-0.34.0...
[164/992] Deleting files for poppler-qt5-0.34.0: .......... done
[165/992] Deinstalling q4wine-1.1.r2_3...
[165/992] Deleting files for q4wine-1.1.r2_3: .......... done
[166/992] Deinstalling qscintilla2-2.9.1,1...
[166/992] Deleting files for qscintilla2-2.9.1,1: .......... done
[167/992] Deinstalling qt5-help-5.4.1...
[167/992] Deleting files for qt5-help-5.4.1: .......... done
[168/992] Deinstalling qt5-opengl-5.4.1...
[168/992] Deleting files for qt5-opengl-5.4.1: .......... done
[169/992] Deinstalling qt5-printsupport-5.4.1...
[169/992] Deleting files for qt5-printsupport-5.4.1: .......... done
[170/992] Deinstalling qt5-quick-5.4.1...
[170/992] Deleting files for qt5-quick-5.4.1: .......... done
[171/992] Deinstalling qt5-svg-5.4.1...
[171/992] Deleting files for qt5-svg-5.4.1: .......... done
[172/992] Deinstalling qt5-x11extras-5.4.1...
[172/992] Deleting files for qt5-x11extras-5.4.1: .......... done
[173/992] Deinstalling xfce4-tumbler-0.1.31_1...
[173/992] Deleting files for xfce4-tumbler-0.1.31_1: .......... done
[174/992] Deinstalling xorg-7.7_2...
[175/992] Deinstalling graphviz-2.38.0_10...
[175/992] Deleting files for graphviz-2.38.0_10: .......... done
[176/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.36_2,3...
[176/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.36_2,3: .. done
[177/992] Deinstalling gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.29...
[177/992] Deleting files for gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.29: .... done
[178/992] Deinstalling librsvg2-2.40.12...
[178/992] Deleting files for librsvg2-2.40.12: .......... done
[179/992] Deinstalling pangomm-2.36.0...
[179/992] Deleting files for pangomm-2.36.0: .......... done
[180/992] Deinstalling pangox-compat-0.0.2_1...
[180/992] Deleting files for pangox-compat-0.0.2_1: ....... done
[181/992] Deinstalling poppler-utils-0.34.0...
[181/992] Deleting files for poppler-utils-0.34.0: .......... done
[182/992] Deinstalling py27-gstreamer-0.10.22_3...
[182/992] Deleting files for py27-gstreamer-0.10.22_3: .......... done
[183/992] Deinstalling qcomicbook-0.9.0_6...
[183/992] Deleting files for qcomicbook-0.9.0_6: .......... done
[184/992] Deinstalling qt4-designer-4.8.7...
[184/992] Deleting files for qt4-designer-4.8.7: .......... done
[185/992] Deinstalling qt5-imageformats-5.4.1...
[185/992] Deleting files for qt5-imageformats-5.4.1: .......... done
[186/992] Deinstalling qt5-widgets-5.4.1...
[186/992] Deleting files for qt5-widgets-5.4.1: .......... done
[187/992] Deinstalling xorg-drivers-7.7_3...
[188/992] Deinstalling gstreamer1-libav-1.6.0...
[188/992] Deleting files for gstreamer1-libav-1.6.0: .......... done
[189/992] Deinstalling libass-0.12.1_1...
[189/992] Deleting files for libass-0.12.1_1: .......... done
[190/992] Deinstalling libstreamanalyzer-0.7.8_5...
[190/992] Deleting files for libstreamanalyzer-0.7.8_5: .......... done
[191/992] Deinstalling pango-1.36.8_2...
[191/992] Deleting files for pango-1.36.8_2: .......... done
[192/992] Deinstalling phonon-4.8.3...
[192/992] Deleting files for phonon-4.8.3: .......... done
[193/992] Deinstalling poppler-glib-0.34.0...
[193/992] Deleting files for poppler-glib-0.34.0: .......... done
[194/992] Deinstalling poppler-qt4-0.34.0...
[194/992] Deleting files for poppler-qt4-0.34.0: .......... done
[195/992] Deinstalling py27-gobject-2.28.6_6...
[195/992] Deleting files for py27-gobject-2.28.6_6: .......... done
[196/992] Deinstalling py27-gobject3-3.16.2...
[196/992] Deleting files for py27-gobject3-3.16.2: .......... done
[197/992] Deinstalling qt4-assistant-4.8.7...
[197/992] Deleting files for qt4-assistant-4.8.7: ...... done
[198/992] Deinstalling qt5-gui-5.4.1_3...
[198/992] Deleting files for qt5-gui-5.4.1_3: .......... done
[199/992] Deinstalling transcode-1.1.7_25...
[199/992] Deleting files for transcode-1.1.7_25: .......... done
[200/992] Deinstalling xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1...
[200/992] Deleting files for xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1: .. done
[201/992] Deinstalling xf86-input-mouse-1.9.1_1...
[201/992] Deleting files for xf86-input-mouse-1.9.1_1: .... done
[202/992] Deinstalling xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.2_1...
[202/992] Deleting files for xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.2_1: ......... done
[203/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-ati-7.5.0_3...
[203/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-ati-7.5.0_3: .... done
[204/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-intel-2.21.15_9...
[204/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-intel-2.21.15_9: ........ done
[205/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-mach64-6.9.5...
[205/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-mach64-6.9.5: . done
[206/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-nv-2.1.20_7...
[206/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-nv-2.1.20_7: .. done
[207/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.3_6...
[207/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.3_6: ........ done
[208/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-r128-6.10.0...
[208/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-r128-6.10.0: .. done
[209/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-scfb-0.0.4_3...
[209/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-scfb-0.0.4_3: .. done
[210/992] Deinstalling xf86-video-vesa-2.3.4...
[210/992] Deleting files for xf86-video-vesa-2.3.4: .. done
[211/992] Deinstalling cairomm-1.10.0_3...
[211/992] Deleting files for cairomm-1.10.0_3: .......... done
[212/992] Deinstalling fbreader-0.99.6_2...
[212/992] Deleting files for fbreader-0.99.6_2: .......... done
[213/992] Deinstalling ffmpeg-2.8.4,1...
[213/992] Deleting files for ffmpeg-2.8.4,1: .......... done
[214/992] Deinstalling gle-3.1.0_6...
[214/992] Deleting files for gle-3.1.0_6: .......... done
[215/992] Deinstalling harfbuzz-1.1.2...
[215/992] Deleting files for harfbuzz-1.1.2: .......... done
[216/992] Deinstalling libcaca-0.99.b19_1...
[216/992] Deleting files for libcaca-0.99.b19_1: .......... done
[217/992] Deinstalling libgltf-0.0.2_1...
[217/992] Deleting files for libgltf-0.0.2_1: .......... done
[218/992] Deinstalling libgxps-
[218/992] Deleting files for libgxps- .......... done
[219/992] Deinstalling libspectre-0.2.7_1...
[219/992] Deleting files for libspectre-0.2.7_1: .......... done
[220/992] Deinstalling poppler-0.34.0...
[220/992] Deleting files for poppler-0.34.0: .......... done
[221/992] Deinstalling pwcview-1.4.1_6...
[221/992] Deleting files for pwcview-1.4.1_6: ... done
[222/992] Deinstalling py27-cairo-1.10.0_2...
[222/992] Deleting files for py27-cairo-1.10.0_2: ...... done
[223/992] Deinstalling qt4-webkit-4.8.7...
[223/992] Deleting files for qt4-webkit-4.8.7: .......... done
[224/992] Deinstalling qzeitgeist-0.8.0_2...
[224/992] Deleting files for qzeitgeist-0.8.0_2: .......... done
[225/992] Deinstalling xorg-server-1.17.4,1...
[225/992] Deleting files for xorg-server-1.17.4,1: .......... done
[226/992] Deinstalling cairo-1.14.6,2...
[226/992] Deleting files for cairo-1.14.6,2: .......... done
[227/992] Deinstalling freeglut-3.0.0...
[227/992] Deleting files for freeglut-3.0.0: .......... done
[228/992] Deinstalling glew-1.13.0...
[228/992] Deleting files for glew-1.13.0: .......... done
[229/992] Deinstalling libepoxy-1.3.1...
[229/992] Deleting files for libepoxy-1.3.1: .......... done
[230/992] Deinstalling qt4-declarative-4.8.7...
[230/992] Deleting files for qt4-declarative-4.8.7: .......... done
[231/992] Deinstalling qt4-iconengines-4.8.7...
[231/992] Deleting files for qt4-iconengines-4.8.7: .... done
[232/992] Deinstalling qt4-imageformats-4.8.7...
[232/992] Deleting files for qt4-imageformats-4.8.7: .......... done
[233/992] Deinstalling qt4-style-qtcurve-1.8.18...
[233/992] Deleting files for qt4-style-qtcurve-1.8.18: . done
[234/992] Deinstalling qwt5-5.2.3...
[234/992] Deleting files for qwt5-5.2.3: .......... done
[235/992] Deinstalling sdl-1.2.15_7,2...
[235/992] Deleting files for sdl-1.2.15_7,2: .......... done
[236/992] Deinstalling xorg-apps-7.7_2...
[237/992] Deinstalling akonadi-1.13.0...
[237/992] Deleting files for akonadi-1.13.0: .......... done
[238/992] Deinstalling fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack-20071215_3...
[238/992] Deleting files for fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack-20071215_3: .......... done
[239/992] Deinstalling grantlee-0.5.1...
[239/992] Deleting files for grantlee-0.5.1: .......... done
[240/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-mp3-0.10.0_1...
[241/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-v4l2-0.10.31_1,3...
[241/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-v4l2-0.10.31_1,3: .. done
[242/992] Deinstalling hupnp-1.0.0_1...
[242/992] Deleting files for hupnp-1.0.0_1: .......... done
[243/992] Deinstalling libEGL-11.0.8...
[243/992] Deleting files for libEGL-11.0.8: .......... done
[244/992] Deinstalling libGLU-9.0.0_2...
[244/992] Deleting files for libGLU-9.0.0_2: ...... done
[245/992] Deinstalling libdbusmenu-qt-
[245/992] Deleting files for libdbusmenu-qt- .......... done
[246/992] Deinstalling libwpg03-0.3.1...
[246/992] Deleting files for libwpg03-0.3.1: .......... done
[247/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-appweb-1441129621...
[247/992] Deleting files for pcbsd-appweb-1441129621: .......... done
[248/992] Deinstalling polkit-qt-0.112.0...
[248/992] Deleting files for polkit-qt-0.112.0: .......... done
[249/992] Deinstalling pysolfc-2.0_6...
[249/992] Deleting files for pysolfc-2.0_6: .......... done
[250/992] Deinstalling qimageblitz-0.0.6_2...
[250/992] Deleting files for qimageblitz-0.0.6_2: ........ done
[251/992] Deinstalling qorganizer-3.1_4...
[251/992] Deleting files for qorganizer-3.1_4: ..... done
[252/992] Deinstalling qt4-help-4.8.7...
[252/992] Deleting files for qt4-help-4.8.7: .......... done
[253/992] Deinstalling qt4-inputmethods-4.8.7...
[253/992] Deleting files for qt4-inputmethods-4.8.7: .... done
[254/992] Deinstalling qt4-libQtAssistantClient-4.6.3_1...
[254/992] Deleting files for qt4-libQtAssistantClient-4.6.3_1: .......... done
[255/992] Deinstalling qt4-multimedia-4.8.7...
[255/992] Deleting files for qt4-multimedia-4.8.7: .......... done
[256/992] Deinstalling qt4-opengl-4.8.7...
[256/992] Deleting files for qt4-opengl-4.8.7: .......... done
[257/992] Deinstalling qt4-qdbusviewer-4.8.7...
[257/992] Deleting files for qt4-qdbusviewer-4.8.7: ...... done
[258/992] Deinstalling qt4-qt3support-4.8.7...
[258/992] Deleting files for qt4-qt3support-4.8.7: .......... done
[259/992] Deinstalling qt4-scripttools-4.8.7...
[259/992] Deleting files for qt4-scripttools-4.8.7: .......... done
[260/992] Deinstalling qt4-svg-4.8.7...
[260/992] Deleting files for qt4-svg-4.8.7: .......... done
[261/992] Deinstalling xdriinfo-1.0.5...
[261/992] Deleting files for xdriinfo-1.0.5: .. done
[262/992] Deinstalling at-spi2-atk-2.16.0...
[262/992] Deleting files for at-spi2-atk-2.16.0: .......... done
[263/992] Deinstalling fluxbox-1.3.7...
[263/992] Deleting files for fluxbox-1.3.7: .
pkg: /usr/local/share/fluxbox/init different from original checksum, not removing
[263/992] Deleting files for fluxbox-1.3.7............ done
[264/992] Deinstalling foo2zjs-20150511_1...
[264/992] Deleting files for foo2zjs-20150511_1: .......... done
[265/992] Deinstalling gbm-11.0.8...
[265/992] Deleting files for gbm-11.0.8: ..... done
[266/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.19_1,3...
[266/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.19_1,3: .. done
[267/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.23_1,3...
[267/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.23_1,3: .. done
[268/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.19_4,3...
[268/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.19_4,3: .. done
[269/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.31_2,3...
[269/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.31_2,3: .. done
[270/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.19_3,3...
[270/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.19_3,3: .. done
[271/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.36_1,3...
[271/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.36_1,3: .. done
[272/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.23_1,3...
[272/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.23_1,3: .. done
[273/992] Deinstalling hal-info-20091130...
[273/992] Deleting files for hal-info-20091130: .......... done
[274/992] Deinstalling ja-mozc-server-2.17.2106.102...
[274/992] Deleting files for ja-mozc-server-2.17.2106.102: ....... done
[275/992] Deinstalling libGL-11.0.8...
[275/992] Deleting files for libGL-11.0.8: .......... done
[276/992] Deinstalling libglesv2-11.0.8...
[276/992] Deleting files for libglesv2-11.0.8: .......... done
[277/992] Deinstalling libwpd010-0.10.0...
[277/992] Deleting files for libwpd010-0.10.0: .......... done
[278/992] Deinstalling m17n-lib-1.6.4_6...
[278/992] Deleting files for m17n-lib-1.6.4_6: .......... done
[279/992] Deinstalling php56-gd-5.6.16...
[279/992] Deleting files for php56-gd-5.6.16: .......... done
[280/992] Deinstalling py27-pillow-2.9.0...
[280/992] Deleting files for py27-pillow-2.9.0: .......... done
[281/992] Deinstalling qt4-gui-4.8.7...
[281/992] Deleting files for qt4-gui-4.8.7: .......... done
[282/992] Deinstalling soprano-2.9.4_1...
[282/992] Deleting files for soprano-2.9.4_1: .......... done
[283/992] Deinstalling webcamd-
==> You should manually remove the "webcamd" user.
[283/992] Deleting files for webcamd- .......... done
[284/992] Deinstalling at-spi2-core-2.16.0...
[284/992] Deleting files for at-spi2-core-2.16.0: .......... done
[285/992] Deinstalling bitmap-1.0.8...
[285/992] Deleting files for bitmap-1.0.8: .......... done
[286/992] Deinstalling cagibi-0.2.0...
[286/992] Deleting files for cagibi-0.2.0: ...... done
[287/992] Deinstalling colord-1.2.11...
==> You should manually remove the "colord" user.
[287/992] Deleting files for colord-1.2.11: .......... done
[288/992] Deinstalling dri-11.0.8,2...
[288/992] Deleting files for dri-11.0.8,2: .......... done
[289/992] Deinstalling foomatic-filters-4.0.17_4...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/foomatic/filter.conf if it is no longer needed.
[289/992] Deleting files for foomatic-filters-4.0.17_4: .......... done
[290/992] Deinstalling geoclue-2.2.0...
[290/992] Deleting files for geoclue-2.2.0: .......... done
[291/992] Deinstalling ghostscript9-x11-9.06_11...
[291/992] Deleting files for ghostscript9-x11-9.06_11: .... done
[292/992] Deinstalling git-2.6.4...
Updating /etc/shells
==> You should manually remove the "git_daemon" user.
[292/992] Deleting files for git-2.6.4: .......... done
[293/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13_4...
[293/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13_4: ...... done
[294/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.23_2,3...
[294/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.23_2,3: .......... done
[295/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31_2,3...
[295/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31_2,3: .......... done
[296/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.36_1,3...
[296/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.36_1,3: .. done
[297/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.36_1,3...
[297/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.36_1,3: .. done
[298/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.19_1,3...
[298/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.19_1,3: .......... done
[299/992] Deinstalling hal-0.5.14_30...
==> You should manually remove the "haldaemon" user.
[299/992] Deleting files for hal-0.5.14_30: .......... done
[300/992] Deinstalling icewm-1.3.8_2...
[300/992] Deleting files for icewm-1.3.8_2: ..
pkg: /usr/local/share/icewm/menu different from original checksum, not removing
[300/992] Deleting files for icewm-1.3.8_2........... done
[301/992] Deinstalling libglapi-11.0.8...
[301/992] Deleting files for libglapi-11.0.8: ... done
[302/992] Deinstalling libgsf-1.14.34...
[302/992] Deleting files for libgsf-1.14.34: .......... done
[303/992] Deinstalling libnice-gst010-0.1.13...
[303/992] Deleting files for libnice-gst010-0.1.13: . done
[304/992] Deinstalling libnotify-0.7.6_1...
[304/992] Deleting files for libnotify-0.7.6_1: .......... done
[305/992] Deinstalling libopenraw-0.0.9_3...
[305/992] Deleting files for libopenraw-0.0.9_3: .......... done
[306/992] Deinstalling libotf-0.9.13_2...
[306/992] Deleting files for libotf-0.9.13_2: .......... done
[307/992] Deinstalling libsoup-gnome-2.50.0...
[307/992] Deleting files for libsoup-gnome-2.50.0: ......... done
[308/992] Deinstalling nss_mdns-0.10_3...
[308/992] Deleting files for nss_mdns-0.10_3: ......... done
[309/992] Deinstalling numlockx-1.2...
[309/992] Deleting files for numlockx-1.2: .... done
[310/992] Deinstalling openjdk8-8.66.17_1...
[310/992] Deleting files for openjdk8-8.66.17_1: .......... done
[311/992] Deinstalling pulseaudio-6.0_2...
==> You should manually remove the "pulse" user.
[311/992] Deleting files for pulseaudio-6.0_2: .......... done
[312/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-dbussupport-4.11.4_1...
[312/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-dbussupport-4.11.4_1: . done
[313/992] Deinstalling py27-tkinter-2.7.11_6...
[313/992] Deleting files for py27-tkinter-2.7.11_6: ........ done
[314/992] Deinstalling redland-1.0.17_4...
[314/992] Deleting files for redland-1.0.17_4: .......... done
[315/992] Deinstalling samba41-4.1.22...
[315/992] Deleting files for samba41-4.1.22: .......... done
[316/992] Deinstalling t1lib-5.1.2_4,1...
[316/992] Deleting files for t1lib-5.1.2_4,1: .......... done
[317/992] Deinstalling x11vnc-0.9.13_2...
[317/992] Deleting files for x11vnc-0.9.13_2: .......... done
[318/992] Deinstalling xbrightness-0.3...
[318/992] Deleting files for xbrightness-0.3: .. done
[319/992] Deinstalling xcalc-1.0.6_2...
[319/992] Deleting files for xcalc-1.0.6_2: .... done
[320/992] Deinstalling xclock-1.0.7_1...
[320/992] Deleting files for xclock-1.0.7_1: .... done
[321/992] Deinstalling xconsole-1.0.6_1...
[321/992] Deleting files for xconsole-1.0.6_1: ... done
[322/992] Deinstalling xdg-utils-
[322/992] Deleting files for xdg-utils- ...
pkg: /usr/local/bin/xdg-open different from original checksum, not removing
[322/992] Deleting files for xdg-utils- done
[323/992] Deinstalling xdpyinfo-1.3.2...
[323/992] Deleting files for xdpyinfo-1.3.2: ..... done
[324/992] Deinstalling xf86dga-1.0.3_1...
[324/992] Deleting files for xf86dga-1.0.3_1: ..... done
[325/992] Deinstalling xgc-1.0.5...
[325/992] Deleting files for xgc-1.0.5: ....... done
[326/992] Deinstalling xkbutils-1.0.4...
[326/992] Deleting files for xkbutils-1.0.4: ......... done
[327/992] Deinstalling xmessage-1.0.4...
[327/992] Deleting files for xmessage-1.0.4: .... done
[328/992] Deinstalling xorg-libraries-7.7_2...
[329/992] Deinstalling xterm-320...
[329/992] Deleting files for xterm-320: .......... done
[330/992] Deinstalling xvkbd-3.7...
[330/992] Deleting files for xvkbd-3.7: .......... done
[331/992] Deinstalling argyllcms-1.7.0_1...
[331/992] Deleting files for argyllcms-1.7.0_1: .......... done
[332/992] Deinstalling attica-0.4.2,2...
[332/992] Deleting files for attica-0.4.2,2: .......... done
[333/992] Deinstalling avahi-app-0.6.31_5...
==> You should manually remove the "avahi" user.
[333/992] Deleting files for avahi-app-0.6.31_5: .......... done
[334/992] Deinstalling consolekit-0.4.5_4...
[334/992] Deleting files for consolekit-0.4.5_4: .......... done
[335/992] Deinstalling cups-pk-helper-0.2.5...
[335/992] Deleting files for cups-pk-helper-0.2.5: .......... done
[336/992] Deinstalling gdk-pixbuf2-2.32.1...
[336/992] Deleting files for gdk-pixbuf2-2.32.1: .......... done
[337/992] Deinstalling ghostscript9-base-9.06_11...
[337/992] Deleting files for ghostscript9-base-9.06_11: .......... done
[338/992] Deinstalling gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10_4...
[338/992] Deleting files for gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10_4: .......... done
[339/992] Deinstalling grub2-efi-2.02_15...
[339/992] Deleting files for grub2-efi-2.02_15: .......... done
[340/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-plugins-0.10.36_6,3...
[340/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-plugins-0.10.36_6,3: .......... done
[341/992] Deinstalling gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.6.1...
[341/992] Deleting files for gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.6.1: .......... done
[342/992] Deinstalling ldb-1.1.24...
[342/992] Deleting files for ldb-1.1.24: .......... done
[343/992] Deinstalling libXTrap-1.0.1_3...
[343/992] Deleting files for libXTrap-1.0.1_3: ..... done
[344/992] Deinstalling libXaw-1.0.13,2...
[344/992] Deleting files for libXaw-1.0.13,2: .......... done
[345/992] Deinstalling libXtst-1.2.2_3...
[345/992] Deleting files for libXtst-1.2.2_3: .......... done
[346/992] Deinstalling libXvMC-1.0.9...
[346/992] Deleting files for libXvMC-1.0.9: .......... done
[347/992] Deinstalling libsoup-2.50.0...
[347/992] Deleting files for libsoup-2.50.0: .......... done
[348/992] Deinstalling libxklavier-5.3_1,1...
[348/992] Deleting files for libxklavier-5.3_1,1: .......... done
[349/992] Deinstalling p5-subversion-1.9.3...
[349/992] Deleting files for p5-subversion-1.9.3: .......... done
[350/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-syscache-1439494375...
[350/992] Deleting files for pcbsd-syscache-1439494375: ...... done
[351/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-utils-1448899406...
[351/992] Deleting files for pcbsd-utils-1448899406: .......... done
[352/992] Deinstalling policykit-0.9_10...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf if it is no longer needed.
==> You should manually remove the "polkit" user.
[352/992] Deleting files for policykit-0.9_10: .......... done
[353/992] Deinstalling py27-Jinja2-2.8...
[353/992] Deleting files for py27-Jinja2-2.8: .......... done
[354/992] Deinstalling py27-dbus-1.2.0_1...
[354/992] Deleting files for py27-dbus-1.2.0_1: .......... done
[355/992] Deinstalling qt4-dbus-4.8.7...
[355/992] Deleting files for qt4-dbus-4.8.7: .......... done
[356/992] Deinstalling qt4-mysql-plugin-4.8.7...
[356/992] Deleting files for qt4-mysql-plugin-4.8.7: .... done
[357/992] Deinstalling qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.8.7...
[357/992] Deleting files for qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.8.7: .... done
[358/992] Deinstalling qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.7...
[358/992] Deleting files for qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.7: .......... done
[359/992] Deinstalling qt5-linguisttools-5.4.1...
[359/992] Deleting files for qt5-linguisttools-5.4.1: .......... done
[360/992] Deinstalling qt5-qml-5.4.1...
[360/992] Deleting files for qt5-qml-5.4.1: .......... done
[361/992] Deinstalling qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.4.1...
[361/992] Deleting files for qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.4.1: ..... done
[362/992] Deinstalling qt5-xmlpatterns-5.4.1...
[362/992] Deleting files for qt5-xmlpatterns-5.4.1: .......... done
[363/992] Deinstalling rasqal-0.9.33...
[363/992] Deleting files for rasqal-0.9.33: .......... done
[364/992] Deinstalling samba36-libsmbclient-3.6.25_2...
[364/992] Deleting files for samba36-libsmbclient-3.6.25_2: .......... done
[365/992] Deinstalling smokegen-4.14.3...
[365/992] Deleting files for smokegen-4.14.3: .......... done
[366/992] Deinstalling smproxy-1.0.6...
[366/992] Deleting files for smproxy-1.0.6: .. done
[367/992] Deinstalling splix-2.0.0_6...
[367/992] Deleting files for splix-2.0.0_6: .......... done
[368/992] Deinstalling tk85-8.5.18...
[368/992] Deleting files for tk85-8.5.18: .......... done
[369/992] Deinstalling tk86-8.6.4...
[369/992] Deleting files for tk86-8.6.4: .......... done
[370/992] Deinstalling twm-1.0.9...
[370/992] Deleting files for twm-1.0.9: ... done
[371/992] Deinstalling upower-0.99.3...
[371/992] Deleting files for upower-0.99.3: .......... done
[372/992] Deinstalling x11perf-1.6.0...
[372/992] Deleting files for x11perf-1.6.0: .......... done
[373/992] Deinstalling xauth-1.0.9_1...
[373/992] Deleting files for xauth-1.0.9_1: ..... done
[374/992] Deinstalling xbacklight-1.2.1_1...
[374/992] Deleting files for xbacklight-1.2.1_1: ..... done
[375/992] Deinstalling xcursorgen-1.0.6_1...
[375/992] Deleting files for xcursorgen-1.0.6_1: ..... done
[376/992] Deinstalling xev-1.2.2...
[376/992] Deleting files for xev-1.2.2: .. done
[377/992] Deinstalling xgamma-1.0.6...
[377/992] Deleting files for xgamma-1.0.6: .. done
[378/992] Deinstalling xhost-1.0.7...
[378/992] Deleting files for xhost-1.0.7: .. done
[379/992] Deinstalling xinput-1.6.2...
[379/992] Deleting files for xinput-1.6.2: .. done
[380/992] Deinstalling xkill-1.0.4...
[380/992] Deleting files for xkill-1.0.4: .. done
[381/992] Deinstalling xlsatoms-1.1.2...
[381/992] Deleting files for xlsatoms-1.1.2: ..... done
[382/992] Deinstalling xlsclients-1.1.3...
[382/992] Deleting files for xlsclients-1.1.3: ..... done
[383/992] Deinstalling xorg-fonts-7.7_1...
[384/992] Deinstalling xpr-1.0.4...
[384/992] Deleting files for xpr-1.0.4: .... done
[385/992] Deinstalling xprop-1.2.2...
[385/992] Deleting files for xprop-1.2.2: .. done
[386/992] Deinstalling xrandr-1.4.3...
[386/992] Deleting files for xrandr-1.4.3: ... done
[387/992] Deinstalling xrdb-1.1.0...
[387/992] Deleting files for xrdb-1.1.0: .. done
[388/992] Deinstalling xset-1.2.3_1...
[388/992] Deleting files for xset-1.2.3_1: .. done
[389/992] Deinstalling xsetmode-1.0.0...
[389/992] Deleting files for xsetmode-1.0.0: .. done
[390/992] Deinstalling xsetroot-1.1.1...
[390/992] Deleting files for xsetroot-1.1.1: .. done
[391/992] Deinstalling xvinfo-1.1.3...
[391/992] Deleting files for xvinfo-1.1.3: .. done
[392/992] Deinstalling ORBit2-2.14.19_1...
[392/992] Deleting files for ORBit2-2.14.19_1: .......... done
[393/992] Deinstalling OpenSSH-askpass-
[393/992] Deleting files for OpenSSH-askpass- .......... done
[394/992] Deinstalling appres-1.0.4...
[394/992] Deleting files for appres-1.0.4: .. done
[395/992] Deinstalling atkmm-2.22.7...
[395/992] Deleting files for atkmm-2.22.7: .......... done
[396/992] Deinstalling cups-bjnp-2.0...
[396/992] Deleting files for cups-bjnp-2.0: . done
[397/992] Deinstalling cups-image-2.0.3_2...
==> You should manually remove the "cups" user.
[397/992] Deleting files for cups-image-2.0.3_2: .......... done
[398/992] Deinstalling dbus-glib-0.104...
[398/992] Deleting files for dbus-glib-0.104: .......... done
[399/992] Deinstalling dconf-0.24.0_1...
[399/992] Deleting files for dconf-0.24.0_1: .......... done
[400/992] Deinstalling fluidsynth-1.1.6_2...
[400/992] Deleting files for fluidsynth-1.1.6_2: .......... done
[401/992] Deinstalling glib-networking-2.44.0...
[401/992] Deleting files for glib-networking-2.44.0: .......... done
[402/992] Deinstalling grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7...
[402/992] Deleting files for grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7:
pkg: /usr/local/info/dir different from original checksum, not removing
[402/992] Deleting files for grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7............. done
[403/992] Deinstalling gstreamer-0.10.36_4...
[403/992] Deleting files for gstreamer-0.10.36_4: .......... done
[404/992] Deinstalling gstreamer1-plugins-1.6.1...
[404/992] Deleting files for gstreamer1-plugins-1.6.1: .......... done
[405/992] Deinstalling imlib2-1.4.6_7,2...
[405/992] Deleting files for imlib2-1.4.6_7,2: .......... done
[406/992] Deinstalling json-glib-1.0.4...
[406/992] Deleting files for json-glib-1.0.4: .......... done
[407/992] Deinstalling libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_3...
[407/992] Deleting files for libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_3: .......... done
[408/992] Deinstalling libXcomposite-0.4.4_3,1...
[408/992] Deleting files for libXcomposite-0.4.4_3,1: .......... done
[409/992] Deinstalling libXcursor-1.1.14_3...
[409/992] Deleting files for libXcursor-1.1.14_3: .......... done
[410/992] Deinstalling libXdamage-1.1.4_3...
[410/992] Deleting files for libXdamage-1.1.4_3: ...... done
[411/992] Deinstalling libXevie-1.0.3_3...
[411/992] Deleting files for libXevie-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[412/992] Deinstalling libXfontcache-1.0.5_3...
[412/992] Deleting files for libXfontcache-1.0.5_3: .......... done
[413/992] Deinstalling libXft-2.3.2_1...
[413/992] Deleting files for libXft-2.3.2_1: ......... done
[414/992] Deinstalling libXi-1.7.6,1...
[414/992] Deleting files for libXi-1.7.6,1: .......... done
[415/992] Deinstalling libXinerama-1.1.3_3,1...
[415/992] Deleting files for libXinerama-1.1.3_3,1: .......... done
[416/992] Deinstalling libXmu-1.1.2_3,1...
[416/992] Deleting files for libXmu-1.1.2_3,1: .......... done
[417/992] Deinstalling libXp-1.0.3,1...
[417/992] Deleting files for libXp-1.0.3,1: .......... done
[418/992] Deinstalling libXpm-3.5.11_4...
[418/992] Deleting files for libXpm-3.5.11_4: .......... done
[419/992] Deinstalling libXrandr-1.5.0...
[419/992] Deleting files for libXrandr-1.5.0: .......... done
[420/992] Deinstalling libXres-1.0.7_3...
[420/992] Deleting files for libXres-1.0.7_3: .......... done
[421/992] Deinstalling libXv-1.0.10_3,1...
[421/992] Deleting files for libXv-1.0.10_3,1: .......... done
[422/992] Deinstalling libXxf86dga-1.1.4_3...
[422/992] Deleting files for libXxf86dga-1.1.4_3: .......... done
[423/992] Deinstalling libXxf86misc-1.0.3_3...
[423/992] Deleting files for libXxf86misc-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[424/992] Deinstalling libXxf86vm-1.1.4_1...
[424/992] Deleting files for libXxf86vm-1.1.4_1: .......... done
[425/992] Deinstalling libdmx-1.1.3_3...
[425/992] Deleting files for libdmx-1.1.3_3: .......... done
[426/992] Deinstalling libgnome-keyring-3.12.0_2...
[426/992] Deleting files for libgnome-keyring-3.12.0_2: .......... done
[427/992] Deinstalling libvdpau-1.1.1...
[427/992] Deleting files for libvdpau-1.1.1: .......... done
[428/992] Deinstalling libxkbui-1.0.2_4...
[428/992] Deleting files for libxkbui-1.0.2_4: ...... done
[429/992] Deinstalling libxml++-2.34.2_2...
[429/992] Deleting files for libxml++-2.34.2_2: .......... done
[430/992] Deinstalling lineakd-0.9_4...
[430/992] Deleting files for lineakd-0.9_4: .......... done
[431/992] Deinstalling mc-4.8.15...
[431/992] Deleting files for mc-4.8.15: .......... done
[432/992] Deinstalling p5-libwww-6.15...
[432/992] Deleting files for p5-libwww-6.15: .......... done
[433/992] Deinstalling polkit-0.113_1...
==> You should manually remove the "polkitd" user.
[433/992] Deleting files for polkit-0.113_1: .......... done
[434/992] Deinstalling py27-Babel-2.1.1...
[434/992] Deleting files for py27-Babel-2.1.1: .......... done
[435/992] Deinstalling py27-fail2ban-0.9.3_1...
[435/992] Deleting files for py27-fail2ban-0.9.3_1: .......... done
[436/992] Deinstalling py27-libturpial-1.7.0...
[436/992] Deleting files for py27-libturpial-1.7.0: .......... done
[437/992] Deinstalling py27-pycups-1.9.73...
[437/992] Deleting files for py27-pycups-1.9.73: ......... done
[438/992] Deinstalling qjson-0.8.1...
[438/992] Deleting files for qjson-0.8.1: .......... done
[439/992] Deinstalling qt4-clucene-4.8.7...
[439/992] Deleting files for qt4-clucene-4.8.7: .......... done
[440/992] Deinstalling qt4-network-4.8.7_1...
[440/992] Deleting files for qt4-network-4.8.7_1: .......... done
[441/992] Deinstalling qt4-script-4.8.7...
[441/992] Deleting files for qt4-script-4.8.7: .......... done
[442/992] Deinstalling qt4-sql-4.8.7...
[442/992] Deleting files for qt4-sql-4.8.7: .......... done
[443/992] Deinstalling qt4-testlib-4.8.7...
[443/992] Deleting files for qt4-testlib-4.8.7: .......... done
[444/992] Deinstalling qt4-xml-4.8.7...
[444/992] Deleting files for qt4-xml-4.8.7: .......... done
[445/992] Deinstalling qt5-clucene-5.4.1...
[445/992] Deleting files for qt5-clucene-5.4.1: .......... done
[446/992] Deinstalling qt5-concurrent-5.4.1...
[446/992] Deleting files for qt5-concurrent-5.4.1: .......... done
[447/992] Deinstalling qt5-dbus-5.4.1...
[447/992] Deleting files for qt5-dbus-5.4.1: .......... done
[448/992] Deinstalling qt5-network-5.4.1_1...
[448/992] Deleting files for qt5-network-5.4.1_1: .......... done
[449/992] Deinstalling qt5-sql-5.4.1...
[449/992] Deleting files for qt5-sql-5.4.1: .......... done
[450/992] Deinstalling qt5-testlib-5.4.1...
[450/992] Deleting files for qt5-testlib-5.4.1: .......... done
[451/992] Deinstalling qt5-xml-5.4.1...
[451/992] Deleting files for qt5-xml-5.4.1: .......... done
[452/992] Deinstalling quazip-0.7.1...
[452/992] Deleting files for quazip-0.7.1: .......... done
[453/992] Deinstalling raptor2-2.0.15_1...
[453/992] Deleting files for raptor2-2.0.15_1: .......... done
[454/992] Deinstalling rarian-0.8.1_4...
[454/992] Deleting files for rarian-0.8.1_4: .......... done
[455/992] Deinstalling rpm4-
[455/992] Deleting files for rpm4- .......... done
[456/992] Deinstalling setxkbmap-1.3.1...
[456/992] Deleting files for setxkbmap-1.3.1: .. done
[457/992] Deinstalling subversion-1.9.3_1...
[457/992] Deleting files for subversion-1.9.3_1: .......... done
[458/992] Deinstalling tevent-0.9.26...
[458/992] Deleting files for tevent-0.9.26: .......... done
[459/992] Deinstalling trapproto-3.4.3...
[459/992] Deleting files for trapproto-3.4.3: ........ done
[460/992] Deinstalling warden-1438351389...
[460/992] Deleting files for warden-1438351389: .......... done
[461/992] Deinstalling xkbcomp-1.3.1...
[461/992] Deleting files for xkbcomp-1.3.1: ...... done
[462/992] Deinstalling xkbevd-1.1.4...
[462/992] Deleting files for xkbevd-1.1.4: ..... done
[463/992] Deinstalling xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.7...
[464/992] Deinstalling xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.7...
[465/992] Deinstalling xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.7...
[466/992] Deinstalling xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.7...
[467/992] Deinstalling xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1...
[468/992] Deinstalling xorg-fonts-type1-7.7...
[469/992] Deinstalling xv-3.10a_16...
[469/992] Deleting files for xv-3.10a_16: .......... done
[470/992] Deinstalling xwd-1.0.6...
[470/992] Deleting files for xwd-1.0.6: ..... done
[471/992] Deinstalling GentiumBasic-110_3...
[471/992] Deleting files for GentiumBasic-110_3: .......... done
[472/992] Deinstalling atk-2.16.0...
[472/992] Deleting files for atk-2.16.0: .......... done
[473/992] Deinstalling crosextrafonts-caladea-20130214_1...
[473/992] Deleting files for crosextrafonts-caladea-20130214_1: ....... done
[474/992] Deinstalling crosextrafonts-carlito-20130920_2...
[474/992] Deleting files for crosextrafonts-carlito-20130920_2: ....... done
[475/992] Deinstalling cups-client-2.0.3_2...
==> You should manually remove the "cups" user.
[475/992] Deleting files for cups-client-2.0.3_2: .......... done
[476/992] Deinstalling dbus-1.8.20...
==> You should manually remove the "messagebus" user.
[476/992] Deleting files for dbus-1.8.20: .......... done
[477/992] Deinstalling debootstrap-1.0.75...
[477/992] Deleting files for debootstrap-1.0.75: .......... done
[478/992] Deinstalling dejavu-2.35...
[478/992] Deleting files for dejavu-2.35: .......... done
[479/992] Deinstalling desktop-file-utils-0.22_3...
[479/992] Deleting files for desktop-file-utils-0.22_3: ......... done
[480/992] Deinstalling docbook-xsl-1.76.1_2...
xmlcatmgr: enabling compatibility mode; removing ALL matching entries
[480/992] Deleting files for docbook-xsl-1.76.1_2: .......... done
[481/992] Deinstalling droid-fonts-ttf-20131024_3...
[481/992] Deleting files for droid-fonts-ttf-20131024_3: .......... done
[482/992] Deinstalling enchant-1.6.0_5...
[482/992] Deleting files for enchant-1.6.0_5: .......... done
[483/992] Deinstalling font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[483/992] Deleting files for font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[484/992] Deinstalling font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[484/992] Deleting files for font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[485/992] Deinstalling font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4_3...
[485/992] Deleting files for font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4_3: .......... done
[486/992] Deinstalling font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4_3...
[486/992] Deleting files for font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4_3: .......... done
[487/992] Deinstalling font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4_3...
[487/992] Deleting files for font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4_3: ........ done
[488/992] Deinstalling font-arabic-misc-1.0.3_3...
[488/992] Deleting files for font-arabic-misc-1.0.3_3: . done
[489/992] Deinstalling font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[489/992] Deleting files for font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[490/992] Deinstalling font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[490/992] Deleting files for font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[491/992] Deinstalling font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[491/992] Deleting files for font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[492/992] Deinstalling font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[492/992] Deleting files for font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[493/992] Deinstalling font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_3...
[493/992] Deleting files for font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[494/992] Deinstalling font-bh-type1-1.0.3_3...
[494/992] Deleting files for font-bh-type1-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[495/992] Deinstalling font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[495/992] Deleting files for font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[496/992] Deinstalling font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[496/992] Deleting files for font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[497/992] Deinstalling font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3_3...
[497/992] Deleting files for font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[498/992] Deinstalling font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3_3...
[498/992] Deleting files for font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[499/992] Deinstalling font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_3...
[499/992] Deleting files for font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_3: . done
[500/992] Deinstalling font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3_3...
[500/992] Deleting files for font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3_3: ... done
[501/992] Deinstalling font-dec-misc-1.0.3_3...
[501/992] Deleting files for font-dec-misc-1.0.3_3: .. done
[502/992] Deinstalling font-ibm-type1-1.0.3_3...
[502/992] Deleting files for font-ibm-type1-1.0.3_3: ........ done
[503/992] Deinstalling font-isas-misc-1.0.3_3...
[503/992] Deleting files for font-isas-misc-1.0.3_3: ... done
[504/992] Deinstalling font-jis-misc-1.0.3_3...
[504/992] Deleting files for font-jis-misc-1.0.3_3: .. done
[505/992] Deinstalling font-micro-misc-1.0.3_3...
[505/992] Deleting files for font-micro-misc-1.0.3_3: . done
[506/992] Deinstalling font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3_3...
[506/992] Deleting files for font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[507/992] Deinstalling font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3_3...
[507/992] Deleting files for font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3_3: .. done
[508/992] Deinstalling font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_3...
[508/992] Deleting files for font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[509/992] Deinstalling font-misc-misc-1.1.2_3...
[509/992] Deleting files for font-misc-misc-1.1.2_3: .......... done
[510/992] Deinstalling font-mutt-misc-1.0.3_3...
[510/992] Deleting files for font-mutt-misc-1.0.3_3: ........ done
[511/992] Deinstalling font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2_3...
[511/992] Deleting files for font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2_3: .......... done
[512/992] Deinstalling font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4_3...
[512/992] Deleting files for font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4_3: .. done
[513/992] Deinstalling font-sony-misc-1.0.3_3...
[513/992] Deleting files for font-sony-misc-1.0.3_3: .... done
[514/992] Deinstalling font-sun-misc-1.0.3_3...
[514/992] Deleting files for font-sun-misc-1.0.3_3: ..... done
[515/992] Deinstalling font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3_3...
[515/992] Deleting files for font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: . done
[516/992] Deinstalling font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4_3...
[516/992] Deleting files for font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4_3: . done
[517/992] Deinstalling fonts-indic-2.1.5_3...
[517/992] Deleting files for fonts-indic-2.1.5_3: ......... done
[518/992] Deinstalling gamin-0.1.10_8...
[518/992] Deleting files for gamin-0.1.10_8: .......... done
[519/992] Deinstalling gcc-4.8.5_2...
[519/992] Deleting files for gcc-4.8.5_2: .......... done
[520/992] Deinstalling glibmm-2.44.0,1...
[520/992] Deleting files for glibmm-2.44.0,1: .......... done
[521/992] Deinstalling gobject-introspection-1.44.0...
[521/992] Deleting files for gobject-introspection-1.44.0: .......... done
[522/992] Deinstalling gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.16.1...
[522/992] Deleting files for gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.16.1: .......... done
[523/992] Deinstalling gstreamer1-1.6.1...
[523/992] Deleting files for gstreamer1-1.6.1: .......... done
[524/992] Deinstalling jackit-0.124.1_5...
[524/992] Deleting files for jackit-0.124.1_5: .......... done
[525/992] Deinstalling ko-baekmukfonts-ttf-2.2_2...
[525/992] Deleting files for ko-baekmukfonts-ttf-2.2_2: .......... done
[526/992] Deinstalling libIDL-0.8.14_2...
[526/992] Deleting files for libIDL-0.8.14_2: ......... done
[527/992] Deinstalling libXext-1.3.3_1,1...
[527/992] Deleting files for libXext-1.3.3_1,1: .......... done
[528/992] Deinstalling libXfixes-5.0.1_3...
[528/992] Deleting files for libXfixes-5.0.1_3: .......... done
[529/992] Deinstalling libXrender-0.9.9...
[529/992] Deleting files for libXrender-0.9.9: .......... done
[530/992] Deinstalling libXt-1.1.5,1...
[530/992] Deleting files for libXt-1.1.5,1: .......... done
[531/992] Deinstalling libaacs-0.8.0...
[531/992] Deleting files for libaacs-0.8.0: .......... done
[532/992] Deinstalling libcroco-0.6.8_2...
[532/992] Deleting files for libcroco-0.6.8_2: .......... done
[533/992] Deinstalling liberation-fonts-ttf-2.00.1,2...
[533/992] Deleting files for liberation-fonts-ttf-2.00.1,2: .......... done
[534/992] Deinstalling libgtop-2.31.90...
[534/992] Deleting files for libgtop-2.31.90: .......... done
[535/992] Deinstalling liblqr-1-0.4.1_8...
[535/992] Deleting files for liblqr-1-0.4.1_8: .......... done
[536/992] Deinstalling libmatemixer-1.10.0_1...
[536/992] Deleting files for libmatemixer-1.10.0_1: .......... done
[537/992] Deinstalling libmtp-1.1.10...
[537/992] Deleting files for libmtp-1.1.10: .......... done
[538/992] Deinstalling libnice-0.1.13...
[538/992] Deleting files for libnice-0.1.13: .......... done
[539/992] Deinstalling liboldX-1.0.1_3...
[539/992] Deleting files for liboldX-1.0.1_3: ...... done
[540/992] Deinstalling libqalculate-0.9.7_5...
[540/992] Deleting files for libqalculate-0.9.7_5: .......... done
[541/992] Deinstalling libsecret-0.18.3...
[541/992] Deleting files for libsecret-0.18.3: .......... done
[542/992] Deinstalling libwmf-
[542/992] Deleting files for libwmf- .......... done
[543/992] Deinstalling libxfce4util-4.12.1...
[543/992] Deleting files for libxfce4util-4.12.1: .......... done
[544/992] Deinstalling libxkbfile-1.0.9...
[544/992] Deleting files for libxkbfile-1.0.9: .......... done
[545/992] Deinstalling libxslt-1.1.28_8...
[545/992] Deleting files for libxslt-1.1.28_8: .......... done
[546/992] Deinstalling linuxlibertine-g-20120116_1...
[546/992] Deleting files for linuxlibertine-g-20120116_1: .......... done
[547/992] Deinstalling lirc-0.9.0_7,1...
[547/992] Deleting files for lirc-0.9.0_7,1: .......... done
[548/992] Deinstalling luit-1.1.1...
[548/992] Deleting files for luit-1.1.1: .. done
[549/992] Deinstalling mate-backgrounds-1.10.0...
[549/992] Deleting files for mate-backgrounds-1.10.0: .......... done
[550/992] Deinstalling mate-menus-1.10.0_1...
[550/992] Deleting files for mate-menus-1.10.0_1: .......... done
[551/992] Deinstalling mtools-4.0.10_4...
[551/992] Deleting files for mtools-4.0.10_4: .......... done
[552/992] Deinstalling noto-1.0.4_1...
[552/992] Deleting files for noto-1.0.4_1: .......... done
[553/992] Deinstalling ntdb-1.0...
[553/992] Deleting files for ntdb-1.0: .......... done
[554/992] Deinstalling p5-Net-HTTP-6.09...
[554/992] Deleting files for p5-Net-HTTP-6.09: .......... done
[555/992] Deinstalling p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03...
[555/992] Deleting files for p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03: ....... done
[556/992] Deinstalling py27-MarkupSafe-0.23...
[556/992] Deleting files for py27-MarkupSafe-0.23: .......... done
[557/992] Deinstalling py27-dnspython-1.12.0...
[557/992] Deleting files for py27-dnspython-1.12.0: .......... done
[558/992] Deinstalling py27-libxml2-2.9.3...
[558/992] Deleting files for py27-libxml2-2.9.3: .......... done
[559/992] Deinstalling py27-oauth-1.0.1_2...
[559/992] Deleting files for py27-oauth-1.0.1_2: .......... done
[560/992] Deinstalling py27-pycurl-
[560/992] Deleting files for py27-pycurl- .......... done
[561/992] Deinstalling py27-pytz-2015.7,1...
[561/992] Deleting files for py27-pytz-2015.7,1: .......... done
[562/992] Deinstalling py27-requests-2.8.1...
[562/992] Deleting files for py27-requests-2.8.1: .......... done
[563/992] Deinstalling py27-setproctitle-1.1.9...
[563/992] Deleting files for py27-setproctitle-1.1.9: .......... done
[564/992] Deinstalling py27-simplejson-3.8.1...
[564/992] Deleting files for py27-simplejson-3.8.1: .......... done
[565/992] Deinstalling py27-sqlite3-2.7.11_7...
[565/992] Deleting files for py27-sqlite3-2.7.11_7: ........ done
[566/992] Deinstalling py27-xdg-0.25...
[566/992] Deleting files for py27-xdg-0.25: .......... done
[567/992] Deinstalling python-2.7_2,2...
[567/992] Deleting files for python-2.7_2,2: ..... done
[568/992] Deinstalling qt4-corelib-4.8.7_1...
[568/992] Deleting files for qt4-corelib-4.8.7_1: .......... done
[569/992] Deinstalling qt5-core-5.4.1_2...
[569/992] Deleting files for qt5-core-5.4.1_2: .......... done
[570/992] Deinstalling qtcurve-utils-1.8.18...
[570/992] Deleting files for qtcurve-utils-1.8.18: .......... done
[571/992] Deinstalling rdesktop-1.8.3...
[571/992] Deleting files for rdesktop-1.8.3: .......... done
[572/992] Deinstalling serf-1.3.8_1...
[572/992] Deleting files for serf-1.3.8_1: .......... done
[573/992] Deinstalling sessreg-1.1.0...
[573/992] Deleting files for sessreg-1.1.0: .. done
[574/992] Deinstalling shared-mime-info-1.5...
[574/992] Deleting files for shared-mime-info-1.5: .........
pkg: /usr/local/share/mime/packages/ different from original checksum, not removing
[574/992] Deleting files for shared-mime-info-1.5... done
[575/992] Deinstalling startup-notification-0.12_4...
[575/992] Deleting files for startup-notification-0.12_4: .......... done
[576/992] Deinstalling talloc-2.1.5...
[576/992] Deleting files for talloc-2.1.5: .......... done
[577/992] Deinstalling tdb-1.3.8,1...
[577/992] Deleting files for tdb-1.3.8,1: .......... done
[578/992] Deinstalling tk84-8.4.20,2...
[578/992] Deleting files for tk84-8.4.20,2: .......... done
[579/992] Deinstalling wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1...
/usr/local/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 9 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/100dpi: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/75dpi: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/TTF: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/cantarell: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/cyrillic: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/encodings: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/encodings/large: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/misc: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/util: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/wqy: caching, new cache contents: 13 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/home/ximo/.local/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fonts: skipping, no such directory
Re-scanning /usr/local/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 9 dirs
Re-scanning /usr/local/share/fonts/encodings: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
/var/db/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: 5590eef8711d78f75a1d19f78ae9af8f-le64.cache-4
/usr/home/ximo/.cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
fc-cache: succeeded
[579/992] Deleting files for wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1:
wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1: missing file /usr/local/etc/fonts/conf.d/85-wqy.conf
[579/992] Deleting files for wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1............. done
/usr/local/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 9 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/100dpi: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/75dpi: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/TTF: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/cantarell: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/cyrillic: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/encodings: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/encodings/large: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/misc: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/util: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/wqy: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/home/ximo/.local/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fonts: skipping, no such directory
Re-scanning /usr/local/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 9 dirs
Re-scanning /usr/local/share/fonts/encodings: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
/var/db/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/usr/home/ximo/.cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
fc-cache: succeeded
[580/992] Deinstalling xcb-util-image-0.4.0_1...
[580/992] Deleting files for xcb-util-image-0.4.0_1: ........ done
[581/992] Deinstalling xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0_1...
[581/992] Deleting files for xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0_1: ...... done
[582/992] Deinstalling xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1...
[582/992] Deleting files for xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1: ...... done
[583/992] Deinstalling xcb-util-wm-0.4.1_3...
[583/992] Deleting files for xcb-util-wm-0.4.1_3: .......... done
[584/992] Deinstalling xcmsdb-1.0.5...
[584/992] Deleting files for xcmsdb-1.0.5: ..... done
[585/992] Deinstalling xinit-1.3.4,1...
[585/992] Deleting files for xinit-1.3.4,1: ........ done
[586/992] Deinstalling xmodmap-1.0.9...
[586/992] Deleting files for xmodmap-1.0.9: ..... done
[587/992] Deinstalling xrefresh-1.0.5...
[587/992] Deleting files for xrefresh-1.0.5: ..... done
[588/992] Deinstalling xwininfo-1.1.3_1...
[588/992] Deleting files for xwininfo-1.1.3_1: .. done
[589/992] Deinstalling xwud-1.0.4...
[589/992] Deleting files for xwud-1.0.4: .. done
[590/992] Deinstalling zh-pyzy-0.1.0_1...
[590/992] Deleting files for zh-pyzy-0.1.0_1: .......... done
[591/992] Deinstalling apr-
[591/992] Deleting files for apr- .......... done
[592/992] Deinstalling ar-aspell-1.2.0_1,1...
[592/992] Deleting files for ar-aspell-1.2.0_1,1: ....... done
[593/992] Deinstalling de-aspell-20030222.1_1...
[593/992] Deleting files for de-aspell-20030222.1_1: .......... done
[594/992] Deinstalling docbook-1.5...
[595/992] Deinstalling dvd+rw-tools-7.1_1...
[595/992] Deleting files for dvd+rw-tools-7.1_1: .......... done
[596/992] Deinstalling enca-1.13_1...
[596/992] Deleting files for enca-1.13_1: .......... done
[597/992] Deinstalling fr-aspell-0.50.3_1,1...
[597/992] Deleting files for fr-aspell-0.50.3_1,1: .......... done
[598/992] Deinstalling glib-2.44.1_2...
[598/992] Deleting files for glib-2.44.1_2: .......... done
unlink: /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled: No such file or directory
[599/992] Deinstalling gnutls-
[599/992] Deleting files for gnutls- .......... done
[600/992] Deinstalling gpsd-3.14_3...
[600/992] Deleting files for gpsd-3.14_3: .......... done
[601/992] Deinstalling hu-aspell-,2...
[601/992] Deleting files for hu-aspell-,2: ..... done
[602/992] Deinstalling iw-aspell-1.0.0_1,2...
[602/992] Deleting files for iw-aspell-1.0.0_1,2: ....... done
[603/992] Deinstalling libX11-1.6.3,1...
[603/992] Deleting files for libX11-1.6.3,1: .......... done
[604/992] Deinstalling libassuan-2.4.2...
[604/992] Deleting files for libassuan-2.4.2: .......... done
[605/992] Deinstalling libcdr01-0.1.1_1...
[605/992] Deleting files for libcdr01-0.1.1_1: .......... done
[606/992] Deinstalling libfreehand-0.1.1...
[606/992] Deleting files for libfreehand-0.1.1: .......... done
[607/992] Deinstalling libftdi-0.20_4...
[607/992] Deleting files for libftdi-0.20_4: .......... done
[608/992] Deinstalling libgcrypt-1.6.4_3...
[608/992] Deleting files for libgcrypt-1.6.4_3: .......... done
[609/992] Deinstalling libgphoto2-2.5.9...
[609/992] Deleting files for libgphoto2-2.5.9: .......... done
[610/992] Deinstalling libksba-1.3.3...
[610/992] Deleting files for libksba-1.3.3: .......... done
[611/992] Deinstalling libmng-1.0.10_2...
[611/992] Deleting files for libmng-1.0.10_2: ......... done
[612/992] Deinstalling libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0...
[612/992] Deleting files for libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0: .......... done
[613/992] Deinstalling libraw-0.17.1...
[613/992] Deleting files for libraw-0.17.1: .......... done
[614/992] Deinstalling libsamplerate-0.1.8_6...
[614/992] Deleting files for libsamplerate-0.1.8_6: .......... done
[615/992] Deinstalling libshout-2.4.1...
[615/992] Deleting files for libshout-2.4.1: .......... done
[616/992] Deinstalling libxkbcommon-0.5.0_1...
[616/992] Deleting files for libxkbcommon-0.5.0_1: .......... done
[617/992] Deinstalling llvm36-3.6.2_2...
[617/992] Deleting files for llvm36-3.6.2_2: .......... done
[618/992] Deinstalling menumaker-0.99.9...
[618/992] Deleting files for menumaker-0.99.9: .......... done
[619/992] Deinstalling mkfontdir-1.0.7...
[619/992] Deleting files for mkfontdir-1.0.7: .. done
[620/992] Deinstalling mpc-1.0.3...
[620/992] Deleting files for mpc-1.0.3: ...... done
[621/992] Deinstalling nginx-1.8.0_3,2...
[621/992] Deleting files for nginx-1.8.0_3,2: .......... done
[622/992] Deinstalling normalize-0.7.7_10...
[622/992] Deleting files for normalize-0.7.7_10: ....... done
[623/992] Deinstalling openjpeg-2.1.1...
[623/992] Deleting files for openjpeg-2.1.1: .......... done
[624/992] Deinstalling openjpeg15-1.5.2_1...
[624/992] Deleting files for openjpeg15-1.5.2_1: .......... done
[625/992] Deinstalling p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.01_1...
[625/992] Deleting files for p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.01_1: .......... done
[626/992] Deinstalling p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.01_1...
[626/992] Deleting files for p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.01_1: ....... done
[627/992] Deinstalling p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1...
[627/992] Deleting files for p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1: ... done
[628/992] Deinstalling p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.021...
[628/992] Deleting files for p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.021: .......... done
[629/992] Deinstalling pl-aspell-6.0.20061121.0_1,1...
[629/992] Deleting files for pl-aspell-6.0.20061121.0_1,1: ..... done
[630/992] Deinstalling py27-qt4-doc-4.11.4,1...
[630/992] Deleting files for py27-qt4-doc-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[631/992] Deinstalling py27-setuptools27-19.2...
[631/992] Deleting files for py27-setuptools27-19.2: .......... done
[632/992] Deinstalling py27-sip-4.17,1...
[632/992] Deleting files for py27-sip-4.17,1: .......... done
[633/992] Deinstalling python2-2_3...
[633/992] Deleting files for python2-2_3: ...... done
[634/992] Deinstalling ru-aspell-0.99.f7.1_1,2...
[634/992] Deleting files for ru-aspell-0.99.f7.1_1,2: ........ done
[635/992] Deinstalling sox-14.4.2...
[635/992] Deleting files for sox-14.4.2: .......... done
[636/992] Deinstalling twolame-0.3.13_4...
[636/992] Deleting files for twolame-0.3.13_4: .......... done
[637/992] Deinstalling uk-aspell-,2...
[637/992] Deleting files for uk-aspell-,2: ........ done
[638/992] Deinstalling vi-aspell-,2...
[638/992] Deleting files for vi-aspell-,2: ........ done
[639/992] Deinstalling wget-1.16.3...
[639/992] Deleting files for wget-1.16.3: .......... done
[640/992] Deinstalling xcb-util-0.4.0_1,1...
[640/992] Deleting files for xcb-util-0.4.0_1,1: .......... done
[641/992] Deinstalling a2ps-4.13b_8...
[641/992] Deleting files for a2ps-4.13b_8: .......... done
[642/992] Deinstalling aspell-
[642/992] Deleting files for aspell- .......... done
[643/992] Deinstalling bash-4.3.42_1...
[643/992] Deleting files for bash-4.3.42_1: .......... done
[644/992] Deinstalling binutils-2.25.1...
[644/992] Deleting files for binutils-2.25.1: .......... done
[645/992] Deinstalling cantarell-fonts-0.0.16...
[645/992] Deleting files for cantarell-fonts-0.0.16: ... done
/usr/local/share/fonts/cantarell: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/var/db/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: 17692e65f2842a3047704dc734d11f69-le64.cache-4
/usr/home/ximo/.cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/usr/local/bin/fc-cache: succeeded
[646/992] Deinstalling cdrdao-1.2.3_5...
[646/992] Deleting files for cdrdao-1.2.3_5: .......... done
[647/992] Deinstalling cdrtools-3.01...
[647/992] Deleting files for cdrtools-3.01: .......... done
[648/992] Deinstalling cln-1.3.4...
[648/992] Deleting files for cln-1.3.4: .......... done
[649/992] Deinstalling di-4.37...
[649/992] Deleting files for di-4.37: ...... done
[650/992] Deinstalling djvulibre-
[650/992] Deleting files for djvulibre- .......... done
[651/992] Deinstalling docbook-sgml-4.5_1...
[651/992] Deleting files for docbook-sgml-4.5_1: .......... done
[652/992] Deinstalling docbook-xml-5.0_3...
[652/992] Deleting files for docbook-xml-5.0_3: .......... done
[653/992] Deinstalling enscript-a4-1.6.6_1...
[653/992] Deleting files for enscript-a4-1.6.6_1: .......... done
[654/992] Deinstalling exiv2-0.24_2,1...
[654/992] Deleting files for exiv2-0.24_2,1: .......... done
[655/992] Deinstalling foomatic-db-20150819...
[655/992] Deleting files for foomatic-db-20150819: .......... done
[656/992] Deinstalling gdbm-1.11_2...
[656/992] Deleting files for gdbm-1.11_2: .......... done
[657/992] Deinstalling getopt-1.1.6...
[657/992] Deleting files for getopt-1.1.6: .......... done
[658/992] Deinstalling gettext-tools-0.19.6...
[658/992] Deleting files for gettext-tools-0.19.6: .......... done
[659/992] Deinstalling gnome-pty-helper-0.40.2...
[659/992] Deleting files for gnome-pty-helper-0.40.2: . done
[660/992] Deinstalling gsed-4.2.2...
[660/992] Deleting files for gsed-4.2.2: .......... done
[661/992] Deinstalling gtar-1.28_2...
[661/992] Deleting files for gtar-1.28_2: .......... done
[662/992] Deinstalling heimdal-1.5.3_4...
[662/992] Deleting files for heimdal-1.5.3_4: .......... done
[663/992] Deinstalling iceauth-1.0.7...
[663/992] Deleting files for iceauth-1.0.7: ..... done
[664/992] Deinstalling iso-codes-3.63...
[664/992] Deleting files for iso-codes-3.63: .......... done
[665/992] Deinstalling ja-font-vlgothic-20141206_3...
[665/992] Deleting files for ja-font-vlgothic-20141206_3: .......... done
[666/992] Deinstalling lcms-1.19_6,1...
[666/992] Deleting files for lcms-1.19_6,1: .......... done
[667/992] Deinstalling lcms2-2.7_2...
[667/992] Deleting files for lcms2-2.7_2: .......... done
[668/992] Deinstalling libSM-1.2.2_3,1...
[668/992] Deleting files for libSM-1.2.2_3,1: .......... done
[669/992] Deinstalling libXfont-1.5.1,2...
[669/992] Deleting files for libXfont-1.5.1,2: .......... done
[670/992] Deinstalling libaacplus-2.0.2_8...
[670/992] Deleting files for libaacplus-2.0.2_8: .......... done
[671/992] Deinstalling libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.90+1_1...
[671/992] Deleting files for libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.90+1_1: .......... done
[672/992] Deinstalling libcmis-0.5.0...
[672/992] Deleting files for libcmis-0.5.0: .......... done
[673/992] Deinstalling libdrm-2.4.65_1,1...
[673/992] Deleting files for libdrm-2.4.65_1,1: .......... done
[674/992] Deinstalling libetonyek01-0.1.3_1,1...
[674/992] Deleting files for libetonyek01-0.1.3_1,1: .......... done
[675/992] Deinstalling libexif-0.6.21_4...
[675/992] Deleting files for libexif-0.6.21_4: .......... done
[676/992] Deinstalling libgd-2.1.0_7,1...
[676/992] Deleting files for libgd-2.1.0_7,1: .......... done
[677/992] Deinstalling libgpg-error-1.20_1...
[677/992] Deleting files for libgpg-error-1.20_1: .......... done
[678/992] Deinstalling libidn-1.31...
[678/992] Deleting files for libidn-1.31: .......... done
[679/992] Deinstalling liborcus-0.9.2...
[679/992] Deleting files for liborcus-0.9.2: .......... done
[680/992] Deinstalling liborcus07-0.7.1...
[680/992] Deleting files for liborcus07-0.7.1: .......... done
[681/992] Deinstalling libsndfile-1.0.26...
[681/992] Deleting files for libsndfile-1.0.26: .......... done
[682/992] Deinstalling libtheora-1.1.1_6...
[682/992] Deleting files for libtheora-1.1.1_6: .......... done
[683/992] Deinstalling libxcb-1.11.1...
[683/992] Deleting files for libxcb-1.11.1: .......... done
[684/992] Deinstalling libzvbi-0.2.35_2...
[684/992] Deleting files for libzvbi-0.2.35_2: .......... done
[685/992] Deinstalling life-preserver-1441050470...
[685/992] Deleting files for life-preserver-1441050470: .......... done
[686/992] Deinstalling m17n-db-1.7.0...
[686/992] Deleting files for m17n-db-1.7.0: .......... done
[687/992] Deinstalling madplay-0.15.2b_5...
[687/992] Deleting files for madplay-0.15.2b_5: .......... done
[688/992] Deinstalling mkfontscale-1.1.2...
[688/992] Deleting files for mkfontscale-1.1.2: .. done
[689/992] Deinstalling mpfr-3.1.3...
[689/992] Deleting files for mpfr-3.1.3: .......... done
[690/992] Deinstalling mysql56-server-5.6.27...
==> You should manually remove the "mysql" user.
[690/992] Deleting files for mysql56-server-5.6.27: .......... done
[691/992] Deinstalling mythes-1.2.4...
[691/992] Deleting files for mythes-1.2.4: .......... done
[692/992] Deinstalling neon-0.30.1...
[692/992] Deleting files for neon-0.30.1: .......... done
[693/992] Deinstalling netpbm-10.35.97...
[693/992] Deleting files for netpbm-10.35.97: .......... done
[694/992] Deinstalling nettle-2.7.1...
[694/992] Deleting files for nettle-2.7.1: .......... done
[695/992] Deinstalling nss_ldap-1.265_12...
[695/992] Deleting files for nss_ldap-1.265_12: ...... done
[696/992] Deinstalling p11-kit-0.23.2...
[696/992] Deleting files for p11-kit-0.23.2: .......... done
[697/992] Deinstalling p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1...
[697/992] Deleting files for p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1: ..... done
[698/992] Deinstalling p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1...
[698/992] Deleting files for p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1: .......... done
[699/992] Deinstalling p5-File-Listing-6.04_1...
[699/992] Deleting files for p5-File-Listing-6.04_1: ....... done
[700/992] Deinstalling p5-HTML-Parser-3.71_1...
[700/992] Deleting files for p5-HTML-Parser-3.71_1: .......... done
[701/992] Deinstalling p5-HTTP-Message-6.11...
[701/992] Deleting files for p5-HTTP-Message-6.11: .......... done
[702/992] Deinstalling p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.37...
[702/992] Deleting files for p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.37: ....... done
[703/992] Deinstalling p5-Unicode-Map8-0.13_1...
[703/992] Deleting files for p5-Unicode-Map8-0.13_1: .......... done
[704/992] Deinstalling p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1...
[704/992] Deleting files for p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1: ..... done
[705/992] Deinstalling pam_ldap-1.8.6_3...
[705/992] Deleting files for pam_ldap-1.8.6_3: ..... done
[706/992] Deinstalling pciutils-3.4.0...
[706/992] Deleting files for pciutils-3.4.0: ....... done
[707/992] Deinstalling php56-filter-5.6.16...
[707/992] Deleting files for php56-filter-5.6.16: ....... done
[708/992] Deinstalling php56-json-5.6.16...
[708/992] Deleting files for php56-json-5.6.16: ....... done
[709/992] Deinstalling php56-session-5.6.16...
[709/992] Deleting files for php56-session-5.6.16: ......... done
[710/992] Deinstalling popt-1.16_1...
[710/992] Deleting files for popt-1.16_1: .......... done
[711/992] Deinstalling pydbus-common-1.2.0_1...
[711/992] Deleting files for pydbus-common-1.2.0_1: .......... done
[712/992] Deinstalling python27-2.7.11...
[712/992] Deleting files for python27-2.7.11: .......... done
[713/992] Deinstalling recode-3.6_12...
[713/992] Deleting files for recode-3.6_12: .......... done
[714/992] Deinstalling ruby-,1...
[714/992] Deleting files for ruby-,1: .......... done
[715/992] Deinstalling sane-backends-1.0.25...
==> You should manually remove the "saned" user.
[715/992] Deleting files for sane-backends-1.0.25: .......... done
[716/992] Deinstalling sudo-1.8.15...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/sudoers if it is no longer needed.
[716/992] Deleting files for sudo-1.8.15: .......... done
[717/992] Deinstalling tor-
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc if it is no longer needed.
==> You should manually remove the "_tor" user.
[717/992] Deleting files for tor- .......... done
[718/992] Deinstalling vorbis-tools-1.4.0_10,3...
[718/992] Deleting files for vorbis-tools-1.4.0_10,3: .......... done
[719/992] Deinstalling webp-0.4.4_1...
[719/992] Deleting files for webp-0.4.4_1: .......... done
[720/992] Deinstalling OpenEXR-2.2.0_5...
[720/992] Deleting files for OpenEXR-2.2.0_5: .......... done
[721/992] Deinstalling aalib-1.4.r5_11...
[721/992] Deleting files for aalib-1.4.r5_11: .......... done
[722/992] Deinstalling alsa-plugins-1.1.0...
[722/992] Deleting files for alsa-plugins-1.1.0: .......... done
[723/992] Deinstalling boost-libs-1.55.0_9...
[723/992] Deleting files for boost-libs-1.55.0_9: .......... done
[724/992] Deinstalling celt-0.11.3_2...
[724/992] Deleting files for celt-0.11.3_2: .......... done
[725/992] Deinstalling curl-7.46.0_1...
[725/992] Deleting files for curl-7.46.0_1: .......... done
[726/992] Deinstalling cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12...
[726/992] Deleting files for cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12: .......... done
To delete Cyrus user permanently, use 'pw userdel cyrus'
To delete Cyrus group permanently, use 'pw groupdel cyrus'
[727/992] Deinstalling ebook-tools-0.2.2_3...
[727/992] Deleting files for ebook-tools-0.2.2_3: .......... done
[728/992] Deinstalling encodings-1.0.4_3,1...
[728/992] Deleting files for encodings-1.0.4_3,1: .......... done
[729/992] Deinstalling esound-0.2.41_3...
[729/992] Deleting files for esound-0.2.41_3: .......... done
[730/992] Deinstalling exempi-2.2.2...
[730/992] Deleting files for exempi-2.2.2: .......... done
[731/992] Deinstalling fftw3-3.3.3_2...
[731/992] Deleting files for fftw3-3.3.3_2: .......... done
[732/992] Deinstalling firebird25-client-2.5.4_3...
[732/992] Deleting files for firebird25-client-2.5.4_3: .......... done
[733/992] Deinstalling flac-1.3.1_1...
[733/992] Deleting files for flac-1.3.1_1: .......... done
[734/992] Deinstalling fontconfig-2.11.1_1,1...
[734/992] Deleting files for fontconfig-2.11.1_1,1: .......... done
[735/992] Deinstalling fusefs-ntfs-2015.3.14_3...
[735/992] Deleting files for fusefs-ntfs-2015.3.14_3: .......... done
[736/992] Deinstalling gettext-runtime-0.19.6...
[736/992] Deleting files for gettext-runtime-0.19.6: .......... done
[737/992] Deinstalling gmp-5.1.3_2...
[737/992] Deleting files for gmp-5.1.3_2: .......... done
[738/992] Deinstalling hunspell-1.3.3...
[738/992] Deleting files for hunspell-1.3.3: .......... done
[739/992] Deinstalling hyphen-2.8.8...
[739/992] Deleting files for hyphen-2.8.8: .......... done
[740/992] Deinstalling icoutils-0.31.0_1...
[740/992] Deleting files for icoutils-0.31.0_1: ....... done
[741/992] Deinstalling iso8879-1986_3...
[741/992] Deleting files for iso8879-1986_3: .......... done
xmlcatmgr: enabling compatibility mode; removing ALL matching entries
[742/992] Deinstalling jasper-1.900.1_15...
[742/992] Deleting files for jasper-1.900.1_15: .......... done
[743/992] Deinstalling jbig2dec-0.12...
[743/992] Deleting files for jbig2dec-0.12: .......... done
[744/992] Deinstalling libFS-1.0.7...
[744/992] Deleting files for libFS-1.0.7: ....... done
[745/992] Deinstalling libICE-1.0.9_1,1...
[745/992] Deleting files for libICE-1.0.9_1,1: .......... done
[746/992] Deinstalling libXau-1.0.8_3...
[746/992] Deleting files for libXau-1.0.8_3: .......... done
[747/992] Deinstalling libXdmcp-1.1.2...
[747/992] Deleting files for libXdmcp-1.1.2: ......... done
[748/992] Deinstalling libabw-0.1.1...
[748/992] Deleting files for libabw-0.1.1: .......... done
[749/992] Deinstalling libarchive-3.1.2_4,1...
[749/992] Deleting files for libarchive-3.1.2_4,1: .......... done
[750/992] Deinstalling libcdio-0.92_1...
[750/992] Deleting files for libcdio-0.92_1: .......... done
[751/992] Deinstalling libdvdnav-5.0.3...
[751/992] Deleting files for libdvdnav-5.0.3: .......... done
[752/992] Deinstalling libe-book-0.1.2_1...
[752/992] Deleting files for libe-book-0.1.2_1: .......... done
[753/992] Deinstalling libevent2-2.0.22_1...
[753/992] Deleting files for libevent2-2.0.22_1: .......... done
[754/992] Deinstalling libffi-3.2.1...
[754/992] Deleting files for libffi-3.2.1: .......... done
[755/992] Deinstalling libfontenc-1.1.3...
[755/992] Deleting files for libfontenc-1.1.3: ...... done
[756/992] Deinstalling libkate-0.4.1_6...
[756/992] Deleting files for libkate-0.4.1_6: .......... done
[757/992] Deinstalling liblangtag-0.5.8...
[757/992] Deleting files for liblangtag-0.5.8: .......... done
[758/992] Deinstalling libmatroska-1.4.4...
[758/992] Deleting files for libmatroska-1.4.4: .......... done
[759/992] Deinstalling libmspub01-0.1.2_1...
[759/992] Deleting files for libmspub01-0.1.2_1: .......... done
[760/992] Deinstalling libmwaw03-0.3.7...
[760/992] Deleting files for libmwaw03-0.3.7: .......... done
[761/992] Deinstalling libodfgen01-0.1.5...
[761/992] Deleting files for libodfgen01-0.1.5: .......... done
[762/992] Deinstalling libpagemaker-0.0.2...
[762/992] Deleting files for libpagemaker-0.0.2: .......... done
[763/992] Deinstalling libpci-3.4.0...
[763/992] Deleting files for libpci-3.4.0: .......... done
[764/992] Deinstalling libpciaccess-0.13.4...
[764/992] Deleting files for libpciaccess-0.13.4: ...... done
[765/992] Deinstalling libqrencode-3.4.4_1...
[765/992] Deleting files for libqrencode-3.4.4_1: .......... done
[766/992] Deinstalling libslang2-2.3.0...
[766/992] Deleting files for libslang2-2.3.0: .......... done
[767/992] Deinstalling libssh-0.7.2...
[767/992] Deleting files for libssh-0.7.2: .......... done
[768/992] Deinstalling libssh2-1.6.0_1,2...
[768/992] Deleting files for libssh2-1.6.0_1,2: .......... done
[769/992] Deinstalling libtasn1-4.7...
[769/992] Deleting files for libtasn1-4.7: .......... done
[770/992] Deinstalling libv4l-1.6.3_1...
[770/992] Deleting files for libv4l-1.6.3_1: .......... done
[771/992] Deinstalling libvisio01-0.1.3...
[771/992] Deleting files for libvisio01-0.1.3: .......... done
[772/992] Deinstalling libvorbis-1.3.5,3...
[772/992] Deleting files for libvorbis-1.3.5,3: .......... done
[773/992] Deinstalling libwps-0.4.2...
[773/992] Deleting files for libwps-0.4.2: .......... done
[774/992] Deinstalling libwps03-0.3.1_1...
[774/992] Deleting files for libwps03-0.3.1_1: .......... done
[775/992] Deinstalling libxshmfence-1.2...
[775/992] Deleting files for libxshmfence-1.2: ......... done
[776/992] Deinstalling lua51-5.1.5_9...
[776/992] Deleting files for lua51-5.1.5_9: .......... done
[777/992] Deinstalling lua52-5.2.4...
[777/992] Deleting files for lua52-5.2.4: .......... done
[778/992] Deinstalling mysql56-client-5.6.27...
[778/992] Deleting files for mysql56-client-5.6.27: .......... done
[779/992] Deinstalling nss-3.20.2_1...
[779/992] Deleting files for nss-3.20.2_1: .......... done
[780/992] Deinstalling opencollada-
[780/992] Deleting files for opencollada- .......... done
[781/992] Deinstalling openldap-client-2.4.43...
[781/992] Deleting files for openldap-client-2.4.43: .......... done
[782/992] Deinstalling openslp-2.0.0...
[782/992] Deleting files for openslp-2.0.0: .......... done
[783/992] Deinstalling opusfile-0.6_1...
[783/992] Deleting files for opusfile-0.6_1: .......... done
[784/992] Deinstalling p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1...
[784/992] Deleting files for p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1: ....... done
[785/992] Deinstalling p5-Encode-Locale-1.05...
[785/992] Deleting files for p5-Encode-Locale-1.05: ... done
[786/992] Deinstalling p5-Error-0.17024...
[786/992] Deleting files for p5-Error-0.17024: ......... done
[787/992] Deinstalling p5-GSSAPI-0.28_1...
[787/992] Deleting files for p5-GSSAPI-0.28_1: .......... done
[788/992] Deinstalling p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1...
[788/992] Deleting files for p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1: ... done
[789/992] Deinstalling p5-HTTP-Date-6.02_1...
[789/992] Deleting files for p5-HTTP-Date-6.02_1: ....... done
[790/992] Deinstalling p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1...
[790/992] Deleting files for p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1: ....... done
[791/992] Deinstalling p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02_1...
[791/992] Deleting files for p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02_1: .... done
[792/992] Deinstalling p5-Mozilla-CA-20141217...
[792/992] Deleting files for p5-Mozilla-CA-20141217: ..... done
[793/992] Deinstalling p5-Net-SSLeay-1.72...
[793/992] Deleting files for p5-Net-SSLeay-1.72: .......... done
[794/992] Deinstalling p5-Socket-2.021...
[794/992] Deleting files for p5-Socket-2.021: ........ done
[795/992] Deinstalling p5-Term-ReadKey-2.32_1...
[795/992] Deleting files for p5-Term-ReadKey-2.32_1: ......... done
[796/992] Deinstalling p5-URI-1.69...
[796/992] Deleting files for p5-URI-1.69: .......... done
[797/992] Deinstalling p5-Unicode-String-2.09_1...
[797/992] Deleting files for p5-Unicode-String-2.09_1: ...... done
[798/992] Deinstalling pbi-manager-1441126851...
[798/992] Deleting files for pbi-manager-1441126851: .......... done
[799/992] Deinstalling php56-5.6.16...
[799/992] Deleting files for php56-5.6.16: .......... done
[800/992] Deinstalling qpdf-5.1.2_1...
[800/992] Deleting files for qpdf-5.1.2_1: .......... done
[801/992] Deinstalling qt5-buildtools-5.4.1...
[801/992] Deleting files for qt5-buildtools-5.4.1: .......... done
[802/992] Deinstalling rar-5.2.1,3...
[802/992] Deleting files for rar-5.2.1,3: .......... done
[803/992] Deinstalling schroedinger-1.0.11_4...
[803/992] Deleting files for schroedinger-1.0.11_4: .......... done
[804/992] Deinstalling sdocbook-xml-1.1_1,2...
[804/992] Deleting files for sdocbook-xml-1.1_1,2: .......... done
xmlcatmgr: enabling compatibility mode; removing ALL matching entries
xmlcatmgr: enabling compatibility mode; removing ALL matching entries
[805/992] Deinstalling socat-
[805/992] Deleting files for socat- .......... done
[806/992] Deinstalling speex-1.2.r2,1...
[806/992] Deleting files for speex-1.2.r2,1: .......... done
[807/992] Deinstalling spidermonkey170-17.0.0_1...
[807/992] Deleting files for spidermonkey170-17.0.0_1: .......... done
[808/992] Deinstalling stunnel-5.28,1...
If you are permanently removing this port, you should run rm -rf /usr/local/etc/stunnel to remove any configuration files left.
==> You should manually remove the "stunnel" user.
[808/992] Deleting files for stunnel-5.28,1: .......... done
[809/992] Deinstalling tiff-4.0.6...
[809/992] Deleting files for tiff-4.0.6: .......... done
[810/992] Deinstalling trousers-tddl-0.3.10_7...
==> You should manually remove the "_tss" user.
[810/992] Deleting files for trousers-tddl-0.3.10_7: .......... done
[811/992] Deinstalling unrar-5.30,5...
[811/992] Deleting files for unrar-5.30,5: ... done
[812/992] Deinstalling xkeyboard-config-2.16...
[812/992] Deleting files for xkeyboard-config-2.16: .......... done
[813/992] Deinstalling xmlcharent-0.3_2...
[813/992] Deleting files for xmlcharent-0.3_2: .......... done
[814/992] Deinstalling zh-libchewing-0.4.0_1...
[814/992] Deleting files for zh-libchewing-0.4.0_1: .......... done
[815/992] Deinstalling CoinMP-1.8.3...
[815/992] Deleting files for CoinMP-1.8.3: .......... done
[816/992] Deinstalling alsa-lib-1.1.0...
[816/992] Deleting files for alsa-lib-1.1.0: .......... done
[817/992] Deinstalling anacron-2.3_6...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/anacrontab if it's no longer needed.
[817/992] Deleting files for anacron-2.3_6: ..... done
[818/992] Deinstalling ataidle-2.7.2...
[818/992] Deleting files for ataidle-2.7.2: ........ done
[819/992] Deinstalling babl-0.1.14...
[819/992] Deleting files for babl-0.1.14: .......... done
[820/992] Deinstalling beadm-1.5.3...
[820/992] Deleting files for beadm-1.5.3: ..... done
[821/992] Deinstalling ca_root_nss-3.20.1...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem if it is no longer needed.
[821/992] Deleting files for ca_root_nss-3.20.1: ....... done
[822/992] Deinstalling cabextract-1.6...
[822/992] Deleting files for cabextract-1.6: .......... done
[823/992] Deinstalling chmlib-0.40_1...
[823/992] Deleting files for chmlib-0.40_1: .......... done
[824/992] Deinstalling clucene-
[824/992] Deleting files for clucene- .......... done
[825/992] Deinstalling compat9x-amd64-9.3.903000.20151116...
[825/992] Deleting files for compat9x-amd64-9.3.903000.20151116: .......... done
[826/992] Deinstalling compositeproto-0.4.2...
[826/992] Deleting files for compositeproto-0.4.2: .... done
[827/992] Deinstalling cursor-jimmac-theme-0.1_2...
[827/992] Deleting files for cursor-jimmac-theme-0.1_2: .......... done
[828/992] Deinstalling cuse4bsd-kmod-0.1.36...
[828/992] Deleting files for cuse4bsd-kmod-0.1.36: .......... done
[829/992] Deinstalling cvsps-2.1_1...
[829/992] Deleting files for cvsps-2.1_1: ... done
[830/992] Deinstalling damageproto-1.2.1...
[830/992] Deleting files for damageproto-1.2.1: .... done
[831/992] Deinstalling db5-5.3.28_3...
[831/992] Deleting files for db5-5.3.28_3: .......... done
[832/992] Deinstalling dirac-1.0.2_4...
[832/992] Deleting files for dirac-1.0.2_4: .......... done
[833/992] Deinstalling disktype-9...
[833/992] Deleting files for disktype-9: .. done
[834/992] Deinstalling djbfft-0.76_2...
[834/992] Deleting files for djbfft-0.76_2: .......... done
[835/992] Deinstalling dmidecode-3.0...
[835/992] Deleting files for dmidecode-3.0: .......... done
[836/992] Deinstalling dmxproto-2.3.1...
[836/992] Deleting files for dmxproto-2.3.1: ... done
[837/992] Deinstalling dri2proto-2.8...
[837/992] Deleting files for dri2proto-2.8: .... done
[838/992] Deinstalling e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.42.13...
[838/992] Deleting files for e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.42.13: .......... done
[839/992] Deinstalling eject-1.5_4...
[839/992] Deleting files for eject-1.5_4: .... done
[840/992] Deinstalling en-hunspell-7.1_1...
[840/992] Deleting files for en-hunspell-7.1_1: .......... done
[841/992] Deinstalling expat-2.1.0_3...
[841/992] Deleting files for expat-2.1.0_3: .......... done
[842/992] Deinstalling faad2-2.7_5,1...
[842/992] Deleting files for faad2-2.7_5,1: .......... done
[843/992] Deinstalling fdk-aac-0.1.4...
[843/992] Deleting files for fdk-aac-0.1.4: .......... done
[844/992] Deinstalling fftw3-float-3.3.3_2...
[844/992] Deleting files for fftw3-float-3.3.3_2: .......... done
[845/992] Deinstalling fixesproto-5.0...
[845/992] Deleting files for fixesproto-5.0: .... done
[846/992] Deinstalling font-alias-1.0.3_3...
[846/992] Deleting files for font-alias-1.0.3_3: .... done
[847/992] Deinstalling font-util-1.3.1...
[847/992] Deleting files for font-util-1.3.1: .......... done
[848/992] Deinstalling fontcacheproto-0.1.3...
[848/992] Deleting files for fontcacheproto-0.1.3: .... done
[849/992] Deinstalling fontsproto-2.1.3,1...
[849/992] Deleting files for fontsproto-2.1.3,1: ........ done
[850/992] Deinstalling freetype2-2.6.2...
[850/992] Deleting files for freetype2-2.6.2: .......... done
[851/992] Deinstalling fribidi-0.19.7...
[851/992] Deleting files for fribidi-0.19.7: .......... done
[852/992] Deinstalling fusefs-libs-2.9.4...
[852/992] Deleting files for fusefs-libs-2.9.4: .......... done
[853/992] Deinstalling gcc-ecj-4.5...
[853/992] Deleting files for gcc-ecj-4.5: . done
[854/992] Deinstalling giflib-5.1.1...
[854/992] Deleting files for giflib-5.1.1: .......... done
[855/992] Deinstalling glproto-1.4.17...
[855/992] Deleting files for glproto-1.4.17: ...... done
[856/992] Deinstalling gnome_subr-1.0...
[856/992] Deleting files for gnome_subr-1.0: . done
[857/992] Deinstalling goom-2k4.0_5...
[857/992] Deleting files for goom-2k4.0_5: .......... done
[858/992] Deinstalling graphite2-1.3.3...
[858/992] Deleting files for graphite2-1.3.3: .......... done
[859/992] Deinstalling gsfonts-8.11_6...
[859/992] Deleting files for gsfonts-8.11_6: .......... done
[860/992] Deinstalling gsm-1.0.13_2...
[860/992] Deleting files for gsm-1.0.13_2: .......... done
[861/992] Deinstalling hicolor-icon-theme-0.15...
[861/992] Deleting files for hicolor-icon-theme-0.15: . done
[862/992] Deinstalling i386-wine-staging-1.8.r3,1...
[862/992] Deleting files for i386-wine-staging-1.8.r3,1: .......... done
[863/992] Deinstalling icu-55.1...
[863/992] Deleting files for icu-55.1: .......... done
[864/992] Deinstalling ilmbase-2.2.0...
[864/992] Deleting files for ilmbase-2.2.0: .......... done
[865/992] Deinstalling indexinfo-0.2.4...
[865/992] Deleting files for indexinfo-0.2.4: .... done
[866/992] Deinstalling inputproto-2.3.1...
[866/992] Deleting files for inputproto-2.3.1: ..... done
[867/992] Deinstalling iocage-devel-20151207...
[867/992] Deleting files for iocage-devel-20151207: ..
pkg: /usr/local/lib/iocage/ioc-globals different from original checksum, not removing
[867/992] Deleting files for iocage-devel-20151207........... done
[868/992] Deinstalling ja-tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3...
[868/992] Deleting files for ja-tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3: ..... done
[869/992] Deinstalling ja-zinnia-0.06_1...
[869/992] Deleting files for ja-zinnia-0.06_1: .......... done
[870/992] Deinstalling jailme-0.2.0...
[870/992] Deleting files for jailme-0.2.0: .... done
[871/992] Deinstalling java-zoneinfo-2015.f...
[871/992] Deleting files for java-zoneinfo-2015.f: .......... done
[872/992] Deinstalling javavmwrapper-2.5...
[872/992] Deleting files for javavmwrapper-2.5: .......... done
[873/992] Deinstalling jbigkit-2.1_1...
[873/992] Deleting files for jbigkit-2.1_1: .......... done
[874/992] Deinstalling jpeg-turbo-1.4.2...
[874/992] Deleting files for jpeg-turbo-1.4.2: .......... done
[875/992] Deinstalling json-c-0.12_2...
[875/992] Deleting files for json-c-0.12_2: .......... done
[876/992] Deinstalling kbproto-1.0.7...
[876/992] Deleting files for kbproto-1.0.7: .......... done
[877/992] Deinstalling kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3...
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3:
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/apps/kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/places/start-here-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/apps/kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/places/start-here-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/animations/process-working-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/apps/kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/places/start-here-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/256x256/places/start-here-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/apps/kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/places/start-here-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/apps/kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/places/start-here-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3....
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/apps/kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3...
pkg: /usr/local/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/places/start-here-kde.png different from original checksum, not removing
[877/992] Deleting files for kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3.... done
[878/992] Deinstalling kde4-wallpapers-freebsd-1.0...
[878/992] Deleting files for kde4-wallpapers-freebsd-1.0:
pkg: /usr/local/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init/05-freebsdWallpaper.js different from original checksum, not removing
[878/992] Deleting files for kde4-wallpapers-freebsd-1.0............. done
[879/992] Deinstalling kde4-xdg-env-1.1...
[879/992] Deleting files for kde4-xdg-env-1.1: . done
[880/992] Deinstalling ksysguardd-4.11.14...
[880/992] Deleting files for ksysguardd-4.11.14: .. done
[881/992] Deinstalling lame-3.99.5_2...
[881/992] Deleting files for lame-3.99.5_2: .......... done
[882/992] Deinstalling liba52-0.7.4_3...
[882/992] Deleting files for liba52-0.7.4_3: .......... done
[883/992] Deinstalling libao-1.2.0_2...
[883/992] Deleting files for libao-1.2.0_2: .......... done
[884/992] Deinstalling libaudiofile-0.3.6_2...
[884/992] Deleting files for libaudiofile-0.3.6_2: .......... done
[885/992] Deinstalling libcddb-1.3.2_4...
[885/992] Deleting files for libcddb-1.3.2_4: .......... done
[886/992] Deinstalling libdaemon-0.14_1...
[886/992] Deleting files for libdaemon-0.14_1: .......... done
[887/992] Deinstalling libdca-0.0.5_1...
[887/992] Deleting files for libdca-0.0.5_1: .......... done
[888/992] Deinstalling libdevq-0.0.2_1...
[888/992] Deleting files for libdevq-0.0.2_1: ..... done
[889/992] Deinstalling libdvbpsi-1.2.0...
[889/992] Deleting files for libdvbpsi-1.2.0: .......... done
[890/992] Deinstalling libdvdcss-1.3.99...
[890/992] Deleting files for libdvdcss-1.3.99: .......... done
[891/992] Deinstalling libdvdread-5.0.3...
[891/992] Deleting files for libdvdread-5.0.3: .......... done
[892/992] Deinstalling libebml-1.3.3...
[892/992] Deleting files for libebml-1.3.3: .......... done
[893/992] Deinstalling libedit-3.1.20150325_1...
[893/992] Deleting files for libedit-3.1.20150325_1: .......... done
[894/992] Deinstalling libexttextcat-3.4.4...
[894/992] Deleting files for libexttextcat-3.4.4: .......... done
[895/992] Deinstalling libfpx-
[895/992] Deleting files for libfpx- .... done
[896/992] Deinstalling libical-1.0.1...
[896/992] Deleting files for libical-1.0.1: .......... done
[897/992] Deinstalling libiconv-1.14_9...
[897/992] Deleting files for libiconv-1.14_9: .......... done
[898/992] Deinstalling libid3tag-0.15.1b_1...
[898/992] Deleting files for libid3tag-0.15.1b_1: .......... done
[899/992] Deinstalling libijs-0.35_5...
[899/992] Deleting files for libijs-0.35_5: .......... done
[900/992] Deinstalling libinotify-20150910...
[900/992] Deleting files for libinotify-20150910: ........ done
[901/992] Deinstalling libiodbc-3.52.9_1...
[901/992] Deleting files for libiodbc-3.52.9_1: .......... done
[902/992] Deinstalling libirman-0.4.6...
[902/992] Deleting files for libirman-0.4.6: .......... done
[903/992] Deinstalling libltdl-2.4.6...
[903/992] Deleting files for libltdl-2.4.6: .......... done
[904/992] Deinstalling libmad-0.15.1b_6...
[904/992] Deleting files for libmad-0.15.1b_6: ......... done
[905/992] Deinstalling libmpeg2-0.5.1_6...
[905/992] Deleting files for libmpeg2-0.5.1_6: .......... done
[906/992] Deinstalling libmspack-0.5...
[906/992] Deleting files for libmspack-0.5: ......... done
[907/992] Deinstalling libogg-1.3.2_1,4...
[907/992] Deleting files for libogg-1.3.2_1,4: .......... done
[908/992] Deinstalling libpaper-
[908/992] Deleting files for libpaper- .......... done
[909/992] Deinstalling libproxy-0.4.6...
[909/992] Deleting files for libproxy-0.4.6: ......... done
[910/992] Deinstalling libpthread-stubs-0.3_6...
[910/992] Deleting files for libpthread-stubs-0.3_6: ..... done
[911/992] Deinstalling libressl-devel-2.3.1...
[911/992] Deleting files for libressl-devel-2.3.1: .......... done
[912/992] Deinstalling librevenge-0.0.3...
[912/992] Deleting files for librevenge-0.0.3: .......... done
[913/992] Deinstalling libsigc++-2.4.1...
[913/992] Deleting files for libsigc++-2.4.1: .......... done
[914/992] Deinstalling libspiro-0.5.20150702,1...
[914/992] Deleting files for libspiro-0.5.20150702,1: .......... done
[915/992] Deinstalling libstreams-0.7.8_1...
[915/992] Deleting files for libstreams-0.7.8_1: .......... done
[916/992] Deinstalling libsunacl-1.0...
[916/992] Deleting files for libsunacl-1.0: ....... done
[917/992] Deinstalling libublio-20070103...
[917/992] Deleting files for libublio-20070103: ...... done
[918/992] Deinstalling libunibreak-1.1_3,1...
[918/992] Deleting files for libunibreak-1.1_3,1: .......... done
[919/992] Deinstalling libunicode-0.4_10...
[919/992] Deleting files for libunicode-0.4_10: ....... done
[920/992] Deinstalling libvolume_id-0.81.1...
[920/992] Deleting files for libvolume_id-0.81.1: ..... done
[921/992] Deinstalling libvpx-1.5.0...
[921/992] Deleting files for libvpx-1.5.0: .......... done
[922/992] Deinstalling libx264-0.144.2533_1...
[922/992] Deleting files for libx264-0.144.2533_1: ......... done
[923/992] Deinstalling libxml2-2.9.3...
[923/992] Deleting files for libxml2-2.9.3: .......... done
[924/992] Deinstalling libyaml-0.1.6_2...
[924/992] Deleting files for libyaml-0.1.6_2: ......... done
[925/992] Deinstalling libzip-1.0.1...
[925/992] Deleting files for libzip-1.0.1: .......... done
[926/992] Deinstalling linux_dvbwrapper-kmod-1.0_1...
[926/992] Deleting files for linux_dvbwrapper-kmod-1.0_1: . done
[927/992] Deinstalling liveMedia-2014.12.17_1,2...
[927/992] Deleting files for liveMedia-2014.12.17_1,2: .......... done
[928/992] Deinstalling lp_solve-
[928/992] Deleting files for lp_solve- .......... done
[929/992] Deinstalling lzo2-2.09...
[929/992] Deleting files for lzo2-2.09: .......... done
[930/992] Deinstalling mDNSResponder-576.30.4...
[930/992] Deleting files for mDNSResponder-576.30.4: .......... done
[931/992] Deinstalling mpage-2.5.6...
[931/992] Deleting files for mpage-2.5.6: .......... done
[932/992] Deinstalling musepack-2011.08.10...
[932/992] Deleting files for musepack-2011.08.10: .......... done
[933/992] Deinstalling npth-1.2...
[933/992] Deleting files for npth-1.2: .......... done
[934/992] Deinstalling nspr-4.11...
[934/992] Deleting files for nspr-4.11: .......... done
[935/992] Deinstalling opencv-core-2.4.9_3...
[935/992] Deleting files for opencv-core-2.4.9_3: .......... done
[936/992] Deinstalling openntpd-5.7p4_1,2...
==> You should manually remove the "_ntp" user.
[936/992] Deleting files for openntpd-5.7p4_1,2: .......... done
[937/992] Deinstalling opus-1.1.1_1...
[937/992] Deleting files for opus-1.1.1_1: .......... done
[938/992] Deinstalling orc-0.4.24_1...
[938/992] Deleting files for orc-0.4.24_1: .......... done
[939/992] Deinstalling p7zip-15.09...
[939/992] Deleting files for p7zip-15.09: .......... done
[940/992] Deinstalling pam_kde-1.0...
[940/992] Deleting files for pam_kde-1.0: .. done
[941/992] Deinstalling pam_mkhomedir-0.2...
[941/992] Deleting files for pam_mkhomedir-0.2: ... done
[942/992] Deinstalling pcbsd-libsh-1438351389...
[942/992] Deleting files for pcbsd-libsh-1438351389: .... done
[943/992] Deinstalling pciids-20151224...
[943/992] Deleting files for pciids-20151224: ...... done
[944/992] Deinstalling pcre-8.37_4...
[944/992] Deleting files for pcre-8.37_4: .......... done
[945/992] Deinstalling perl5-5.20.3_8...
[945/992] Deleting files for perl5-5.20.3_8: .......... done
[946/992] Deinstalling pixman-0.32.8...
[946/992] Deleting files for pixman-0.32.8: .......... done
pkg: Cannot delete pkg itself without force flag
[947/992] Deinstalling pkgconf-0.9.12_1...
[947/992] Deleting files for pkgconf-0.9.12_1: ....... done
[948/992] Deinstalling png-1.6.20...
[948/992] Deleting files for png-1.6.20: .......... done
[949/992] Deinstalling poppler-data-0.4.7...
[949/992] Deleting files for poppler-data-0.4.7: .......... done
[950/992] Deinstalling printproto-1.0.5...
[950/992] Deleting files for printproto-1.0.5: .... done
[951/992] Deinstalling protobuf-2.6.1...
[951/992] Deleting files for protobuf-2.6.1: .......... done
[952/992] Deinstalling pygobject3-common-3.16.2...
[952/992] Deleting files for pygobject3-common-3.16.2: ..... done
[953/992] Deinstalling qt4-doc-4.8.7...
[953/992] Deleting files for qt4-doc-4.8.7: .......... done
[954/992] Deinstalling qt5-qmake-5.4.1_4...
[954/992] Deleting files for qt5-qmake-5.4.1_4: .......... done
[955/992] Deinstalling randrproto-1.5.0...
[955/992] Deleting files for randrproto-1.5.0: .... done
[956/992] Deinstalling recordproto-1.14.2...
[956/992] Deleting files for recordproto-1.14.2: .... done
[957/992] Deinstalling renderproto-0.11.1...
[957/992] Deleting files for renderproto-0.11.1: .... done
[958/992] Deinstalling rpm2cpio-1.4_1...
[958/992] Deleting files for rpm2cpio-1.4_1: . done
[959/992] Deinstalling rsync-3.1.2_1...
[959/992] Deleting files for rsync-3.1.2_1: .......... done
[960/992] Deinstalling scrnsaverproto-1.2.2...
[960/992] Deleting files for scrnsaverproto-1.2.2: ... done
[961/992] Deinstalling shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0...
[961/992] Deleting files for shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0: .......... done
[962/992] Deinstalling sipcalc-1.1.6...
[962/992] Deleting files for sipcalc-1.1.6: ........ done
[963/992] Deinstalling smartmontools-6.4_1...
[963/992] Deleting files for smartmontools-6.4_1: .......... done
[964/992] Deinstalling soundtouch-1.9.2...
[964/992] Deleting files for soundtouch-1.9.2: .......... done
[965/992] Deinstalling speexdsp-1.2.r3_1...
[965/992] Deleting files for speexdsp-1.2.r3_1: .......... done
[966/992] Deinstalling sqlite3-3.9.2...
[966/992] Deleting files for sqlite3-3.9.2: .......... done
[967/992] Deinstalling svgalib-1.4.3_7...
[967/992] Deleting files for svgalib-1.4.3_7: .......... done
[968/992] Deinstalling taglib-1.9.1_2...
[968/992] Deleting files for taglib-1.9.1_2: .......... done
[969/992] Deinstalling tcl84-8.4.20_2,1...
[969/992] Deleting files for tcl84-8.4.20_2,1: .......... done
[970/992] Deinstalling tcl85-8.5.18_1...
[970/992] Deleting files for tcl85-8.5.18_1: .......... done
[971/992] Deinstalling tcl86-8.6.4...
[971/992] Deleting files for tcl86-8.6.4: .......... done
[972/992] Deinstalling tidy-lib-090315.c_3...
[972/992] Deleting files for tidy-lib-090315.c_3: .......... done
[973/992] Deinstalling unzip-6.0_6...
[973/992] Deleting files for unzip-6.0_6: .......... done
[974/992] Deinstalling videoproto-2.3.2...
[974/992] Deleting files for videoproto-2.3.2: ...... done
[975/992] Deinstalling volman-0.7_2...
[975/992] Deleting files for volman-0.7_2: .... done
[976/992] Deinstalling wmicons-1.0_2...
[976/992] Deleting files for wmicons-1.0_2: .......... done
[977/992] Deinstalling xapian-core-1.2.21,1...
[977/992] Deleting files for xapian-core-1.2.21,1: .......... done
[978/992] Deinstalling xbitmaps-1.1.1...
[978/992] Deleting files for xbitmaps-1.1.1: .......... done
[979/992] Deinstalling xcursor-themes-1.0.4_1...
[979/992] Deleting files for xcursor-themes-1.0.4_1: .......... done
[980/992] Deinstalling xextproto-7.3.0...
[980/992] Deleting files for xextproto-7.3.0: .......... done
[981/992] Deinstalling xf86dgaproto-2.1...
[981/992] Deleting files for xf86dgaproto-2.1: ........ done
[982/992] Deinstalling xf86miscproto-0.9.3...
[982/992] Deleting files for xf86miscproto-0.9.3: ... done
[983/992] Deinstalling xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1...
[983/992] Deleting files for xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1: .... done
[984/992] Deinstalling xineramaproto-1.2.1...
[984/992] Deleting files for xineramaproto-1.2.1: .. done
[985/992] Deinstalling xmlcatmgr-2.2_2...
 + Removing /usr/local/share/sgml/catalog.  It is empty.
 + Removing /usr/local/share/sgml/catalog.ports.  It is empty.
 + Removing /usr/local/share/xml/catalog.  It is empty.
[985/992] Deleting files for xmlcatmgr-2.2_2: .......... done
[986/992] Deinstalling xorg-docs-1.7.1,1...
[986/992] Deleting files for xorg-docs-1.7.1,1: .......... done
[987/992] Deinstalling xproto-7.0.28...
[987/992] Deleting files for xproto-7.0.28: .......... done
[988/992] Deinstalling xtrans-1.3.5...
[988/992] Deleting files for xtrans-1.3.5: .......... done
[989/992] Deinstalling xvid-1.3.4,1...
[989/992] Deleting files for xvid-1.3.4,1: ........ done
[990/992] Deinstalling yajl-2.1.0...
[990/992] Deleting files for yajl-2.1.0: .......... done
[991/992] Deinstalling zip-3.0_1...
[991/992] Deleting files for zip-3.0_1: .......... done
Installing packages to stage BE... (This may take a while)
Running: chroot /.updateStage sh /
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
[1/1] Reinstalling pkg-1.6.2...
You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf if it is no longer needed.
[1/1] Extracting pkg-1.6.2: .......... done
Message from pkg-1.6.2:
If you are upgrading from the old package format, first run:

  # pkg2ng
Installing misc/pcbsd-base...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 573 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    pcbsd-base: 2020151023
    libdvdcss: 1.3.99
    cuse4bsd-kmod: 0.1.36
    pavucontrol: 3.0
    gtkmm24: 2.24.4_2
    libxml2: 2.9.3
    pangomm: 2.36.0
    libxml++: 2.34.2_2
    glib: 2.44.1_2
    gettext-runtime: 0.19.6
    indexinfo: 0.2.4
    python27: 2.7.11_1
    libffi: 3.2.1
    libressl-devel: 2.3.1
    libiconv: 1.14_9
    perl5: 5.20.3_8
    pcre: 8.37_4
    glibmm: 2.44.0,1
    libsigc++: 2.4.1
    pango: 1.36.8_2
    encodings: 1.0.4_3,1
    font-util: 1.3.1
    libXft: 2.3.2_1
    xproto: 7.0.28
    libXrender: 0.9.9
    renderproto: 0.11.1
    libX11: 1.6.3,1
    libXdmcp: 1.1.2
    libxcb: 1.11.1
    libpthread-stubs: 0.3_6
    libXau: 1.0.8_3
    kbproto: 1.0.7
    fontconfig: 2.11.1_1,1
    expat: 2.1.0_3
    freetype2: 2.6.2
    xorg-fonts-truetype: 7.7_1
    font-misc-meltho: 1.0.3_3
    mkfontdir: 1.0.7
    mkfontscale: 1.1.2
    libfontenc: 1.1.3
    font-bh-ttf: 1.0.3_3
    font-misc-ethiopic: 1.0.3_3
    dejavu: 2.35
    harfbuzz: 1.1.2
    cairo: 1.14.6,2
    libGL: 11.0.8
    libXfixes: 5.0.1_3
    fixesproto: 5.0
    dri2proto: 2.8
    libXdamage: 1.1.4_3
    damageproto: 1.2.1
    libdevq: 0.0.2_1
    libXxf86vm: 1.1.4_1
    xf86vidmodeproto: 2.3.1
    libXext: 1.3.3_1,1
    xextproto: 7.3.0
    libdrm: 2.4.65_1,1
    libpciaccess: 0.13.4
    pciids: 20151224
    libxshmfence: 1.2
    libglapi: 11.0.8
    libXvMC: 1.0.9
    libXv: 1.0.10_3,1
    videoproto: 2.3.2
    glproto: 1.4.17
    libEGL: 11.0.8
    gbm: 11.0.8
    llvm36: 3.6.2_2
    libedit: 3.1.20150325_1
    png: 1.6.20
    pixman: 0.32.8
    xcb-util-renderutil: 0.3.9_1
    xcb-util: 0.4.0_1,1
    xorg-server: 1.17.4,1
    libepoxy: 1.3.1
    libglesv2: 11.0.8
    libXfont: 1.5.1,2
    fontsproto: 2.1.3,1
    libXxf86misc: 1.0.3_3
    xf86miscproto: 0.9.3
    libXinerama: 1.1.3_3,1
    xineramaproto: 1.2.1
    libXmu: 1.1.2_3,1
    libXt: 1.1.5,1
    libSM: 1.2.2_3,1
    libICE: 1.0.9_1,1
    xkbcomp: 1.3.1
    libxkbfile: 1.0.9
    dri: 11.0.8,2
    libXaw: 1.0.13,2
    libXpm: 3.5.11_4
    printproto: 1.0.5
    libXp: 1.0.3,1
    xkeyboard-config: 2.16
    libxkbui: 1.0.2_4
    icu: 55.1
    graphite2: 1.3.3
    cairomm: 1.10.0_3
    gtk2: 2.24.29
    hicolor-icon-theme: 0.15
    cups-client: 2.0.3_2
    libgcrypt: 1.6.4_3
    libgpg-error: 1.21
    nettle: 2.7.1
    gmp: 5.1.3_2
    ca_root_nss: 3.21
    libtasn1: 4.7
    p11-kit: 0.23.2
    trousers-tddl: 0.3.10_7
    libidn: 1.31
    mDNSResponder: 576.30.4
    gnome_subr: 1.0
    avahi-app: 0.6.31_5
    dbus-glib: 0.104
    dbus: 1.8.20
    gobject-introspection: 1.44.0
    python2: 2_3
    gdbm: 1.11_2
    libdaemon: 0.14_1
    gtk-update-icon-cache: 2.24.29
    libXcursor: 1.1.14_3
    libXcomposite: 0.4.4_3,1
    compositeproto: 0.4.2
    libXi: 1.7.6,1
    inputproto: 2.3.1
    atk: 2.16.0
    libXrandr: 1.5.0
    randrproto: 1.5.0
    gdk-pixbuf2: 2.32.1
    jasper: 1.900.1_15
    jpeg-turbo: 1.4.2
    tiff: 4.0.6_1
    jbigkit: 2.1_1
    shared-mime-info: 1.5
    python: 2.7_2,2
    atkmm: 2.22.7
    libcanberra: 0.30_3
    libvorbis: 1.3.5,3
    libogg: 1.3.2_1,4
    libltdl: 2.4.6
    pulseaudio: 6.0_2
    fftw3-float: 3.3.3_2
    libXtst: 1.2.2_3
    recordproto: 1.14.2
    orc: 0.4.24_1
    json-c: 0.12_2
    consolekit: 0.4.5_4
    polkit: 0.113_1
    spidermonkey170: 17.0.0_1
    nspr: 4.11
    speexdsp: 1.2.r3_1
    libsndfile: 1.0.26
    flac: 1.3.1_1
    fftw3: 3.3.3_2
    pcbsd-utils: 1448899406
    qt5-buildtools: 5.4.1
    eject: 1.5_4
    qt5-core: 5.4.1_3
    qt5-network: 5.4.1_1
    qt5-qmake: 5.4.1_4
    sipcalc: 1.1.6
    openntpd: 5.7p4_1,2
    gtk-theme-switch: 2.0.0.r2_5
    beadm: 1.5.3
    p7zip: 15.09
    rpm2cpio: 1.4_1
    droid-fonts-ttf: 20131024_3
    pam_mkhomedir: 0.2
    rsync: 3.1.2_1
    mtools: 4.0.10_4
    fusefs-ntfs: 2015.3.14_3
    libublio: 20070103
    fusefs-libs: 2.9.4_1
    x11vnc: 0.9.13_2
    cursor-jimmac-theme: 0.1_2
    life-preserver: 1452651013
    pcbsd-libsh: 1438351389
    sshpass: 1.05_1
    stunnel: 5.29,1
    grub2-efi: 2.02_15
    grub2-pcbsd: 2.02q_7
    gcc: 4.8.5_2
    mpc: 1.0.3
    mpfr: 3.1.3
    binutils: 2.25.1
    gcc-ecj: 4.5
    pbi-manager: 1441126851
    foo2zjs: 20150511_1
    foomatic-db: 20150819
    curl: 7.46.0_2
    foomatic-filters: 4.0.17_4
    cups-image: 2.0.3_2
    a2ps: 4.13b_8
    mpage: 2.5.6
    enscript-a4: 1.6.6_1
    ghostscript9-base: 9.06_11
    jbig2dec: 0.12
    svgalib: 1.4.3_7
    lcms2: 2.7_2
    gsfonts: 8.11_6
    gsed: 4.2.2
    py27-fail2ban: 0.9.3_1
    py27-sqlite3: 2.7.11_7
    py27-setuptools27: 19.2
    sqlite3: 3.10.0
    pciutils: 3.4.0
    libpci: 3.4.0
    cups-pdf: 2.6.1_2
    cups-base: 2.0.3_3
    splix: 2.0.0_6
    xf86-video-scfb: 0.0.4_3
    pcbsd-appweb: 1441129621
    php56-gd: 5.6.17
    php56: 5.6.17
    t1lib: 5.1.2_4,1
    pcbsd-syscache: 1439494375
    php56-session: 5.6.17
    warden: 1438351389
    debootstrap: 1.0.75
    wget: 1.16.3
    jailme: 0.2.0
    nginx: 1.8.0_3,2
    libyaml: 0.1.6_2
    php56-filter: 5.6.17
    php56-json: 5.6.17
    xf86-video-intel: 2.21.15_9
    cups-filters: 1.5.0
    qpdf: 5.1.2_1
    libijs: 0.35_5
    poppler: 0.34.0
    openjpeg15: 1.5.2_1
    poppler-data: 0.4.7
    poppler-utils: 0.34.0
    poppler-glib: 0.34.0
    rar: 5.2.1,3
    compat9x-amd64: 9.3.903000.20151116
    volman: 0.7_2
    pcbsd-utils-qt5: 1452180981
    qt5-x11extras: 5.4.1
    qt5-widgets: 5.4.1
    qt5-gui: 5.4.1_3
    xcb-util-image: 0.4.0_1
    xcb-util-wm: 0.4.1_3
    libxkbcommon: 0.5.0_1
    xcb-util-keysyms: 0.4.0_1
    qt5-dbus: 5.4.1
    xset: 1.2.3_1
    libXfontcache: 1.0.5_3
    fontcacheproto: 0.1.3
    xprop: 1.2.2
    qt5-linguist: 5.4.1
    qt5-linguisttools: 5.4.1
    qt5-xml: 5.4.1
    qt5-assistant: 5.4.1
    qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3: 5.4.1
    qt5-sql: 5.4.1
    qt5-help: 5.4.1
    qt5-clucene: 5.4.1
    qt5-webkit: 5.4.1_2
    gstreamer-plugins: 0.10.36_6,3
    gstreamer: 0.10.36_4
    libxslt: 1.1.28_8
    qt5-opengl: 5.4.1
    qt5-quick: 5.4.1
    qt5-qml: 5.4.1
    qt5-testlib: 5.4.1
    qt5-xmlpatterns: 5.4.1
    webp: 0.4.4_1
    giflib: 5.1.1
    qt5-printsupport: 5.4.1_1
    qt5-svg: 5.4.1
    cdrtools: 3.01
    desktop-file-utils: 0.22_3
    py27-dbus: 1.2.0_1
    pydbus-common: 1.2.0_1
    poppler-qt5: 0.34.0
    libaacs: 0.8.0
    vorbis-tools: 1.4.0_10,3
    libao: 1.2.0_2
    speex: 1.2.r2,1
    libkate: 0.4.1_6
    dvd+rw-tools: 7.1_1
    gtk2-qtcurve-theme: 1.8.18
    qtcurve-utils: 1.8.18
    xvkbd: 3.7
    tk84: 8.4.20,2
    tcl84: 8.4.20_2,1
    tk85: 8.5.18
    tcl85: 8.5.18_1
    libXScrnSaver: 1.2.2_3
    scrnsaverproto: 1.2.2
    tk86: 8.6.4
    tcl86: 8.6.4
    zip: 3.0_1
    qt4-style-qtcurve: 1.8.18
    qt4-svg: 4.8.7
    qt4-corelib: 4.8.7_1
    qt4-gui: 4.8.7
    qt4-dbus: 4.8.7
    qt4-xml: 4.8.7
    fribidi: 0.19.7
    cdrdao: 1.2.3_5
    libmad: 0.15.1b_6
    fluxbox: 1.3.7
    xmessage: 1.0.4
    xbrightness: 0.3
    libv4l: 1.6.3_1
    hal: 0.5.14_30
    policykit: 0.9_10
    libvolume_id: 0.81.1
    dmidecode: 3.0
    iocage-devel: 20151207
    libvdpau: 1.1.1
    git: 2.7.0
    p5-Error: 0.17024
    cvsps: 2.1_1
    p5-subversion: 1.9.3
    subversion: 1.9.3_1
    db5: 5.3.28_3
    serf: 1.3.8_1
    p5-Net-SMTP-SSL: 1.03
    p5-IO-Socket-SSL: 2.022
    p5-Net-SSLeay: 1.72
    p5-IO-Socket-IP: 0.37
    p5-Socket: 2.021
    p5-Mozilla-CA: 20141217
    p5-Term-ReadKey: 2.32_1
    p5-Authen-SASL: 2.16_1
    p5-Digest-HMAC: 1.03_1
    p5-GSSAPI: 0.28_1
    disktype: 9
    libevent2: 2.0.22_1
    gsmartcontrol: 0.8.7_4
    bash: 4.3.42_1
    smartmontools: 6.4_1
    samba41: 4.1.22
    talloc: 2.1.5
    libsunacl: 1.0
    ntdb: 1.0
    tevent: 0.9.26
    openldap-client: 2.4.43
    popt: 1.16_1
    ldb: 1.1.24
    tdb: 1.3.8,1
    cyrus-sasl: 2.1.26_12
    py27-dnspython: 1.12.0
    libinotify: 20150910
    gamin: 0.1.10_8
    paprefs: 0.9.10
    gconf2: 3.2.6_4
    dconf: 0.24.0_1
    ORBit2: 2.14.19_1
    libIDL: 0.8.14_2
    gconfmm: 2.28.2_3
    libglademm: 2.6.7_7
    libglade2: 2.6.4_8
    xmlcatmgr: 2.2_2
    pwcview: 1.4.1_6
    sdl: 1.2.15_7,2
    libGLU: 9.0.0_2
    aalib: 1.4.r5_11
    ataidle: 2.7.2
    anacron: 2.3_6
    gnupg: 2.1.8
    libassuan: 2.4.2
    npth: 1.2
    libksba: 1.3.3
    pinentry: 0.9.5
    pinentry-gtk2: 0.9.5
    numlockx: 1.2
    cups-bjnp: 2.0
    pam_ldap: 1.8.6_3
    rdesktop: 1.8.3
    xorg: 7.7_2
    xorg-apps: 7.7_2
    x11perf: 1.6.0
    xkbutils: 1.0.4
    xcursorgen: 1.0.6_1
    xwd: 1.0.6
    xinit: 1.3.4,1
    twm: 1.0.9
    xsetroot: 1.1.1
    xbitmaps: 1.1.1
    xsetmode: 1.0.0
    xwud: 1.0.4
    xcmsdb: 1.0.5
    xdriinfo: 1.0.5
    xwininfo: 1.1.3_1
    xmodmap: 1.0.9
    xgc: 1.0.5
    xinput: 1.6.2
    xkill: 1.0.4
    xcalc: 1.0.6_2
    font-adobe-100dpi: 1.0.3_3
    font-alias: 1.0.3_3
    font-misc-misc: 1.1.2_3
    xf86dga: 1.0.3_1
    libXxf86dga: 1.1.4_3
    xf86dgaproto: 2.1
    setxkbmap: 1.3.1
    xbacklight: 1.2.1_1
    xclock: 1.0.7_1
    xconsole: 1.0.6_1
    xhost: 1.0.7
    xauth: 1.0.9_1
    sessreg: 1.1.0
    xrefresh: 1.0.5
    xterm: 322
    xkbevd: 1.1.4
    xlsatoms: 1.1.2
    xlsclients: 1.1.3
    xvinfo: 1.1.3
    xdpyinfo: 1.3.2
    libdmx: 1.1.3_3
    dmxproto: 2.3.1
    appres: 1.0.4
    xgamma: 1.0.6
    smproxy: 1.0.6
    bitmap: 1.0.8
    xev: 1.2.2
    luit: 1.1.1_1
    xrandr: 1.4.3
    iceauth: 1.0.7
    xrdb: 1.1.0
    xpr: 1.0.4
    xorg-fonts: 7.7_1
    xorg-fonts-cyrillic: 7.7
    font-cronyx-cyrillic: 1.0.3_3
    font-screen-cyrillic: 1.0.4_3
    font-misc-cyrillic: 1.0.3_3
    font-winitzki-cyrillic: 1.0.3_3
    xorg-fonts-75dpi: 7.7
    font-bitstream-75dpi: 1.0.3_3
    font-adobe-75dpi: 1.0.3_3
    font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi: 1.0.3_3
    font-bh-75dpi: 1.0.3_3
    font-adobe-utopia-75dpi: 1.0.4_3
    xorg-fonts-100dpi: 7.7
    font-bitstream-100dpi: 1.0.3_3
    font-bh-100dpi: 1.0.3_3
    font-adobe-utopia-100dpi: 1.0.4_3
    font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi: 1.0.3_3
    xorg-fonts-type1: 7.7
    font-ibm-type1: 1.0.3_3
    font-bitstream-type1: 1.0.3_3
    font-adobe-utopia-type1: 1.0.4_3
    font-xfree86-type1: 1.0.4_3
    font-bh-type1: 1.0.3_3
    xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps: 7.7
    font-jis-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-cursor-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-sun-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-daewoo-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-arabic-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-micro-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-sony-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-dec-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-mutt-misc: 1.0.3_3
    font-schumacher-misc: 1.1.2_3
    font-isas-misc: 1.0.3_3
    xorg-libraries: 7.7_2
    libXevie: 1.0.3_3
    libXTrap: 1.0.1_3
    trapproto: 3.4.3
    libXres: 1.0.7_3
    libFS: 1.0.7
    liboldX: 1.0.1_3
    xtrans: 1.3.5
    xcursor-themes: 1.0.4_1
    xorg-drivers: 7.7_3
    xf86-video-vesa: 2.3.4
    xf86-input-mouse: 1.9.1_1
    xf86-video-ati: 7.5.0_3
    xf86-video-openchrome: 0.3.3_6
    xf86-video-r128: 6.10.0
    xf86-video-mach64: 6.9.5
    xf86-video-nv: 2.1.20_7
    xf86-input-keyboard: 1.8.1
    xorg-docs: 1.7.1,1
    system-config-printer: 1.4.7_2
    py27-gobject: 2.28.6_6
    py27-cairo: 1.10.0_2
    cups-pk-helper: 0.2.5
    py27-gobject3: 3.16.2
    pygobject3-common: 3.16.2
    py27-gtk2: 2.24.0_4
    gtk3: 3.16.7_2
    colord: 1.2.11
    argyllcms: 1.7.0_1
    at-spi2-atk: 2.16.0
    at-spi2-core: 2.16.0
    py27-pycurl: 7.21.5
    py27-pycups: 1.9.73
    sudo: 1.8.15
    alsa-lib: 1.1.0
    nss_mdns: 0.10_3
    unrar: 5.30,5
    linux_dvbwrapper-kmod: 1.0_1
    fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack: 20071215_3
    xf86-input-synaptics: 1.8.2_1
    nss_ldap: 1.265_12
    noto: 1.0.4_1
    xsane: 0.999_5
    sane-backends: 1.0.25
    gimp-app: 2.8.16,1
    libmng: 1.0.10_2
    lcms: 1.19_6,1
    gegl: 0.2.0_14
    libspiro: 0.5.20150702,1
    babl: 0.1.14
    exiv2: 0.24_2,1
    lua52: 5.2.4
    OpenEXR: 2.2.0_5
    ilmbase: 2.2.0
    graphviz: 2.38.0_10
    libgd: 2.1.0_7,1
    libopenraw: 0.0.9_3
    boost-libs: 1.55.0_9
    librsvg2: 2.40.12
    libgsf: 1.14.34
    libcroco: 0.6.8_2
    libexif: 0.6.21_4
    iso-codes: 3.63
    gvfs: 1.24.2
    libgphoto2: 2.5.9
    libarchive: 3.1.2_4,1
    lzo2: 2.09
    gnome-mount: 0.8_12
    libnotify: 0.7.6_1
    policykit-gnome: 0.9.2_7
    gnome-doc-utils: 0.20.10_4
    py27-libxml2: 2.9.3
    rarian: 0.8.1_4
    docbook-xsl: 1.76.1_2
    docbook: 1.5
    sdocbook-xml: 1.1_1,2
    docbook-sgml: 4.5_1
    iso8879: 1986_3
    docbook-xml: 5.0_3
    xmlcharent: 0.3_2
    getopt: 1.1.6
    gettext-tools: 0.19.6
    libgnome-keyring: 3.12.0_2
    libsoup-gnome: 2.50.0
    glib-networking: 2.44.0
    libproxy: 0.4.6_1
    gsettings-desktop-schemas: 3.16.1
    cantarell-fonts: 0.0.16
    libsoup: 2.50.0
    libcdio-paranoia: 10.2+0.90+1_1
    libcdio: 0.92_1
    libcddb: 1.3.2_4
    samba36-libsmbclient: 3.6.25_2
    webkit-gtk2: 2.4.9
    geoclue: 2.2.0
    json-glib: 1.0.4
    gstreamer1-plugins: 1.6.2
    gstreamer1: 1.6.2
    libsecret: 0.18.3
    enchant: 1.6.0_5
    hunspell: 1.3.3
    xv: 3.10a_16

The process will require 3 GiB more space.
[1/573] Installing xproto-7.0.28...
[1/573] Extracting xproto-7.0.28: .......... done
[2/573] Installing libxml2-2.9.3...
[2/573] Extracting libxml2-2.9.3: .......... done
[3/573] Installing libXdmcp-1.1.2...
[3/573] Extracting libXdmcp-1.1.2: ......... done
[4/573] Installing libpthread-stubs-0.3_6...
[4/573] Extracting libpthread-stubs-0.3_6: ..... done
[5/573] Installing libXau-1.0.8_3...
[5/573] Extracting libXau-1.0.8_3: .......... done
[6/573] Installing libxcb-1.11.1...
[6/573] Extracting libxcb-1.11.1: .......... done
[7/573] Installing kbproto-1.0.7...
[7/573] Extracting kbproto-1.0.7: .......... done
[8/573] Installing libX11-1.6.3,1...
[8/573] Extracting libX11-1.6.3,1: .......... done
[9/573] Installing xextproto-7.3.0...
[9/573] Extracting xextproto-7.3.0: .......... done
[10/573] Installing fixesproto-5.0...
[10/573] Extracting fixesproto-5.0: .... done
[11/573] Installing libXext-1.3.3_1,1...
[11/573] Extracting libXext-1.3.3_1,1: .......... done
[12/573] Installing pciids-20151224...
[12/573] Extracting pciids-20151224: ...... done
[13/573] Installing videoproto-2.3.2...
[13/573] Extracting videoproto-2.3.2: ...... done
[14/573] Installing indexinfo-0.2.4...
[14/573] Extracting indexinfo-0.2.4: .... done
[15/573] Installing libXfixes-5.0.1_3...
[15/573] Extracting libXfixes-5.0.1_3: .......... done
[16/573] Installing damageproto-1.2.1...
[16/573] Extracting damageproto-1.2.1: .... done
[17/573] Installing libpciaccess-0.13.4...
[17/573] Extracting libpciaccess-0.13.4: ...... done
[18/573] Installing libXv-1.0.10_3,1...
[18/573] Extracting libXv-1.0.10_3,1: .......... done
[19/573] Installing gettext-runtime-0.19.6...
[19/573] Extracting gettext-runtime-0.19.6: .......... done
[20/573] Installing libffi-3.2.1...
[20/573] Extracting libffi-3.2.1: .......... done
[21/573] Installing libressl-devel-2.3.1...
[21/573] Extracting libressl-devel-2.3.1: .......... done
[22/573] Installing expat-2.1.0_3...
[22/573] Extracting expat-2.1.0_3: .......... done
[23/573] Installing libXdamage-1.1.4_3...
[23/573] Extracting libXdamage-1.1.4_3: ...... done
[24/573] Installing libdevq-0.0.2_1...
[24/573] Extracting libdevq-0.0.2_1: ..... done
[25/573] Installing libdrm-2.4.65_1,1...
[25/573] Extracting libdrm-2.4.65_1,1: .......... done
[26/573] Installing libxshmfence-1.2...
[26/573] Extracting libxshmfence-1.2: ......... done
[27/573] Installing libXvMC-1.0.9...
[27/573] Extracting libXvMC-1.0.9: .......... done
[28/573] Installing python27-2.7.11_1...
[28/573] Extracting python27-2.7.11_1: .......... done
[29/573] Installing perl5-5.20.3_8...
[29/573] Extracting perl5-5.20.3_8: .......... done
[30/573] Installing freetype2-2.6.2...
[30/573] Extracting freetype2-2.6.2: .......... done
[31/573] Installing libfontenc-1.1.3...
[31/573] Extracting libfontenc-1.1.3: ...... done
[32/573] Installing xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1...
[32/573] Extracting xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1: .... done
[33/573] Installing libglapi-11.0.8...
[33/573] Extracting libglapi-11.0.8: ... done
[34/573] Installing libedit-3.1.20150325_1...
[34/573] Extracting libedit-3.1.20150325_1: .......... done
[35/573] Installing libiconv-1.14_9...
[35/573] Extracting libiconv-1.14_9: .......... done
[36/573] Installing pcre-8.37_4...
[36/573] Extracting pcre-8.37_4: .......... done
[37/573] Installing renderproto-0.11.1...
[37/573] Extracting renderproto-0.11.1: .... done
[38/573] Installing mkfontscale-1.1.2...
[38/573] Extracting mkfontscale-1.1.2: .. done
[39/573] Installing dri2proto-2.8...
[39/573] Extracting dri2proto-2.8: .... done
[40/573] Installing libXxf86vm-1.1.4_1...
[40/573] Extracting libXxf86vm-1.1.4_1: .......... done
[41/573] Installing gbm-11.0.8...
[41/573] Extracting gbm-11.0.8: ..... done
[42/573] Installing llvm36-3.6.2_2...
[42/573] Extracting llvm36-3.6.2_2: .......... done
[43/573] Installing xcb-util-0.4.0_1,1...
[43/573] Extracting xcb-util-0.4.0_1,1: .......... done
[44/573] Installing libICE-1.0.9_1,1...
[44/573] Extracting libICE-1.0.9_1,1: .......... done
[45/573] Installing glib-2.44.1_2...
[45/573] Extracting glib-2.44.1_2: .......... done
No se encontró ningún archivo de esquemas: sin hacer nada.
[46/573] Installing font-util-1.3.1...
[46/573] Extracting font-util-1.3.1: .......... done
[47/573] Installing libXrender-0.9.9...
[47/573] Extracting libXrender-0.9.9: .......... done
[48/573] Installing fontconfig-2.11.1_1,1...
[48/573] Extracting fontconfig-2.11.1_1,1: .......... done
Running fc-cache to build fontconfig cache...
/usr/local/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/util: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/home/ximo/.local/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fonts: skipping, no such directory
Re-scanning /usr/local/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
/var/db/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: ba1d92d9e40780c65c2952558e6fa6f5-le64.cache-4
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: d69df6005be9052cf14e7a84ff78d81b-le64.cache-4
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: b9d2b94919fe346d8b04ef83de2b4cf0-le64.cache-4
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: e0fa98a1f72f028d5abdd53cee925763-le64.cache-4
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: e89b89fef1c0987eef614a1af59e195d-le64.cache-4
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: d3b21a501470a17bfd0b9b6aedc735bd-le64.cache-4
/var/db/fontconfig: invalid cache file: b505adbf72d7253408dd67084a8aa967-le64.cache-4
/usr/home/ximo/.cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
fc-cache: succeeded
[49/573] Installing mkfontdir-1.0.7...
[49/573] Extracting mkfontdir-1.0.7: .. done
[50/573] Installing libGL-11.0.8...
[50/573] Extracting libGL-11.0.8: .......... done
[51/573] Installing glproto-1.4.17...
[51/573] Extracting glproto-1.4.17: ...... done
[52/573] Installing libEGL-11.0.8...
[52/573] Extracting libEGL-11.0.8: .......... done
[53/573] Installing png-1.6.20...
[53/573] Extracting png-1.6.20: .......... done
[54/573] Installing pixman-0.32.8...
[54/573] Extracting pixman-0.32.8: .......... done
[55/573] Installing xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1...
[55/573] Extracting xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1: ...... done
[56/573] Installing libSM-1.2.2_3,1...
[56/573] Extracting libSM-1.2.2_3,1: .......... done
[57/573] Installing xmlcatmgr-2.2_2...
[57/573] Extracting xmlcatmgr-2.2_2: .......... done
 + Creating /usr/local/share/sgml/catalog
 + Registering CATALOG catalog.ports (SGML)
 + Creating /usr/local/share/sgml/catalog.ports
 + Creating /usr/local/share/xml/catalog
 + Registering nextCatalog catalog.ports (XML)
[58/573] Installing encodings-1.0.4_3,1...
[58/573] Extracting encodings-1.0.4_3,1: .......... done
[59/573] Installing font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_3...
[59/573] Extracting font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[60/573] Installing font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_3...
[60/573] Extracting font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[61/573] Installing font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3_3...
[61/573] Extracting font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3_3: .. done
[62/573] Installing dejavu-2.35...
[62/573] Extracting dejavu-2.35: .......... done
[63/573] Installing cairo-1.14.6,2...
[63/573] Extracting cairo-1.14.6,2: .......... done
[64/573] Installing libXt-1.1.5,1...
[64/573] Extracting libXt-1.1.5,1: .......... done
[65/573] Installing icu-55.1...
[65/573] Extracting icu-55.1: .......... done
[66/573] Installing graphite2-1.3.3...
[66/573] Extracting graphite2-1.3.3: .......... done
[67/573] Installing gmp-5.1.3_2...
[67/573] Extracting gmp-5.1.3_2: .......... done
[68/573] Installing ca_root_nss-3.21...
[68/573] Extracting ca_root_nss-3.21: ....... done
[69/573] Installing libtasn1-4.7...
[69/573] Extracting libtasn1-4.7: .......... done
[70/573] Installing inputproto-2.3.1...
[70/573] Extracting inputproto-2.3.1: ..... done
[71/573] Installing jpeg-turbo-1.4.2...
[71/573] Extracting jpeg-turbo-1.4.2: .......... done
[72/573] Installing jbigkit-2.1_1...
[72/573] Extracting jbigkit-2.1_1: .......... done
[73/573] Installing fontcacheproto-0.1.3...
[73/573] Extracting fontcacheproto-0.1.3: .... done
[74/573] Installing iso8879-1986_3...
[74/573] Extracting iso8879-1986_3: .......... done
[75/573] Installing xmlcharent-0.3_2...
[75/573] Extracting xmlcharent-0.3_2: .......... done
[76/573] Installing libXft-2.3.2_1...
[76/573] Extracting libXft-2.3.2_1: ......... done
[77/573] Installing xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1...
[78/573] Installing harfbuzz-1.1.2...
[78/573] Extracting harfbuzz-1.1.2: .......... done
[79/573] Installing xineramaproto-1.2.1...
[79/573] Extracting xineramaproto-1.2.1: .. done
[80/573] Installing libXmu-1.1.2_3,1...
[80/573] Extracting libXmu-1.1.2_3,1: .......... done
[81/573] Installing libgpg-error-1.21...
[81/573] Extracting libgpg-error-1.21: .......... done
[82/573] Installing nettle-2.7.1...
[82/573] Extracting nettle-2.7.1: .......... done
[83/573] Installing p11-kit-0.23.2...
[83/573] Extracting p11-kit-0.23.2: .......... done
[84/573] Installing trousers-tddl-0.3.10_7...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group '_tss'.
Using existing user '_tss'.
[84/573] Extracting trousers-tddl-0.3.10_7: .......... done
[85/573] Installing libidn-1.31...
[85/573] Extracting libidn-1.31: .......... done
[86/573] Installing gnome_subr-1.0...
[86/573] Extracting gnome_subr-1.0: . done
[87/573] Installing compositeproto-0.4.2...
[87/573] Extracting compositeproto-0.4.2: .... done
[88/573] Installing libXi-1.7.6,1...
[88/573] Extracting libXi-1.7.6,1: .......... done
[89/573] Installing randrproto-1.5.0...
[89/573] Extracting randrproto-1.5.0: .... done
[90/573] Installing jasper-1.900.1_15...
[90/573] Extracting jasper-1.900.1_15: .......... done
[91/573] Installing tiff-4.0.6_1...
[91/573] Extracting tiff-4.0.6_1: .......... done
[92/573] Installing libXfontcache-1.0.5_3...
[92/573] Extracting libXfontcache-1.0.5_3: .......... done
[93/573] Installing sdocbook-xml-1.1_1,2...
[93/573] Extracting sdocbook-xml-1.1_1,2: .......... done
[94/573] Installing docbook-sgml-4.5_1...
[94/573] Extracting docbook-sgml-4.5_1: .......... done
[95/573] Installing docbook-xml-5.0_3...
[95/573] Extracting docbook-xml-5.0_3: .......... done
[96/573] Installing pango-1.36.8_2...
[96/573] Extracting pango-1.36.8_2: .......... done
[97/573] Installing libXinerama-1.1.3_3,1...
[97/573] Extracting libXinerama-1.1.3_3,1: .......... done
[98/573] Installing hicolor-icon-theme-0.15...
[98/573] Extracting hicolor-icon-theme-0.15: . done
[99/573] Installing libgcrypt-1.6.4_3...
[99/573] Extracting libgcrypt-1.6.4_3: .......... done
[100/573] Installing gnutls-
[100/573] Extracting gnutls- .......... done
[101/573] Installing mDNSResponder-576.30.4...
[101/573] Extracting mDNSResponder-576.30.4: .......... done
[102/573] Installing dbus-1.8.20...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'messagebus'.
Using existing user 'messagebus'.
[102/573] Extracting dbus-1.8.20: .......... done
[103/573] Installing python2-2_3...
[103/573] Extracting python2-2_3: ...... done
[104/573] Installing libXcursor-1.1.14_3...
[104/573] Extracting libXcursor-1.1.14_3: .......... done
[105/573] Installing libXcomposite-0.4.4_3,1...
[105/573] Extracting libXcomposite-0.4.4_3,1: .......... done
[106/573] Installing atk-2.16.0...
[106/573] Extracting atk-2.16.0: .......... done
[107/573] Installing libXrandr-1.5.0...
[107/573] Extracting libXrandr-1.5.0: .......... done
[108/573] Installing gdk-pixbuf2-2.32.1...
[108/573] Extracting gdk-pixbuf2-2.32.1: .......... done
[109/573] Installing shared-mime-info-1.5...
[109/573] Extracting shared-mime-info-1.5: .......... done
[110/573] Installing nspr-4.11...
[110/573] Extracting nspr-4.11: .......... done
[111/573] Installing qt5-core-5.4.1_3...
[111/573] Extracting qt5-core-5.4.1_3: .......... done
[112/573] Installing xset-1.2.3_1...
[112/573] Extracting xset-1.2.3_1: .. done
[113/573] Installing xprop-1.2.2...
[113/573] Extracting xprop-1.2.2: .. done
[114/573] Installing docbook-1.5...
[115/573] Installing libsigc++-2.4.1...
[115/573] Extracting libsigc++-2.4.1: .......... done
[116/573] Installing cups-client-2.0.3_2...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'cups'.
Using existing user 'cups'.
[116/573] Extracting cups-client-2.0.3_2: .......... done
[117/573] Installing gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.29...
[117/573] Extracting gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.29: .... done
[118/573] Installing python-2.7_2,2...
[118/573] Extracting python-2.7_2,2: ..... done
[119/573] Installing spidermonkey170-17.0.0_1...
[119/573] Extracting spidermonkey170-17.0.0_1: .......... done
[120/573] Installing py27-setuptools27-19.2...
[120/573] Extracting py27-setuptools27-19.2: .......... done
[121/573] Installing xcb-util-image-0.4.0_1...
[121/573] Extracting xcb-util-image-0.4.0_1: ........ done
[122/573] Installing xcb-util-wm-0.4.1_3...
[122/573] Extracting xcb-util-wm-0.4.1_3: .......... done
[123/573] Installing libxkbcommon-0.5.0_1...
[123/573] Extracting libxkbcommon-0.5.0_1: .......... done
[124/573] Installing xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0_1...
[124/573] Extracting xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0_1: ...... done
[125/573] Installing qt5-dbus-5.4.1...
[125/573] Extracting qt5-dbus-5.4.1: .......... done
[126/573] Installing xdg-utils-
[126/573] Extracting xdg-utils- .......... done
[127/573] Installing libxslt-1.1.28_8...
[127/573] Extracting libxslt-1.1.28_8: .......... done
[128/573] Installing bash-4.3.42_1...
[128/573] Extracting bash-4.3.42_1: .......... done
[129/573] Installing libIDL-0.8.14_2...
[129/573] Extracting libIDL-0.8.14_2: ......... done
[130/573] Installing docbook-xsl-1.76.1_2...
[130/573] Extracting docbook-xsl-1.76.1_2: .......... done
[131/573] Installing getopt-1.1.6...
[131/573] Extracting getopt-1.1.6: .......... done
[132/573] Installing cantarell-fonts-0.0.16...
[132/573] Extracting cantarell-fonts-0.0.16: ... done
/usr/local/share/fonts/cantarell: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/var/db/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/usr/home/ximo/.cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/usr/home/ximo/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/usr/local/bin/fc-cache: succeeded
[133/573] Installing glibmm-2.44.0,1...
[133/573] Extracting glibmm-2.44.0,1: .......... done
[134/573] Installing printproto-1.0.5...
[134/573] Extracting printproto-1.0.5: .... done
[135/573] Installing gtk2-2.24.29...
[135/573] Extracting gtk2-2.24.29: .......... done
[136/573] Installing dbus-glib-0.104...
[136/573] Extracting dbus-glib-0.104: .......... done
[137/573] Installing gobject-introspection-1.44.0...
[137/573] Extracting gobject-introspection-1.44.0: .......... done
[138/573] Installing polkit-0.113_1...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'polkitd'.
Using existing user 'polkitd'.
[138/573] Extracting polkit-0.113_1: .......... done
[139/573] Installing qt5-network-5.4.1_1...
[139/573] Extracting qt5-network-5.4.1_1: .......... done
[140/573] Installing qt5-gui-5.4.1_3...
[140/573] Extracting qt5-gui-5.4.1_3: .......... done
[141/573] Installing dconf-0.24.0_1...
[141/573] Extracting dconf-0.24.0_1: .......... done
[142/573] Installing ORBit2-2.14.19_1...
[142/573] Extracting ORBit2-2.14.19_1: .......... done
[143/573] Installing py27-libxml2-2.9.3...
[143/573] Extracting py27-libxml2-2.9.3: .......... done
[144/573] Installing rarian-0.8.1_4...
[144/573] Extracting rarian-0.8.1_4: .......... done
[145/573] Installing gettext-tools-0.19.6...
[145/573] Extracting gettext-tools-0.19.6: .......... done
[146/573] Installing libproxy-0.4.6_1...
[146/573] Extracting libproxy-0.4.6_1: ......... done
[147/573] Installing gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.16.1...
[147/573] Extracting gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.16.1: .......... done
[148/573] Installing libxml++-2.34.2_2...
[148/573] Extracting libxml++-2.34.2_2: .......... done
[149/573] Installing libglesv2-11.0.8...
[149/573] Extracting libglesv2-11.0.8: .......... done
[150/573] Installing fontsproto-2.1.3,1...
[150/573] Extracting fontsproto-2.1.3,1: ........ done
[151/573] Installing xf86miscproto-0.9.3...
[151/573] Extracting xf86miscproto-0.9.3: ... done
[152/573] Installing libxkbfile-1.0.9...
[152/573] Extracting libxkbfile-1.0.9: .......... done
[153/573] Installing libXpm-3.5.11_4...
[153/573] Extracting libXpm-3.5.11_4: .......... done
[154/573] Installing libXp-1.0.3,1...
[154/573] Extracting libXp-1.0.3,1: .......... done
[155/573] Installing gdbm-1.11_2...
[155/573] Extracting gdbm-1.11_2: .......... done
[156/573] Installing recordproto-1.14.2...
[156/573] Extracting recordproto-1.14.2: .... done
[157/573] Installing orc-0.4.24_1...
[157/573] Extracting orc-0.4.24_1: .......... done
[158/573] Installing consolekit-0.4.5_4...
[158/573] Extracting consolekit-0.4.5_4: .......... done
[159/573] Installing lcms2-2.7_2...
[159/573] Extracting lcms2-2.7_2: .......... done
[160/573] Installing sqlite3-3.10.0...
[160/573] Extracting sqlite3-3.10.0: .......... done
[161/573] Installing qt5-widgets-5.4.1...
[161/573] Extracting qt5-widgets-5.4.1: .......... done
[162/573] Installing qt5-sql-5.4.1...
[162/573] Extracting qt5-sql-5.4.1: .......... done
[163/573] Installing gstreamer-0.10.36_4...
[163/573] Extracting gstreamer-0.10.36_4: .......... done
[164/573] Installing qt5-qml-5.4.1...
[164/573] Extracting qt5-qml-5.4.1: .......... done
[165/573] Installing qt5-testlib-5.4.1...
[165/573] Extracting qt5-testlib-5.4.1: .......... done
[166/573] Installing qt5-xmlpatterns-5.4.1...
[166/573] Extracting qt5-xmlpatterns-5.4.1: .......... done
[167/573] Installing giflib-5.1.1...
[167/573] Extracting giflib-5.1.1: .......... done
[168/573] Installing scrnsaverproto-1.2.2...
[168/573] Extracting scrnsaverproto-1.2.2: ... done
[169/573] Installing policykit-0.9_10...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'polkit'.
Using existing user 'polkit'.
[169/573] Extracting policykit-0.9_10: .......... done
[170/573] Installing libvolume_id-0.81.1...
[170/573] Extracting libvolume_id-0.81.1: ..... done
[171/573] Installing dmidecode-3.0...
[171/573] Extracting dmidecode-3.0: .......... done
[172/573] Installing db5-5.3.28_3...
[172/573] Extracting db5-5.3.28_3: .......... done
[173/573] Installing talloc-2.1.5...
[173/573] Extracting talloc-2.1.5: .......... done
[174/573] Installing gconf2-3.2.6_4...
[174/573] Extracting gconf2-3.2.6_4: .......... done
[175/573] Installing gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10_4...
[175/573] Extracting gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10_4: .......... done
[176/573] Installing glib-networking-2.44.0...
[176/573] Extracting glib-networking-2.44.0: .......... done
[177/573] Installing libcddb-1.3.2_4...
[177/573] Extracting libcddb-1.3.2_4: .......... done
[178/573] Installing libepoxy-1.3.1...
[178/573] Extracting libepoxy-1.3.1: .......... done
[179/573] Installing libXfont-1.5.1,2...
[179/573] Extracting libXfont-1.5.1,2: .......... done
[180/573] Installing libXxf86misc-1.0.3_3...
[180/573] Extracting libXxf86misc-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[181/573] Installing xkbcomp-1.3.1...
[181/573] Extracting xkbcomp-1.3.1: ...... done
[182/573] Installing dri-11.0.8,2...
[182/573] Extracting dri-11.0.8,2: .......... done
[183/573] Installing libXaw-1.0.13,2...
[183/573] Extracting libXaw-1.0.13,2: .......... done
[184/573] Installing xkeyboard-config-2.16...
[184/573] Extracting xkeyboard-config-2.16: .......... done
[185/573] Installing libxkbui-1.0.2_4...
[185/573] Extracting libxkbui-1.0.2_4: ...... done
[186/573] Installing cairomm-1.10.0_3...
[186/573] Extracting cairomm-1.10.0_3: .......... done
[187/573] Installing libdaemon-0.14_1...
[187/573] Extracting libdaemon-0.14_1: .......... done
[188/573] Installing libogg-1.3.2_1,4...
[188/573] Extracting libogg-1.3.2_1,4: .......... done
[189/573] Installing libltdl-2.4.6...
[189/573] Extracting libltdl-2.4.6: .......... done
[190/573] Installing libXtst-1.2.2_3...
[190/573] Extracting libXtst-1.2.2_3: .......... done
[191/573] Installing mpfr-3.1.3...
[191/573] Extracting mpfr-3.1.3: .......... done
[192/573] Installing openjpeg15-1.5.2_1...
[192/573] Extracting openjpeg15-1.5.2_1: .......... done
[193/573] Installing poppler-data-0.4.7...
[193/573] Extracting poppler-data-0.4.7: .......... done
[194/573] Installing qt5-clucene-5.4.1...
[194/573] Extracting qt5-clucene-5.4.1: .......... done
[195/573] Installing gstreamer-plugins-0.10.36_6,3...
[195/573] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-0.10.36_6,3: .......... done
[196/573] Installing qt5-opengl-5.4.1...
[196/573] Extracting qt5-opengl-5.4.1: .......... done
[197/573] Installing qt5-quick-5.4.1...
[197/573] Extracting qt5-quick-5.4.1: .......... done
[198/573] Installing webp-0.4.4_1...
[198/573] Extracting webp-0.4.4_1: .......... done
[199/573] Installing qt5-printsupport-5.4.1_1...
[199/573] Extracting qt5-printsupport-5.4.1_1: .......... done
[200/573] Installing libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_3...
[200/573] Extracting libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_3: .......... done
[201/573] Installing hal-0.5.14_30...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'haldaemon'.
Using existing user 'haldaemon'.
[201/573] Extracting hal-0.5.14_30: .......... done
[202/573] Installing apr-
[202/573] Extracting apr- .......... done
[203/573] Installing p5-Socket-2.021...
[203/573] Extracting p5-Socket-2.021: ........ done
[204/573] Installing tevent-0.9.26...
[204/573] Extracting tevent-0.9.26: .......... done
[205/573] Installing tdb-1.3.8,1...
[205/573] Extracting tdb-1.3.8,1: .......... done
[206/573] Installing libGLU-9.0.0_2...
[206/573] Extracting libGLU-9.0.0_2: ...... done
[207/573] Installing aalib-1.4.r5_11...
[207/573] Extracting aalib-1.4.r5_11: .......... done
[208/573] Installing xf86dgaproto-2.1...
[208/573] Extracting xf86dgaproto-2.1: ........ done
[209/573] Installing dmxproto-2.3.1...
[209/573] Extracting dmxproto-2.3.1: ... done
[210/573] Installing ilmbase-2.2.0...
[210/573] Extracting ilmbase-2.2.0: .......... done
[211/573] Installing libgd-2.1.0_7,1...
[211/573] Extracting libgd-2.1.0_7,1: .......... done
[212/573] Installing boost-libs-1.55.0_9...
[212/573] Extracting boost-libs-1.55.0_9: .......... done
[213/573] Installing libgsf-1.14.34...
[213/573] Extracting libgsf-1.14.34: .......... done
[214/573] Installing libcroco-0.6.8_2...
[214/573] Extracting libcroco-0.6.8_2: .......... done
[215/573] Installing libexif-0.6.21_4...
[215/573] Extracting libexif-0.6.21_4: .......... done
[216/573] Installing iso-codes-3.63...
[216/573] Extracting iso-codes-3.63: .......... done
[217/573] Installing lzo2-2.09...
[217/573] Extracting lzo2-2.09: .......... done
[218/573] Installing libnotify-0.7.6_1...
[218/573] Extracting libnotify-0.7.6_1: .......... done
[219/573] Installing policykit-gnome-0.9.2_7...
[219/573] Extracting policykit-gnome-0.9.2_7: .......... done
[220/573] Installing libgnome-keyring-3.12.0_2...
[220/573] Extracting libgnome-keyring-3.12.0_2: .......... done
[221/573] Installing libsoup-2.50.0...
[221/573] Extracting libsoup-2.50.0: .......... done
[222/573] Installing libcdio-0.92_1...
[222/573] Extracting libcdio-0.92_1: .......... done
[223/573] Installing json-glib-1.0.4...
[223/573] Extracting json-glib-1.0.4: .......... done
[224/573] Installing gstreamer1-1.6.2...
[224/573] Extracting gstreamer1-1.6.2: .......... done
[225/573] Installing hunspell-1.3.3...
[225/573] Extracting hunspell-1.3.3: .......... done
[226/573] Installing pangomm-2.36.0...
[226/573] Extracting pangomm-2.36.0: .......... done
[227/573] Installing xorg-server-1.17.4,1...
[227/573] Extracting xorg-server-1.17.4,1: .......... done
[228/573] Installing avahi-app-0.6.31_5...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'avahi'.
Using existing user 'avahi'.
[228/573] Extracting avahi-app-0.6.31_5: .......... done
[229/573] Installing atkmm-2.22.7...
[229/573] Extracting atkmm-2.22.7: .......... done
[230/573] Installing libvorbis-1.3.5,3...
[230/573] Extracting libvorbis-1.3.5,3: .......... done
[231/573] Installing flac-1.3.1_1...
[231/573] Extracting flac-1.3.1_1: .......... done
[232/573] Installing fusefs-libs-2.9.4_1...
[232/573] Extracting fusefs-libs-2.9.4_1: .......... done
[233/573] Installing mpc-1.0.3...
[233/573] Extracting mpc-1.0.3: ...... done
[234/573] Installing binutils-2.25.1...
[234/573] Extracting binutils-2.25.1: .......... done
[235/573] Installing gcc-ecj-4.5...
[235/573] Extracting gcc-ecj-4.5: . done
[236/573] Installing curl-7.46.0_2...
[236/573] Extracting curl-7.46.0_2: .......... done
[237/573] Installing cups-image-2.0.3_2...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'cups'.
Using existing user 'cups'.
[237/573] Extracting cups-image-2.0.3_2: .......... done
[238/573] Installing libpaper-
[238/573] Extracting libpaper- .......... done
[239/573] Installing jbig2dec-0.12...
[239/573] Extracting jbig2dec-0.12: .......... done
[240/573] Installing svgalib-1.4.3_7...
[240/573] Extracting svgalib-1.4.3_7: .......... done
[241/573] Installing gsfonts-8.11_6...
[241/573] Extracting gsfonts-8.11_6: .......... done
[242/573] Installing wget-1.16.3...
[242/573] Extracting wget-1.16.3: .......... done
[243/573] Installing libyaml-0.1.6_2...
[243/573] Extracting libyaml-0.1.6_2: ......... done
[244/573] Installing poppler-0.34.0...
[244/573] Extracting poppler-0.34.0: .......... done
[245/573] Installing qt5-xml-5.4.1...
[245/573] Extracting qt5-xml-5.4.1: .......... done
[246/573] Installing qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.4.1...
[246/573] Extracting qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.4.1: ..... done
[247/573] Installing qt5-help-5.4.1...
[247/573] Extracting qt5-help-5.4.1: .......... done
[248/573] Installing qt5-webkit-5.4.1_2...
[248/573] Extracting qt5-webkit-5.4.1_2: .......... done
[249/573] Installing qt4-corelib-4.8.7_1...
[249/573] Extracting qt4-corelib-4.8.7_1: .......... done
[250/573] Installing serf-1.3.8_1...
[250/573] Extracting serf-1.3.8_1: .......... done
[251/573] Installing p5-Net-SSLeay-1.72...
[251/573] Extracting p5-Net-SSLeay-1.72: .......... done
[252/573] Installing p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.37...
[252/573] Extracting p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.37: ....... done
[253/573] Installing p5-Mozilla-CA-20141217...
[253/573] Extracting p5-Mozilla-CA-20141217: ..... done
[254/573] Installing sdl-1.2.15_7,2...
[254/573] Extracting sdl-1.2.15_7,2: .......... done
[255/573] Installing libassuan-2.4.2...
[255/573] Extracting libassuan-2.4.2: .......... done
[256/573] Installing libksba-1.3.3...
[256/573] Extracting libksba-1.3.3: .......... done
[257/573] Installing xbitmaps-1.1.1...
[257/573] Extracting xbitmaps-1.1.1: .......... done
[258/573] Installing font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[258/573] Extracting font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[259/573] Installing font-alias-1.0.3_3...
[259/573] Extracting font-alias-1.0.3_3: .... done
[260/573] Installing font-misc-misc-1.1.2_3...
[260/573] Extracting font-misc-misc-1.1.2_3: .......... done
[261/573] Installing libXxf86dga-1.1.4_3...
[261/573] Extracting libXxf86dga-1.1.4_3: .......... done
[262/573] Installing libdmx-1.1.3_3...
[262/573] Extracting libdmx-1.1.3_3: .......... done
[263/573] Installing font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3_3...
[263/573] Extracting font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[264/573] Installing font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4_3...
[264/573] Extracting font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4_3: .. done
[265/573] Installing font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3_3...
[265/573] Extracting font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[266/573] Installing font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3_3...
[266/573] Extracting font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3_3: . done
[267/573] Installing font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[267/573] Extracting font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[268/573] Installing font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[268/573] Extracting font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[269/573] Installing font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[269/573] Extracting font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[270/573] Installing font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3_3...
[270/573] Extracting font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[271/573] Installing font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4_3...
[271/573] Extracting font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4_3: .......... done
[272/573] Installing font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[272/573] Extracting font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[273/573] Installing font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[273/573] Extracting font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[274/573] Installing font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4_3...
[274/573] Extracting font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4_3: .......... done
[275/573] Installing font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3_3...
[275/573] Extracting font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[276/573] Installing font-ibm-type1-1.0.3_3...
[276/573] Extracting font-ibm-type1-1.0.3_3: ........ done
[277/573] Installing font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3_3...
[277/573] Extracting font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[278/573] Installing font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4_3...
[278/573] Extracting font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4_3: ........ done
[279/573] Installing font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4_3...
[279/573] Extracting font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4_3: . done
[280/573] Installing font-bh-type1-1.0.3_3...
[280/573] Extracting font-bh-type1-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[281/573] Installing font-jis-misc-1.0.3_3...
[281/573] Extracting font-jis-misc-1.0.3_3: .. done
[282/573] Installing font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_3...
[282/573] Extracting font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_3: . done
[283/573] Installing font-sun-misc-1.0.3_3...
[283/573] Extracting font-sun-misc-1.0.3_3: ..... done
[284/573] Installing font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3_3...
[284/573] Extracting font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3_3: ... done
[285/573] Installing font-arabic-misc-1.0.3_3...
[285/573] Extracting font-arabic-misc-1.0.3_3: . done
[286/573] Installing font-micro-misc-1.0.3_3...
[286/573] Extracting font-micro-misc-1.0.3_3: . done
[287/573] Installing font-sony-misc-1.0.3_3...
[287/573] Extracting font-sony-misc-1.0.3_3: .... done
[288/573] Installing font-dec-misc-1.0.3_3...
[288/573] Extracting font-dec-misc-1.0.3_3: .. done
[289/573] Installing font-mutt-misc-1.0.3_3...
[289/573] Extracting font-mutt-misc-1.0.3_3: ........ done
[290/573] Installing font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2_3...
[290/573] Extracting font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2_3: .......... done
[291/573] Installing font-isas-misc-1.0.3_3...
[291/573] Extracting font-isas-misc-1.0.3_3: ... done
[292/573] Installing trapproto-3.4.3...
[292/573] Extracting trapproto-3.4.3: ........ done
[293/573] Installing py27-cairo-1.10.0_2...
[293/573] Extracting py27-cairo-1.10.0_2: ...... done
[294/573] Installing argyllcms-1.7.0_1...
[294/573] Extracting argyllcms-1.7.0_1: .......... done
[295/573] Installing at-spi2-core-2.16.0...
[295/573] Extracting at-spi2-core-2.16.0: .......... done
[296/573] Installing lcms-1.19_6,1...
[296/573] Extracting lcms-1.19_6,1: .......... done
[297/573] Installing libspiro-0.5.20150702,1...
[297/573] Extracting libspiro-0.5.20150702,1: .......... done
[298/573] Installing babl-0.1.14...
[298/573] Extracting babl-0.1.14: .......... done
[299/573] Installing exiv2-0.24_2,1...
[299/573] Extracting exiv2-0.24_2,1: .......... done
[300/573] Installing lua52-5.2.4...
[300/573] Extracting lua52-5.2.4: .......... done
[301/573] Installing OpenEXR-2.2.0_5...
[301/573] Extracting OpenEXR-2.2.0_5: .......... done
[302/573] Installing graphviz-2.38.0_10...
[302/573] Extracting graphviz-2.38.0_10: .......... done
[303/573] Installing libopenraw-0.0.9_3...
[303/573] Extracting libopenraw-0.0.9_3: .......... done
[304/573] Installing librsvg2-2.40.12...
[304/573] Extracting librsvg2-2.40.12: .......... done
[305/573] Installing libgphoto2-2.5.9...
[305/573] Extracting libgphoto2-2.5.9: .......... done
[306/573] Installing libarchive-3.1.2_4,1...
[306/573] Extracting libarchive-3.1.2_4,1: .......... done
[307/573] Installing gnome-mount-0.8_12...
[307/573] Extracting gnome-mount-0.8_12: .......... done
[308/573] Installing libsoup-gnome-2.50.0...
[308/573] Extracting libsoup-gnome-2.50.0: ......... done
[309/573] Installing libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.90+1_1...
[309/573] Extracting libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.90+1_1: .......... done
[310/573] Installing samba36-libsmbclient-3.6.25_2...
[310/573] Extracting samba36-libsmbclient-3.6.25_2: .......... done
[311/573] Installing geoclue-2.2.0...
[311/573] Extracting geoclue-2.2.0: .......... done
[312/573] Installing gstreamer1-plugins-1.6.2...
[312/573] Extracting gstreamer1-plugins-1.6.2: .......... done
[313/573] Installing libsecret-0.18.3...
[313/573] Extracting libsecret-0.18.3: .......... done
[314/573] Installing enchant-1.6.0_5...
[314/573] Extracting enchant-1.6.0_5: .......... done
[315/573] Installing gtkmm24-2.24.4_2...
[315/573] Extracting gtkmm24-2.24.4_2: .......... done
[316/573] Installing fftw3-float-3.3.3_2...
[316/573] Extracting fftw3-float-3.3.3_2: .......... done
[317/573] Installing json-c-0.12_2...
[317/573] Extracting json-c-0.12_2: .......... done
[318/573] Installing speexdsp-1.2.r3_1...
[318/573] Extracting speexdsp-1.2.r3_1: .......... done
[319/573] Installing libsndfile-1.0.26...
[319/573] Extracting libsndfile-1.0.26: .......... done
[320/573] Installing fftw3-3.3.3_2...
[320/573] Extracting fftw3-3.3.3_2: .......... done
[321/573] Installing qt5-buildtools-5.4.1...
[321/573] Extracting qt5-buildtools-5.4.1: .......... done
[322/573] Installing eject-1.5_4...
[322/573] Extracting eject-1.5_4: .... done
[323/573] Installing qt5-qmake-5.4.1_4...
[323/573] Extracting qt5-qmake-5.4.1_4: .......... done
[324/573] Installing sipcalc-1.1.6...
[324/573] Extracting sipcalc-1.1.6: ........ done
[325/573] Installing pcbsd-libsh-1438351389...
[325/573] Extracting pcbsd-libsh-1438351389: .... done
[326/573] Installing gcc-4.8.5_2...
[326/573] Extracting gcc-4.8.5_2: .......... done
[327/573] Installing a2ps-4.13b_8...
[327/573] Extracting a2ps-4.13b_8: .......... done
[328/573] Installing mpage-2.5.6...
[328/573] Extracting mpage-2.5.6: .......... done
[329/573] Installing enscript-a4-1.6.6_1...
[329/573] Extracting enscript-a4-1.6.6_1: .......... done
[330/573] Installing ghostscript9-base-9.06_11...
[330/573] Extracting ghostscript9-base-9.06_11: .......... done
[331/573] Installing php56-5.6.17...
[331/573] Extracting php56-5.6.17: .......... done
[332/573] Installing t1lib-5.1.2_4,1...
[332/573] Extracting t1lib-5.1.2_4,1: .......... done
[333/573] Installing debootstrap-1.0.75...
[333/573] Extracting debootstrap-1.0.75: .......... done
[334/573] Installing jailme-0.2.0...
[334/573] Extracting jailme-0.2.0: .... done
[335/573] Installing ruby-,1...
[335/573] Extracting ruby-,1: .......... done
[336/573] Installing xf86-video-intel-2.21.15_9...
[336/573] Extracting xf86-video-intel-2.21.15_9: ........ done
[337/573] Installing poppler-glib-0.34.0...
[337/573] Extracting poppler-glib-0.34.0: .......... done
[338/573] Installing qt5-linguisttools-5.4.1...
[338/573] Extracting qt5-linguisttools-5.4.1: .......... done
[339/573] Installing qt5-assistant-5.4.1...
[339/573] Extracting qt5-assistant-5.4.1: ...... done
[340/573] Installing desktop-file-utils-0.22_3...
[340/573] Extracting desktop-file-utils-0.22_3: ......... done
[341/573] Installing pydbus-common-1.2.0_1...
[341/573] Extracting pydbus-common-1.2.0_1: .......... done
[342/573] Installing tcl86-8.6.4...
[342/573] Extracting tcl86-8.6.4: .......... done
[343/573] Installing qt4-gui-4.8.7...
[343/573] Extracting qt4-gui-4.8.7: .......... done
[344/573] Installing qt4-xml-4.8.7...
[344/573] Extracting qt4-xml-4.8.7: .......... done
[345/573] Installing fribidi-0.19.7...
[345/573] Extracting fribidi-0.19.7: .......... done
[346/573] Installing xmessage-1.0.4...
[346/573] Extracting xmessage-1.0.4: .... done
[347/573] Installing subversion-1.9.3_1...
[347/573] Extracting subversion-1.9.3_1: .......... done
[348/573] Installing p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.022...
[348/573] Extracting p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.022: .......... done
[349/573] Installing p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1...
[349/573] Extracting p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1: ....... done
[350/573] Installing p5-GSSAPI-0.28_1...
[350/573] Extracting p5-GSSAPI-0.28_1: .......... done
[351/573] Installing openldap-client-2.4.43...
[351/573] Extracting openldap-client-2.4.43: .......... done
[352/573] Installing popt-1.16_1...
[352/573] Extracting popt-1.16_1: .......... done
[353/573] Installing libglade2-2.6.4_8...
[353/573] Extracting libglade2-2.6.4_8: .......... done
[354/573] Installing pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5...
[354/573] Extracting pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5: . done
[355/573] Installing x11perf-1.6.0...
[355/573] Extracting x11perf-1.6.0: .......... done
[356/573] Installing xkbutils-1.0.4...
[356/573] Extracting xkbutils-1.0.4: ......... done
[357/573] Installing xcursorgen-1.0.6_1...
[357/573] Extracting xcursorgen-1.0.6_1: ..... done
[358/573] Installing xwd-1.0.6...
[358/573] Extracting xwd-1.0.6: ..... done
[359/573] Installing xinit-1.3.4,1...
[359/573] Extracting xinit-1.3.4,1: ........ done
[360/573] Installing twm-1.0.9...
[360/573] Extracting twm-1.0.9: ... done
[361/573] Installing xsetroot-1.1.1...
[361/573] Extracting xsetroot-1.1.1: .. done
[362/573] Installing xsetmode-1.0.0...
[362/573] Extracting xsetmode-1.0.0: .. done
[363/573] Installing xwud-1.0.4...
[363/573] Extracting xwud-1.0.4: .. done
[364/573] Installing xcmsdb-1.0.5...
[364/573] Extracting xcmsdb-1.0.5: ..... done
[365/573] Installing xdriinfo-1.0.5...
[365/573] Extracting xdriinfo-1.0.5: .. done
[366/573] Installing xwininfo-1.1.3_1...
[366/573] Extracting xwininfo-1.1.3_1: .. done
[367/573] Installing xmodmap-1.0.9...
[367/573] Extracting xmodmap-1.0.9: ..... done
[368/573] Installing xgc-1.0.5...
[368/573] Extracting xgc-1.0.5: ....... done
[369/573] Installing xinput-1.6.2...
[369/573] Extracting xinput-1.6.2: .. done
[370/573] Installing xkill-1.0.4...
[370/573] Extracting xkill-1.0.4: .. done
[371/573] Installing xcalc-1.0.6_2...
[371/573] Extracting xcalc-1.0.6_2: .... done
[372/573] Installing xf86dga-1.0.3_1...
[372/573] Extracting xf86dga-1.0.3_1: ..... done
[373/573] Installing setxkbmap-1.3.1...
[373/573] Extracting setxkbmap-1.3.1: .. done
[374/573] Installing xbacklight-1.2.1_1...
[374/573] Extracting xbacklight-1.2.1_1: ..... done
[375/573] Installing xclock-1.0.7_1...
[375/573] Extracting xclock-1.0.7_1: .... done
[376/573] Installing xconsole-1.0.6_1...
[376/573] Extracting xconsole-1.0.6_1: ... done
[377/573] Installing xhost-1.0.7...
[377/573] Extracting xhost-1.0.7: .. done
[378/573] Installing xauth-1.0.9_1...
[378/573] Extracting xauth-1.0.9_1: ..... done
[379/573] Installing sessreg-1.1.0...
[379/573] Extracting sessreg-1.1.0: .. done
[380/573] Installing xrefresh-1.0.5...
[380/573] Extracting xrefresh-1.0.5: ..... done
[381/573] Installing xterm-322...
[381/573] Extracting xterm-322: .......... done
[382/573] Installing xkbevd-1.1.4...
[382/573] Extracting xkbevd-1.1.4: ..... done
[383/573] Installing xlsatoms-1.1.2...
[383/573] Extracting xlsatoms-1.1.2: ..... done
[384/573] Installing xlsclients-1.1.3...
[384/573] Extracting xlsclients-1.1.3: ..... done
[385/573] Installing xvinfo-1.1.3...
[385/573] Extracting xvinfo-1.1.3: .. done
[386/573] Installing xdpyinfo-1.3.2...
[386/573] Extracting xdpyinfo-1.3.2: ..... done
[387/573] Installing appres-1.0.4...
[387/573] Extracting appres-1.0.4: .. done
[388/573] Installing xgamma-1.0.6...
[388/573] Extracting xgamma-1.0.6: .. done
[389/573] Installing smproxy-1.0.6...
[389/573] Extracting smproxy-1.0.6: .. done
[390/573] Installing bitmap-1.0.8...
[390/573] Extracting bitmap-1.0.8: .......... done
[391/573] Installing xev-1.2.2...
[391/573] Extracting xev-1.2.2: .. done
[392/573] Installing luit-1.1.1_1...
[392/573] Extracting luit-1.1.1_1: .. done
[393/573] Installing xrandr-1.4.3...
[393/573] Extracting xrandr-1.4.3: ... done
[394/573] Installing iceauth-1.0.7...
[394/573] Extracting iceauth-1.0.7: ..... done
[395/573] Installing xrdb-1.1.0...
[395/573] Extracting xrdb-1.1.0: .. done
[396/573] Installing xpr-1.0.4...
[396/573] Extracting xpr-1.0.4: .... done
[397/573] Installing xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.7...
[398/573] Installing xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.7...
[399/573] Installing xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.7...
[400/573] Installing xorg-fonts-type1-7.7...
[401/573] Installing xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.7...
[402/573] Installing libXevie-1.0.3_3...
[402/573] Extracting libXevie-1.0.3_3: .......... done
[403/573] Installing libXTrap-1.0.1_3...
[403/573] Extracting libXTrap-1.0.1_3: ..... done
[404/573] Installing libXres-1.0.7_3...
[404/573] Extracting libXres-1.0.7_3: .......... done
[405/573] Installing libFS-1.0.7...
[405/573] Extracting libFS-1.0.7: ....... done
[406/573] Installing liboldX-1.0.1_3...
[406/573] Extracting liboldX-1.0.1_3: ...... done
[407/573] Installing xtrans-1.3.5...
[407/573] Extracting xtrans-1.3.5: .......... done
[408/573] Installing xf86-video-vesa-2.3.4...
[408/573] Extracting xf86-video-vesa-2.3.4: .. done
[409/573] Installing xf86-input-mouse-1.9.1_1...
[409/573] Extracting xf86-input-mouse-1.9.1_1: .... done
[410/573] Installing xf86-video-ati-7.5.0_3...
[410/573] Extracting xf86-video-ati-7.5.0_3: .... done
[411/573] Installing xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.3_6...
[411/573] Extracting xf86-video-openchrome-0.3.3_6: ........ done
[412/573] Installing xf86-video-r128-6.10.0...
[412/573] Extracting xf86-video-r128-6.10.0: .. done
[413/573] Installing xf86-video-mach64-6.9.5...
[413/573] Extracting xf86-video-mach64-6.9.5: . done
[414/573] Installing xf86-video-nv-2.1.20_7...
[414/573] Extracting xf86-video-nv-2.1.20_7: .. done
[415/573] Installing xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1...
[415/573] Extracting xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1: .. done
[416/573] Installing py27-gobject-2.28.6_6...
[416/573] Extracting py27-gobject-2.28.6_6: .......... done
[417/573] Installing pygobject3-common-3.16.2...
[417/573] Extracting pygobject3-common-3.16.2: ..... done
[418/573] Installing colord-1.2.11...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'colord'.
Using existing user 'colord'.
[418/573] Extracting colord-1.2.11: .......... done
[419/573] Installing at-spi2-atk-2.16.0...
[419/573] Extracting at-spi2-atk-2.16.0: .......... done
[420/573] Installing adwaita-icon-theme-
[420/573] Extracting adwaita-icon-theme- .......... done
[421/573] Installing libmng-1.0.10_2...
[421/573] Extracting libmng-1.0.10_2: ......... done
[422/573] Installing gegl-0.2.0_14...
[422/573] Extracting gegl-0.2.0_14: .......... done
[423/573] Installing libwmf-
[423/573] Extracting libwmf- .......... done
[424/573] Installing gvfs-1.24.2...
[424/573] Extracting gvfs-1.24.2: .......... done
[425/573] Installing webkit-gtk2-2.4.9...
[425/573] Extracting webkit-gtk2-2.4.9: .......... done
[426/573] Installing cuse4bsd-kmod-0.1.36...
[426/573] Extracting cuse4bsd-kmod-0.1.36: .......... done
[427/573] Installing libcanberra-0.30_3...
[427/573] Extracting libcanberra-0.30_3: .......... done
[428/573] Installing pulseaudio-6.0_2...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'pulse'.
Using existing group 'pulse-access'.
Using existing group 'pulse-rt'.
Using existing user 'pulse'.
[428/573] Extracting pulseaudio-6.0_2: .......... done
[429/573] Installing pcbsd-utils-1448899406...
[429/573] Extracting pcbsd-utils-1448899406: .......... done
[430/573] Installing mtools-4.0.10_4...
[430/573] Extracting mtools-4.0.10_4: .......... done
[431/573] Installing libublio-20070103...
[431/573] Extracting libublio-20070103: ...... done
[432/573] Installing sshpass-1.05_1...
[432/573] Extracting sshpass-1.05_1: ..... done
[433/573] Installing stunnel-5.29,1...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'stunnel'.
Using existing user 'stunnel'.
[433/573] Extracting stunnel-5.29,1: .......... done
[434/573] Installing grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7...
[434/573] Extracting grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7: .......... done
[435/573] Installing pbi-manager-1441126851...
[435/573] Extracting pbi-manager-1441126851: .......... done
[436/573] Installing foomatic-db-20150819...
[436/573] Extracting foomatic-db-20150819: .......... done
[437/573] Installing foomatic-filters-4.0.17_4...
[437/573] Extracting foomatic-filters-4.0.17_4: .......... done
[438/573] Installing gsed-4.2.2...
[438/573] Extracting gsed-4.2.2: .......... done
[439/573] Installing py27-sqlite3-2.7.11_7...
[439/573] Extracting py27-sqlite3-2.7.11_7: ........ done
[440/573] Installing libpci-3.4.0...
[440/573] Extracting libpci-3.4.0: .......... done
[441/573] Installing cups-base-2.0.3_3...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'cups'.
Using existing user 'cups'.
[441/573] Extracting cups-base-2.0.3_3: .......... done
[442/573] Installing php56-gd-5.6.17...
[442/573] Extracting php56-gd-5.6.17: .......... done
[443/573] Installing pcbsd-syscache-1439494375...
[443/573] Extracting pcbsd-syscache-1439494375: ...... done
[444/573] Installing php56-session-5.6.17...
[444/573] Extracting php56-session-5.6.17: ......... done
[445/573] Installing warden-1438351389...
[445/573] Extracting warden-1438351389: .......... done
[446/573] Installing nginx-1.8.0_3,2...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'www'.
Using existing user 'www'.
[446/573] Extracting nginx-1.8.0_3,2: .......... done
[447/573] Installing php56-filter-5.6.17...
[447/573] Extracting php56-filter-5.6.17: ....... done
[448/573] Installing php56-json-5.6.17...
[448/573] Extracting php56-json-5.6.17: ....... done
[449/573] Installing qpdf-5.1.2_1...
[449/573] Extracting qpdf-5.1.2_1: .......... done
[450/573] Installing libijs-0.35_5...
[450/573] Extracting libijs-0.35_5: .......... done
[451/573] Installing poppler-utils-0.34.0...
[451/573] Extracting poppler-utils-0.34.0: .......... done
[452/573] Installing compat9x-amd64-9.3.903000.20151116...
[452/573] Extracting compat9x-amd64-9.3.903000.20151116: .......... done
[453/573] Installing qt5-x11extras-5.4.1...
[453/573] Extracting qt5-x11extras-5.4.1: .......... done
[454/573] Installing qt5-linguist-5.4.1...
[454/573] Extracting qt5-linguist-5.4.1: .......... done
[455/573] Installing qt5-svg-5.4.1...
[455/573] Extracting qt5-svg-5.4.1: .......... done
[456/573] Installing cdrtools-3.01...
[456/573] Extracting cdrtools-3.01: .......... done
[457/573] Installing py27-dbus-1.2.0_1...
[457/573] Extracting py27-dbus-1.2.0_1: .......... done
[458/573] Installing poppler-qt5-0.34.0...
[458/573] Extracting poppler-qt5-0.34.0: .......... done
[459/573] Installing libao-1.2.0_2...
[459/573] Extracting libao-1.2.0_2: .......... done
[460/573] Installing speex-1.2.r2,1...
[460/573] Extracting speex-1.2.r2,1: .......... done
[461/573] Installing libkate-0.4.1_6...
[461/573] Extracting libkate-0.4.1_6: .......... done
[462/573] Installing qtcurve-utils-1.8.18...
[462/573] Extracting qtcurve-utils-1.8.18: .......... done
[463/573] Installing tcl84-8.4.20_2,1...
[463/573] Extracting tcl84-8.4.20_2,1: .......... done
[464/573] Installing tcl85-8.5.18_1...
[464/573] Extracting tcl85-8.5.18_1: .......... done
[465/573] Installing tk86-8.6.4...
[465/573] Extracting tk86-8.6.4: .......... done
[466/573] Installing qt4-svg-4.8.7...
[466/573] Extracting qt4-svg-4.8.7: .......... done
[467/573] Installing qt4-dbus-4.8.7...
[467/573] Extracting qt4-dbus-4.8.7: .......... done
[468/573] Installing libmad-0.15.1b_6...
[468/573] Extracting libmad-0.15.1b_6: ......... done
[469/573] Installing fluxbox-1.3.7...
[469/573] Extracting fluxbox-1.3.7: .......... done
[470/573] Installing libv4l-1.6.3_1...
[470/573] Extracting libv4l-1.6.3_1: .......... done
[471/573] Installing p5-Error-0.17024...
[471/573] Extracting p5-Error-0.17024: ......... done
[472/573] Installing cvsps-2.1_1...
[472/573] Extracting cvsps-2.1_1: ... done
[473/573] Installing p5-subversion-1.9.3...
[473/573] Extracting p5-subversion-1.9.3: .......... done
[474/573] Installing p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03...
[474/573] Extracting p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03: ....... done
[475/573] Installing p5-Term-ReadKey-2.32_1...
[475/573] Extracting p5-Term-ReadKey-2.32_1: ......... done
[476/573] Installing p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1...
[476/573] Extracting p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1: .......... done
[477/573] Installing libevent2-2.0.22_1...
[477/573] Extracting libevent2-2.0.22_1: .......... done
[478/573] Installing smartmontools-6.4_1...
[478/573] Extracting smartmontools-6.4_1: .......... done
[479/573] Installing libsunacl-1.0...
[479/573] Extracting libsunacl-1.0: ....... done
[480/573] Installing ntdb-1.0...
[480/573] Extracting ntdb-1.0: .......... done
[481/573] Installing ldb-1.1.24...
[481/573] Extracting ldb-1.1.24: .......... done
[482/573] Installing cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12...
*** Updated user `cyrus'.
[482/573] Extracting cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12: .......... done
[483/573] Installing py27-dnspython-1.12.0...
[483/573] Extracting py27-dnspython-1.12.0: .......... done
[484/573] Installing libinotify-20150910...
[484/573] Extracting libinotify-20150910: ........ done
[485/573] Installing gamin-0.1.10_8...
[485/573] Extracting gamin-0.1.10_8: .......... done
[486/573] Installing gconfmm-2.28.2_3...
[486/573] Extracting gconfmm-2.28.2_3: .......... done
[487/573] Installing libglademm-2.6.7_7...
[487/573] Extracting libglademm-2.6.7_7: .......... done
[488/573] Installing npth-1.2...
[488/573] Extracting npth-1.2: .......... done
[489/573] Installing pinentry-0.9.5...
[489/573] Extracting pinentry-0.9.5: .. done
[490/573] Installing xorg-apps-7.7_2...
[491/573] Installing xorg-fonts-7.7_1...
[492/573] Installing xorg-libraries-7.7_2...
[493/573] Installing xcursor-themes-1.0.4_1...
[493/573] Extracting xcursor-themes-1.0.4_1: .......... done
[494/573] Installing xorg-drivers-7.7_3...
[495/573] Installing xorg-docs-1.7.1,1...
[495/573] Extracting xorg-docs-1.7.1,1: .......... done
[496/573] Installing cups-pk-helper-0.2.5...
[496/573] Extracting cups-pk-helper-0.2.5: .......... done
[497/573] Installing py27-gobject3-3.16.2...
[497/573] Extracting py27-gobject3-3.16.2: .......... done
[498/573] Installing py27-gtk2-2.24.0_4...
[498/573] Extracting py27-gtk2-2.24.0_4: .......... done
[499/573] Installing gtk3-3.16.7_2...
[499/573] Extracting gtk3-3.16.7_2: .......... done
[500/573] Installing py27-pycurl-7.21.5...
[500/573] Extracting py27-pycurl-7.21.5: .......... done
[501/573] Installing py27-pycups-1.9.73...
[501/573] Extracting py27-pycups-1.9.73: ......... done
[502/573] Installing sane-backends-1.0.25...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'saned'.
Using existing user 'saned'.
[502/573] Extracting sane-backends-1.0.25: .......... done
[503/573] Installing gimp-app-2.8.16,1...
[503/573] Extracting gimp-app-2.8.16,1: .......... done
[504/573] Installing libdvdcss-1.3.99...
[504/573] Extracting libdvdcss-1.3.99: .......... done
[505/573] Installing pavucontrol-3.0...
[505/573] Extracting pavucontrol-3.0: .......... done
[506/573] Installing openntpd-5.7p4_1,2...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group '_ntp'.
Using existing user '_ntp'.
[506/573] Extracting openntpd-5.7p4_1,2: .......... done
[507/573] Installing gtk-theme-switch-2.0.0.r2_5...
[507/573] Extracting gtk-theme-switch-2.0.0.r2_5: .. done
[508/573] Installing beadm-1.5.3...
[508/573] Extracting beadm-1.5.3: ..... done
[509/573] Installing p7zip-15.09...
[509/573] Extracting p7zip-15.09: .......... done
[510/573] Installing rpm2cpio-1.4_1...
[510/573] Extracting rpm2cpio-1.4_1: . done
[511/573] Installing droid-fonts-ttf-20131024_3...
[511/573] Extracting droid-fonts-ttf-20131024_3: .......... done
[512/573] Installing pam_mkhomedir-0.2...
[512/573] Extracting pam_mkhomedir-0.2: ... done
[513/573] Installing rsync-3.1.2_1...
[513/573] Extracting rsync-3.1.2_1: .......... done
[514/573] Installing fusefs-ntfs-2015.3.14_3...
[514/573] Extracting fusefs-ntfs-2015.3.14_3: .......... done
[515/573] Installing x11vnc-0.9.13_2...
[515/573] Extracting x11vnc-0.9.13_2: .......... done
[516/573] Installing cursor-jimmac-theme-0.1_2...
[516/573] Extracting cursor-jimmac-theme-0.1_2: .......... done
[517/573] Installing life-preserver-1452651013...
[517/573] Extracting life-preserver-1452651013: .......... done
[518/573] Installing grub2-efi-2.02_15...
[518/573] Extracting grub2-efi-2.02_15: .......... done
[519/573] Installing foo2zjs-20150511_1...
[519/573] Extracting foo2zjs-20150511_1: .......... done
[520/573] Installing py27-fail2ban-0.9.3_1...
[520/573] Extracting py27-fail2ban-0.9.3_1: .......... done
[521/573] Installing pciutils-3.4.0...
[521/573] Extracting pciutils-3.4.0: ....... done
[522/573] Installing cups-pdf-2.6.1_2...
[522/573] Extracting cups-pdf-2.6.1_2: ....... done
[523/573] Installing splix-2.0.0_6...
[523/573] Extracting splix-2.0.0_6: .......... done
[524/573] Installing xf86-video-scfb-0.0.4_3...
[524/573] Extracting xf86-video-scfb-0.0.4_3: .. done
[525/573] Installing pcbsd-appweb-1441129621...
[525/573] Extracting pcbsd-appweb-1441129621: .......... done
[526/573] Installing cups-filters-1.5.0...
[526/573] Extracting cups-filters-1.5.0: .......... done
[527/573] Installing rar-5.2.1,3...
[527/573] Extracting rar-5.2.1,3: .......... done
[528/573] Installing volman-0.7_2...
[528/573] Extracting volman-0.7_2: .... done
[529/573] Installing pcbsd-utils-qt5-1452180981...
[529/573] Extracting pcbsd-utils-qt5-1452180981: .......... done
[530/573] Installing libaacs-0.8.0...
[530/573] Extracting libaacs-0.8.0: .......... done
[531/573] Installing vorbis-tools-1.4.0_10,3...
[531/573] Extracting vorbis-tools-1.4.0_10,3: .......... done
[532/573] Installing dvd+rw-tools-7.1_1...
[532/573] Extracting dvd+rw-tools-7.1_1: .......... done
[533/573] Installing gtk2-qtcurve-theme-1.8.18...
[533/573] Extracting gtk2-qtcurve-theme-1.8.18: .......... done
[534/573] Installing xvkbd-3.7...
[534/573] Extracting xvkbd-3.7: .......... done
[535/573] Installing tk84-8.4.20,2...
[535/573] Extracting tk84-8.4.20,2: .......... done
[536/573] Installing tk85-8.5.18...
[536/573] Extracting tk85-8.5.18: .......... done
[537/573] Installing zip-3.0_1...
[537/573] Extracting zip-3.0_1: .......... done
[538/573] Installing qt4-style-qtcurve-1.8.18...
[538/573] Extracting qt4-style-qtcurve-1.8.18: . done
[539/573] Installing cdrdao-1.2.3_5...
[539/573] Extracting cdrdao-1.2.3_5: .......... done
[540/573] Installing xbrightness-0.3...
[540/573] Extracting xbrightness-0.3: .. done
[541/573] Installing webcamd-
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'webcamd'.
Using existing user 'webcamd'.
[541/573] Extracting webcamd- .......... done
[542/573] Installing iocage-devel-20151207...
[542/573] Extracting iocage-devel-20151207: .......... done
[543/573] Installing libvdpau-1.1.1...
[543/573] Extracting libvdpau-1.1.1: .......... done
[544/573] Installing git-2.7.0...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'git_daemon'.
Using existing user 'git_daemon'.
[544/573] Extracting git-2.7.0: .......... done
Updating /etc/shells
[545/573] Installing disktype-9...
[545/573] Extracting disktype-9: .. done
[546/573] Installing tor-
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group '_tor'.
Using existing user '_tor'.
[546/573] Extracting tor- .......... done
[547/573] Installing gsmartcontrol-0.8.7_4...
[547/573] Extracting gsmartcontrol-0.8.7_4: .......... done
[548/573] Installing samba41-4.1.22...
[548/573] Extracting samba41-4.1.22: .......... done
[549/573] Installing paprefs-0.9.10...
[549/573] Extracting paprefs-0.9.10: .......... done
[550/573] Installing pwcview-1.4.1_6...
[550/573] Extracting pwcview-1.4.1_6: ... done
[551/573] Installing ataidle-2.7.2...
[551/573] Extracting ataidle-2.7.2: ........ done
[552/573] Installing anacron-2.3_6...
[552/573] Extracting anacron-2.3_6: ..... done
[553/573] Installing gnupg-2.1.8...
[553/573] Extracting gnupg-2.1.8: .......... done
[554/573] Installing numlockx-1.2...
[554/573] Extracting numlockx-1.2: .... done
[555/573] Installing cups-bjnp-2.0...
[555/573] Extracting cups-bjnp-2.0: . done
[556/573] Installing pam_ldap-1.8.6_3...
[556/573] Extracting pam_ldap-1.8.6_3: ..... done
[557/573] Installing rdesktop-1.8.3...
[557/573] Extracting rdesktop-1.8.3: .......... done
[558/573] Installing xorg-7.7_2...
[559/573] Installing system-config-printer-1.4.7_2...
[559/573] Extracting system-config-printer-1.4.7_2: .......... done
[560/573] Installing sudo-1.8.15...
[560/573] Extracting sudo-1.8.15: .......... done
[561/573] Installing alsa-lib-1.1.0...
[561/573] Extracting alsa-lib-1.1.0: .......... done
[562/573] Installing nss_mdns-0.10_3...
[562/573] Extracting nss_mdns-0.10_3: ......... done
[563/573] Installing unrar-5.30,5...
[563/573] Extracting unrar-5.30,5: ... done
[564/573] Installing linux_dvbwrapper-kmod-1.0_1...
[564/573] Extracting linux_dvbwrapper-kmod-1.0_1: . done
[565/573] Installing fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack-20071215_3...
[565/573] Extracting fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack-20071215_3: .......... done
[566/573] Installing xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.2_1...
[566/573] Extracting xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.2_1: ......... done
[567/573] Installing nss_ldap-1.265_12...
[567/573] Extracting nss_ldap-1.265_12: ...... done
[568/573] Installing socat-
[568/573] Extracting socat- .......... done
[569/573] Installing OpenSSH-askpass-
[569/573] Extracting OpenSSH-askpass- .......... done
[570/573] Installing noto-1.0.4_1...
[570/573] Extracting noto-1.0.4_1: .......... done
[571/573] Installing xsane-0.999_5...
[571/573] Extracting xsane-0.999_5: .......... done
[572/573] Installing xv-3.10a_16...
[572/573] Extracting xv-3.10a_16: .......... done
[573/573] Installing pcbsd-base-2020151023...
Message from libressl-devel-2.3.1:
    WARNING: THE API OF LibreSSL-devel is volatile
 This is the latest version of LibreSSL that will change
 its API and shared library version often. This will result
 in problems if you do not manage your ports rigorously.

 This version is safe for use and provides the latest
 libtls features.

 Normally, you can obtain the list of dependent software by
 running the following command:

  # pkg info -r libressl-devel

 Users using poudriere will automatically rebuild all ports
 that require SSL.

 Portmaster users:
     portmaster -r libressl-devel
 Portupgrade users:
     portupgrade -fr security/libressl-devel

Message from python27-2.7.11_1:

Note that some standard Python modules are provided as separate ports
as they require additional dependencies. They are available as:

bsddb           databases/py-bsddb
gdbm            databases/py-gdbm
sqlite3         databases/py-sqlite3
tkinter         x11-toolkits/py-tkinter

Message from perl5-5.20.3_8:
The /usr/bin/perl symlink has been removed starting with Perl 5.20.
For shebangs, you should either use:



#!/usr/bin/env perl

The first one will only work if you have a /usr/local/bin/perl,
the second will work as long as perl is in PATH.
Message from xmlcatmgr-2.2_2:
The following catalogs are installed:

 1) /usr/local/share/sgml/catalog

   The top level catalog for SGML stuff.  It is not changed
   by any ports/packages except textproc/xmlcatmgr.

 2) /usr/local/share/sgml/catalog.ports

   This catalog is for handling SGML stuff installed under
   /usr/local/share/sgml.  It is changed by ports/packages.

 3) /usr/local/share/xml/catalog

   The top level catalog for XML stuff.  It is not changed
   by any ports/packages except textproc/xmlcatmgr.

 4) /usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports

   This catalog is for handling XML stuff installed under
   /usr/local/share/xml.  It is changed by ports/packages.
Message from dejavu-2.35:
Make sure that the freetype module is loaded.  If it is not, add the following
line to the "Modules" section of your X Windows configuration file:

    Load "freetype"

Add the following line to the "Files" section of X Windows configuration file:

    FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/dejavu/"

Note: your X Windows configuration file is typically /etc/X11/XF86Config
if you are using XFree86, and /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you are using X.Org.
Message from ca_root_nss-3.21:
********************************* WARNING *********************************

FreeBSD does not, and can not warrant that the certification authorities
whose certificates are included in this package have in any way been
audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance.

Assessment and verification of trust is the complete responsibility of the
system administrator.

*********************************** NOTE **********************************

This package installs symlinks to support root certificates discovery by
default for software that uses OpenSSL.

This enables SSL Certificate Verification by client software without manual

If you prefer to do this manually, replace the following symlinks with
either an empty file or your site-local certificate bundle.

  * /etc/ssl/cert.pem
  * /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem
  * /usr/local/openssl/cert.pem

Message from trousers-tddl-0.3.10_7:
To run tcsd automatically, add the following line to /etc/rc.conf


You might want to edit /usr/local/etc/tcsd.conf to reflect your setup.

To use TPM, add your_account to '_tss' group like following:

# pw groupadd _tss -m your_account
Message from bash-4.3.42_1:

bash requires fdescfs(5) mounted on /dev/fd

If you have not done it yet, please do the following:

    mount -t fdescfs fdesc /dev/fd

To make it permanent, you need the following lines in /etc/fstab:

    fdesc    /dev/fd        fdescfs        rw    0    0

Message from qt5-sql-5.4.1:

To enable Qt database support, install the database plugin ports. The
following plugin ports are available:
 - databases/qt5-sqldrivers-ibase    InterBase/Firebird
 - databases/qt5-sqldrivers-mysql    MySQL
 - databases/qt5-sqldrivers-odbc    Open Database Connectivity
 - databases/qt5-sqldrivers-pgsql    PostgreSQL
 - databases/qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite2    SQLite 2
 - databases/qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3    SQLite 3

Message from boost-libs-1.55.0_9:
You have built the Boost library with thread support.

Don't forget to add -pthread to your linker options when
linking your code.
Message from fusefs-libs-2.9.4_1:
Install the fuse kernel module to use this port.
Message from qt4-corelib-4.8.7_1:

Qt 4 can be built with optional support for:
 - Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) (enabled by default)
 - Network Audio System (NAS)
 - Qt style that renders using GTK (QGTKSTYLE)

In order to enable them, you have to add
to your /etc/make.conf and compile devel/qt4-corelib and
x11-toolkits/qt4-gui ports.

Attention! Whenever you change the QT4_OPTIONS both
devel/qt4-corelib and x11-toolkits/qt4-gui ports must be rebuilt!

Message from sdl-1.2.15_7,2:
 Your SDL library has been built with libvgl support, which means that you
 can run almost any SDL application straight on your console (VESA 2.0
 compatible videocard is required).

 To do this you have to load the vesa kernel module or enable it in your
 kernel, and set environment variable "SDL_VIDEODRIVER=vgl".
Message from eject-1.5_4:
NOTE: This port is no longer installed with SETUID, because it allows
non-privileged users to unmount a filesystem. To enable your users to
eject the CD-ROM, install security/sudo and enter the following line in

%25users ALL=/usr/local/sbin/eject /dev/acd0
Message from gcc-4.8.5_2:
To ensure binaries built with this toolchain find appropriate versions
of the necessary run-time libraries, you may want to link using


For ports leveraging USE_GCC, USES=compiler, or USES=fortran this happens
Message from ghostscript9-base-9.06_11:
Note: in order to use the script "dvipdf", dvips must be installed.
This program is provided by another package print/tex-dvipsk.

FAPIfontmap and FAPIcidfmap in /usr/local/share/ghostscript/9.06/Resource/Init
have to be configured if you want to use FAPI feature.
Message from debootstrap-1.0.75:
*** NOTE ***
To successfully create an installation of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
debootstrap requires the following kernel modules loaded:

fdescfs linprocfs linsysfs tmpfs
Message from ruby-,1:
Some of the standard commands are provided as separate ports for ease
of upgrading:

    devel/ruby-gems:    gem - RubyGems package manager
    devel/rubygem-rake:    rake - Ruby Make

And some of the standard libraries are provided as separate ports
since they require extra dependencies:

    databases/ruby-gdbm:    GDBM module

Install them as occasion demands.
Message from openldap-client-2.4.43:

The OpenLDAP client package has been successfully installed.

to change the system-wide client defaults.

Try `man ldap.conf' and visit the OpenLDAP FAQ-O-Matic at
for more information.

Message from xterm-322:
You installed xterm with wide chars support. This introduces some limitations
comparing to the plain single chars version: this version of xterm will use
UTF-8 charset for selection buffers, breaking 8-bit copy/paste support unless
you are using UTF-8 or ISO8859-1 locale. If you want 8-bit charset selections to
work as before, use "eightBitSelectTypes" XTerm resource setting.

For further information refer to the SELECT/PASTE section of xterm(1) manual
Message from pulseaudio-6.0_2:
Pulseaudio doesn't know about the hw.snd.default_unit=3 sysctl for the
FreeBSD OSS driver that is used to select the active input/output. So
for Pulseaudio we also need to tell it which input/output to use. The
difference is that Pulseaudio has separate input and output configure lines.

To change the default sink (output):
# pacmd set-default-sink 3
To change the default source (input):
# pacmd set-default-source 3

This can also be set in /usr/local/etc/pulse/

Replace the number '3' with the new default your want to set.

The audio/freedesktop-sound-theme is needed if the default sound files
are uncommented in the /usr/local/etc/pulse/ file.
Message from mtools-4.0.10_4:
Please verify /usr/local/etc/mtools.conf for your machine.
Message from stunnel-5.29,1:
To create and install a new certificate, type "make cert"

And don't forget to check out the FAQ at
Message from grub2-pcbsd-2.02q_7:
To install GRUB as your boot-loader, use the following command:

# grub-install /dev/ada0 (replace ada0 with your disk)
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

This version of GRUB can be used traditionally or with
PC-BSD style boot environments.

Additionally, when using GPT, you must have a created a
"bios-boot" partition at install time. This partition is used
for GRUB's modules for GELI/ZFS and related bits.

Traditional Setup

When the "beadm" utility is not present, grub-mkconfig
will use the standard GRUB detection scripts for setting
up your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file.

Boot Environment Setup

If the "beadm" command is installed on the system,
grub-mkconfig will use it to setup /boot/grub/grub.cfg

For it to properly detect / populate your BE menus you
must have your root zpool setup in the following manner:


Where is your zpool, and is your '/' mountpoint.
The "beadm" utility must be installed and working before using
GRUB utilities.
Message from cups-base-2.0.3_3:

To enable printing with local printer you need to give group 'cups'
r/w access to printer device:

1) Add following to /etc/devfs.rules (create if it doesn't exist):

# FreeBSD 7.x
add path 'unlpt*' mode 0660 group cups
add path 'ulpt*' mode 0660 group cups
add path 'lpt*' mode 0660 group cups
# FreeBSD 8.x
add path 'usb*' mode 0770 group cups
add path 'ugen*' mode 0660 group cups

2) And following to /etc/rc.conf:


3) Restart devfs: /etc/rc.d/devfs restart

If your system supports 'devd' you can copy
$PREFIX/share/examples/cups/ulpt-cupsd.conf to $PREFIX/etc/devd/

To enable printing under Gimp and MS-Windows clients do the following:

1) Uncomment application/octet-stream line in mime.types
2) Uncomment application/octet-stream line in mime.convs
3) Restart cupsd

If you are using libusb, it is important that no device driver, e.g.
ulpt(4) is attached to the device you wish to use. In this case please
ensure the cups user and group has read/write access to /dev/ugen*

If you are using a USB printer wtih FreeBSD 8.0 or later, you will
need to find the proper /dev/usb/* device pointed at by the /dev/ugen*
entry. Follow the instructions for devfs.rules as above, but append a
rule similar to the following for a printer attached as /dev/ugen0.2:

add path 'usb/0.2.*' mode 0660 group cups
Message from cdrtools-3.01:

Note: The location of the cdrtools `defaults' files has been set to


This is the FreeBSD ports standard config file location, NOT the cdrtools
standard location, which is /etc/default.

The reason for this is that FreeBSD ports and packages should not use
configuration files outside of /usr/local.

Message from smartmontools-6.4_1:
smartmontools has been installed

To check the status of drives, use the following:

    /usr/local/sbin/smartctl -a /dev/ad0    for first ATA/SATA drive
    /usr/local/sbin/smartctl -a /dev/da0    for first SCSI drive
    /usr/local/sbin/smartctl -a /dev/ada0    for first SATA drive

To include drive health information in your daily status reports,
add a line like the following to /etc/periodic.conf:
    daily_status_smart_devices="/dev/ad0 /dev/da0"
substituting the appropriate device names for your SMART-capable disks.

To enable drive monitoring, you can use /usr/local/sbin/smartd.
A sample configuration file has been installed as
Copy this file to /usr/local/etc/smartd.conf and edit appropriately

To have smartd start at boot
    echo 'smartd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
Message from cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12:
You can use sasldb2 for authentication, to add users use:

    saslpasswd2 -c username

If you want to enable SMTP AUTH with the system Sendmail, read

NOTE: This port has been compiled with a default pwcheck_method of
      auxprop.  If you want to authenticate your user by /etc/passwd,
      PAM or LDAP, install ports/security/cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd and
      set sasl_pwcheck_method to saslauthd after installing the
      Cyrus-IMAPd 2.X port.  You should also check the
      /usr/local/lib/sasl2/*.conf files for the correct
      If you want to use GSSAPI mechanism, install
      If you want to use LDAP auxprop plugin, install
Message from libinotify-20150910:

Libinotify functionality on FreeBSD is missing support for

  - detecting a file being moved into or out of a directory within the
    same filesystem
  - certain modifications to a symbolic link (rather than the
    file it points to.)

in addition to the known limitations on all platforms using kqueue(2)
where various open and close notifications are unimplemented.

This means the following regression tests will fail:

Directory notifications:
Open/close notifications:
Symbolic Link notifications:

Kernel patches to address the missing directory and symbolic link
notifications are available from:

You might want to consider increasing the kern.maxfiles tunable if you plan
to use this library for applications that need to monitor activity of a lot
of files.

If the default on your system is too low, add the following line to
/boot/loader.conf, then reboot the system:

Message from gamin-0.1.10_8:

Gamin will only provide realtime notification of changes for at most n files,
where n is the minimum value between (kern.maxfiles * 0.7) and
(kern.maxfilesperproc - 200). Beyond that limit, files will be polled.

If you often open several large folders with Nautilus, you might want to
increase the kern.maxfiles tunable (you do not need to set
kern.maxfilesperproc, since it is computed at boot time from kern.maxfiles).

For a typical desktop, add the following line to /boot/loader.conf, then
reboot the system:


The behavior of gamin can be controlled via the various gaminrc files.
See on how to create
these files.  In particular, if you find gam_server is taking up too much
CPU time polling for changes, something like the following may help
in one of the gaminrc files:

# reduce polling frequency to once per 10 seconds
# for UFS file systems in order to lower CPU load
fsset ufs poll 10

Message from sane-backends-1.0.25:

saned will log to the 'daemon' facility; this is a hard-coded
default. Also, saned has no support for SSL/TLS or cryptographic
authentication; you may wish to deploy security/stunnel to wrap
it if you have concerns about security.

If you are using a USB scanner, you should create
/usr/local/etc/devd/saned.conf to allow saned access permissions.
Currently, devfs.rules(5) has no support for USB specific filters
such as vendor, product and serial number.

Here is an example saned.conf for an Epson CX3650
multi-function scanner/printer device (assuming you are sharing
the printer function with cups):

notify 100 {
    match "system" "USB";
    match "subsystem" "INTERFACE";
    match "type" "ATTACH";
    match "cdev" "ugen[0-9].[0-9]";
    match "vendor" "0x04b8";
    match "product" "0x080e";
    action "chown -L cups:saned /dev/$cdev && chmod -L 660 /dev/$cdev";

To determine which port your scanner is connected to, inspect the
output of 'usbconfig list' before and after connecting your scanner,
and note the numbers which appear after 'ugen' in the first column.
Then, use 'usbconfig -d X.Y dump_device_desc' to learn the idVendor
and idProduct fields, and plug them into the above example entry.

Finally, restart devd with the command:
 # /etc/rc.d/devd restart

Please take /usr/local/etc/sane.d/dll.conf
as an example only; you may wish to enable only the 'net' backend
on client machines; be sure to point it at your scan server.

If you are setting up a scan server, you may also wish to edit
to only permit specific machines.

Message from droid-fonts-ttf-20131024_3:
You can start using the fonts by following these instructions:

Add the following line to the "Files" section of your configuration

    FontPath    "/usr/local/share/fonts/Droid/"
Message from pam_mkhomedir-0.2:
You may want to add something like this to your /etc/pam.d/login
or /etc/pam.d/sshd ( when you've configured ssh with PAM )
file to use this module:

session         required       /usr/local/lib/
Message from fusefs-ntfs-2015.3.14_3:

NTFS-3G has been installed, for information, known issues and how to report
bugs see the FreeBSD README:


Also see the official README (but has some Linux specific parts).

Message from foo2zjs-20150511_1:

1) Please read the detailed installation instructions in the file:

   * /usr/local/share/doc/foo2zjs/INSTALL

2) Go to tmp directory and run getweb script.

   # cd /tmp && getweb all

3) Copy icm and img files.

   # cp DL*.icm CP*.icm km2430*.icm /usr/local/share/foo2zjs/icm && \
     cp sihp*.img /usr/local/share/foo2zjs/firmware && \
     cp hpclj26*.icm km2430*.icm /usr/local/share/foo2hp/icm && \
     rm *.icm *.img

4) Edit /usr/local/etc/devd/foo2zjs.conf to fit your needs
   and restart devd.

5) Enjoy it ;)

Message from py27-fail2ban-0.9.3_1:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Please do not edit the fail2ban.conf and jail.conf files as they
will be overwritten upon each upgrade of the port.

Instead, create new files named fail2ban.local and jail.local

For more information, see the official manual:

If you are upgrading from 0.8.x consider adopting the new
configuration style.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Message from splix-2.0.0_6:
  |                  !!!      IMPORTANT NOTICE      !!!                   |
  |      If you are upgrading your current version, you MUST delete       |
  |     your printer in the CUPS interface and install it again. This     |
  |   operation MUST be done since CUPS make a copy of the PPD file and   |
  |                this file is modified between versions.                |

Installation of the color profile for color printers:

        Color printers needs color profile files to get better results. These
files are provided by your printer manufacturer and you have to install them
manually. To do that, download the linux official drivers and locate the "cms"
directory. Install them with the command:

                # make installcms CMSDIR=/path/to/cms/directory \
                        MANUFACTURER=samsung or xerox or dell

        Samsung color profile files are available at:
                (Then use MANUFACTURER=samsung)

Message from webcamd-
1) webcamd requires the cuse4bsd or cuse kernel module, depending on
how webcamd was compiled. Please load this dependency by doing:

       # kldload cuse4bsd
       # kldload cuse

or by adding


to your /boot/loader.conf.

2) add webcamd_enable="YES"

to your /etc/rc.conf

3) Please restart devd to start webcamd

    # service devd restart

4) Optionally add a user to the "webcamd" group

    # pw groupmod webcamd -m

5) If webcamd still did not start, consult the installed webcamd rc.d
script for more help and instructions on how to start webcamd.
Message from git-2.7.0:
*************************** GITWEB *************************************
If you installed the GITWEB option please follow these instructions:

In the directory /usr/local/share/examples/git/gitweb you can find all files to
make gitweb work as a public repository on the web.

All you have to do to make gitweb work is:
1) Copy the files /usr/local/share/examples/git/gitweb/* to a directory on
   your web server (e.g. Apache2) in which you are able to execute
2) In gitweb.cgi, adjust the variable $projectroot to point to
   your git repository (that is where you have your *.git project
*************************** GITWEB *************************************

*************************** CONTRIB ************************************
If you installed the CONTRIB option please note that the scripts are
installed in /usr/local/share/git-core/contrib. Some of them require
other ports to be installed (perl, python, etc), which you may need to
install manually.
*************************** CONTRIB ************************************
Message from tor-
To enable the tor server, set tor_enable="YES" in your /etc/rc.conf
and edit /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc as desired. (However, note that the
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/tor rc.subr script can override some torrc
options: see that script for details.) To use the torify script, install
the net/torsocks port. After installing tor for the first time, or after
a major update of tor, you should:

rm -r /var/db/tor /var/run/tor
mkdir -p /var/db/tor/data /var/run/tor
touch /var/log/tor
chown -R _tor:_tor /var/db/tor /var/log/tor /var/run/tor
chmod -R 700 /var/db/tor

before starting the tor server. Tor users are strongly advised to prevent traffic
analysis that exploits sequential IP IDs by setting:

sysctl net.inet.ip.random_id=1

(see sysctl.conf(5)).
Message from samba41-4.1.22:

How to start:

* Your configuration is: /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf

* All the relevant databases are under: /var/db/samba4

* All the logs are under: /var/log/samba4

* Provisioning script is: /usr/local/bin/samba-tool

%%NSUPDATE%%You will need to specify location of the 'nsupdate' command in the
%%NSUPDATE%%smb4.conf file:
%%NSUPDATE%%      nsupdate command = /usr/local/bin/samba-nsupdate -g
For additional documentation check:

Bug reports should go to the:

Message from anacron-2.3_6:
Configuration hints:
- Edit /usr/local/etc/anacrontab
- Deactivate the 'periodic' commands in /etc/crontab
- Add a call to anacron to /etc/crontab, like
  0  0  *  *  *    root    /usr/local/sbin/anacron
- Add anacron_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf
- Read anacron(8) and anacrontab(5)
Message from gnupg-2.1.8:
                A T T E N T I O N

In order to use gpg-agent, you need to install a pinentry dialog.

The following ports of pinentry dialogs are available:

security/pinentry-curses    (ncurses based dialog)
security/pinentry-gtk2        (GTK 2.x based dialog)
security/pinentry-qt4        (QT4 based dialog)
security/pinentry-tty        (console based dialog)

Message from pam_ldap-1.8.6_3:
Copy /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf.dist to /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf, then edit
/usr/local/etc/ldap.conf in order to use this module.  Add a line similar to
the following to /etc/pam.conf on 4.X, or create an /etc/pam.d/ldap on 5.X
and higher with a line similar to the following:

login   auth    sufficient      /usr/local/lib/
Message from nss_ldap-1.265_12:
The nss_ldap module expects to find its configuration files at the
following paths:

LDAP configuration:     /usr/local/etc/nss_ldap.conf
LDAP secret (optional): /usr/local/etc/nss_ldap.secret
Message from xsane-0.999_5:

XSane has been installed.

To install XSane as a GIMP plug-in, please type:

    ln -sf /usr/local/bin/xsane ~/.gimp-*/plug-ins/xsane

Then run the GIMP, and a new "XSane" menu item should appear in the
"File -> Acquire" menu. Use this to access your scanner.

Have fun!

Installing arabic/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ar-aspell: 1.2.0_1,1

The process will require 25 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing aspell-
[1/2] Extracting aspell- .......... done
[2/2] Installing ar-aspell-1.2.0_1,1...
[2/2] Extracting ar-aspell-1.2.0_1,1: ....... done
Installing archivers/quazip...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    quazip: 0.7.1

The process will require 356 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing quazip-0.7.1...
[1/1] Extracting quazip-0.7.1: .......... done
Installing archivers/xarchiver...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    xarchiver: 0.5.4_1
    unzip: 6.0_7

The process will require 1 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing unzip-6.0_7...
[1/2] Extracting unzip-6.0_7: .......... done
[2/2] Installing xarchiver-0.5.4_1...
[2/2] Extracting xarchiver-0.5.4_1: .......... done
Installing astro/gpsd...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    gpsd: 3.14_3

The process will require 1 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing gpsd-3.14_3...
[1/1] Extracting gpsd-3.14_3: .......... done
Installing audio/libmusicbrainz5...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    libmusicbrainz5: 5.1.0
    neon: 0.30.1

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing neon-0.30.1...
[1/2] Extracting neon-0.30.1: .......... done
[2/2] Installing libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0...
[2/2] Extracting libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0: .......... done
Installing audio/musepack...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    musepack: 2011.08.10

The process will require 491 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing musepack-2011.08.10...
[1/1] Extracting musepack-2011.08.10: .......... done
Installing audio/normalize...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 7 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    normalize: 0.7.7_10
    madplay: 0.15.2b_5
    esound: 0.2.41_3
    pkgconf: 0.9.12_1
    libaudiofile: 0.3.6_2
    libid3tag: 0.15.1b_1
    lame: 3.99.5_2

The process will require 3 MiB more space.
[1/7] Installing pkgconf-0.9.12_1...
[1/7] Extracting pkgconf-0.9.12_1: ....... done
[2/7] Installing libaudiofile-0.3.6_2...
[2/7] Extracting libaudiofile-0.3.6_2: .......... done
[3/7] Installing esound-0.2.41_3...
[3/7] Extracting esound-0.2.41_3: .......... done
[4/7] Installing libid3tag-0.15.1b_1...
[4/7] Extracting libid3tag-0.15.1b_1: .......... done
[5/7] Installing madplay-0.15.2b_5...
[5/7] Extracting madplay-0.15.2b_5: .......... done
[6/7] Installing lame-3.99.5_2...
[6/7] Extracting lame-3.99.5_2: .......... done
[7/7] Installing normalize-0.7.7_10...
[7/7] Extracting normalize-0.7.7_10: ....... done
Message from esound-0.2.41_3:
The ESounD daemon (esd) must be started on a per-user basis.  This is typically
done by the Session Manager in GNOME.  However, if you are not using the
GNOME Desktop, you will need to add something like the following to your
X Windows initialization script:

esd -terminate -nobeeps -as 2
Installing audio/sox...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 4 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    sox: 14.4.2_1
    gsm: 1.0.13_2
    opusfile: 0.7
    opus: 1.1.2

The process will require 4 MiB more space.
[1/4] Installing opus-1.1.2...
[1/4] Extracting opus-1.1.2: .......... done
[2/4] Installing gsm-1.0.13_2...
[2/4] Extracting gsm-1.0.13_2: .......... done
[3/4] Installing opusfile-0.7...
[3/4] Extracting opusfile-0.7: .......... done
[4/4] Installing sox-14.4.2_1...
[4/4] Extracting sox-14.4.2_1: .......... done
Installing chinese/ibus-chewing...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 5 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    zh-ibus-chewing: 1.4.14
    zh-libchewing: 0.4.0_1
    ibus: 1.5.11
    py27-notify: 0.1.1_11
    py27-xdg: 0.25

The process will require 15 MiB more space.
[1/5] Installing py27-notify-0.1.1_11...
[1/5] Extracting py27-notify-0.1.1_11: .......... done
[2/5] Installing py27-xdg-0.25...
[2/5] Extracting py27-xdg-0.25: .......... done
[3/5] Installing zh-libchewing-0.4.0_1...
[3/5] Extracting zh-libchewing-0.4.0_1: .......... done
[4/5] Installing ibus-1.5.11...
[4/5] Extracting ibus-1.5.11: .......... done
[5/5] Installing zh-ibus-chewing-1.4.14...
[5/5] Extracting zh-ibus-chewing-1.4.14: .......... done
Message from ibus-1.5.11:
ibus installation finished. To use ibus, please do the following:

If you are using bash, please add following lines to your $HOME/.bashrc:

export XIM=ibus
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon"
export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim"

If you are using tcsh, please add following lines to your $HOME/.cshrc:

setenv XIM ibus
setenv GTK_IM_MODULE ibus
setenv QT_IM_MODULE xim
setenv XMODIFIERS @im=ibus
setenv XIM_PROGRAM ibus-daemon
setenv XIM_ARGS "--daemonize --xim"

If you are using KDE4, you may create a shell script in $HOME/.kde4/env,
and add following lines:

export XIM=ibus
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon"
export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim"

Following input methods/engines are available in ports:

chinese/ibus-chewing        Chewing engine for IBus
chinese/ibus-pinyin        The PinYin input method
japanese/ibus-anthy        Anthy engine for IBus
japanese/ibus-mozc        Mozc engine for IBus
japanese/ibus-skk        SKK engine for IBus
korean/ibus-hangul        Hangul engine for IBus
textproc/ibus-kmfl        KMFL IMEngine for IBus framework
textproc/ibus-m17n        The m17n IMEngine for IBus framework
textproc/ibus-table        Table based IM framework for IBus

and QT4 input method module, textproc/ibus-qt.

If ibus cannot start or the panel does not appear, please ensure
that you are using up-to-date python.
There's a bug in python 2.5, which may prevent the panel from appearing.
Installing chinese/ibus-pinyin...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    zh-ibus-pinyin: 1.5.0_1
    zh-pyzy: 0.1.0_1

The process will require 5 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing zh-pyzy-0.1.0_1...
[1/2] Extracting zh-pyzy-0.1.0_1: .......... done
[2/2] Installing zh-ibus-pinyin-1.5.0_1...
[2/2] Extracting zh-ibus-pinyin-1.5.0_1: .......... done
Installing comms/lirc...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    lirc: 0.9.0_7,1
    libftdi: 0.20_4
    libirman: 0.4.6

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/3] Installing libftdi-0.20_4...
[1/3] Extracting libftdi-0.20_4: .......... done
[2/3] Installing libirman-0.4.6...
[2/3] Extracting libirman-0.4.6: .......... done
[3/3] Installing lirc-0.9.0_7,1...
[3/3] Extracting lirc-0.9.0_7,1: .......... done
Message from lirc-0.9.0_7,1:
This port does not contain any FreeBSD device drivers for infrared
devices. This port installs the LIRC daemons and tools for interacting
with drivers that support the LIRC device interface.

You will need to obtain third party device drivers or port the Linux
drivers in ${WRKSRC}/drivers to use the LIRC port.

Update for 0.9:  Known working with this update are FTDI-based USB
IR receivers/transmitters like described here,

and if you use the recent multimedia/webcamd port then MCE USB based
ones driven by the Linux mceusb driver as well remotes coming with
USB DVB tuners that by default work with the Linux drivers used in
webcamd should also work, i.e. if webcamd creates a /dev/lircX
device node check if e.g.

    mode2 -d /dev/lirc0

reports pulses and spaces when triggering the remote at the receiver,
if it does you probably will be able to use lirc.

Some other userland drivers will probably also work (like others
using libusb), they just were not tested.

The lirc documentation should be accessible at:


Some example configs should have been installed here:


The port now installs an example lircd.conf that's preconfigured
for use with webcamd, either with USB DVB tuner remotes supported
by the Linux drivers by default that webcamd uses, or for remotes
supplied with MCE USB IR receivers.  If you want to create a config
for a different remote using an IR receiver that works with mode2
you can try using irrecord like described here:


Update for webcamd >=

webcamd now supports /dev/input/eventX (X there can be for
example 0, 8, 16 etc) and uses it exclusively for almost all tuners,
only mceusb IR-only devices now support both interfaces.  So if you
don't get a /dev/lircX device node anymore and want to make lirc
use a remote with such a tuner you now need the lirc devinput driver,
if you start lircd via the rc.d script set lircd_flags and lircd_device
in rc.conf(5), like:

    lircd_flags="-H devinput"

The example lircd.conf includes the devinput config file too so if
all goes well irw(1) should still work with such tuners and show
buttons pressed, and if not and the tuner's Linux driver uses the
rc.core interface you can often still add a custom keymap, only
with devinput you no longer want to use irrecord(1) but ir-keytable(1)
which is part of the multimedia/v4l-utils port.  Using that tool
you can e.g. check remote events coming in on /dev/input/eventX,

    ir-keytable -d /dev/input/eventX -t

list the current keytable,

    ir-keytable -d /dev/input/eventX -r

or add scancodes on the fly by loading a custom keymap,

    ir-keytable -d /dev/input/eventX -w keymap.txt

(on Linux this can be automated using udev, don't know if we need
something like that also...)  Some (Linux-centric, so not all of
them apply) notes re ir-keytable(1) and the lirc devinput change
are also here:

Installing databases/akonadi...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 12 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    akonadi: 1.13.0
    qt4-network: 4.8.7_1
    qt4-sql: 4.8.7
    soprano: 2.9.4_1
    libiodbc: 3.52.9_1
    redland: 1.0.17_4
    rasqal: 0.9.33
    raptor2: 2.0.15_1
    yajl: 2.1.0
    qt4-mysql-plugin: 4.8.7
    mysql56-client: 5.6.27
    mysql56-server: 5.6.27

The process will require 146 MiB more space.
[1/12] Installing yajl-2.1.0...
[1/12] Extracting yajl-2.1.0: .......... done
[2/12] Installing raptor2-2.0.15_1...
[2/12] Extracting raptor2-2.0.15_1: .......... done
[3/12] Installing rasqal-0.9.33...
[3/12] Extracting rasqal-0.9.33: .......... done
[4/12] Installing qt4-network-4.8.7_1...
[4/12] Extracting qt4-network-4.8.7_1: .......... done
[5/12] Installing qt4-sql-4.8.7...
[5/12] Extracting qt4-sql-4.8.7: .......... done
[6/12] Installing libiodbc-3.52.9_1...
[6/12] Extracting libiodbc-3.52.9_1: .......... done
[7/12] Installing redland-1.0.17_4...
[7/12] Extracting redland-1.0.17_4: .......... done
[8/12] Installing mysql56-client-5.6.27...
[8/12] Extracting mysql56-client-5.6.27: .......... done
[9/12] Installing soprano-2.9.4_1...
[9/12] Extracting soprano-2.9.4_1: .......... done
[10/12] Installing qt4-mysql-plugin-4.8.7...
[10/12] Extracting qt4-mysql-plugin-4.8.7: .... done
[11/12] Installing mysql56-server-5.6.27...
===> Creating users and/or groups.
Using existing group 'mysql'.
Using existing user 'mysql'.
[11/12] Extracting mysql56-server-5.6.27: .......... done
[12/12] Installing akonadi-1.13.0...
[12/12] Extracting akonadi-1.13.0: .......... done
Message from qt4-sql-4.8.7:

To enable Qt database support, install the database plugin ports. The
following plugin ports are available:
 - databases/qt4-ibase-plugin        InterBase/Firebird
 - databases/qt4-mysql-plugin        MySQL
 - databases/qt4-odbc-plugin        Open Database Connectivity
 - databases/qt4-pgsql-plugin        PostgreSQL
 - databases/qt4-sqlite-plugin        SQLite 2
 - databases/qt4-sqlite3-plugin        SQLite 3

Message from mysql56-client-5.6.27:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please be aware the database client is vulnerable
to CVE-2015-3152 - SSL Downgrade aka "BACKRONYM".
You may find more information at the following URL:

Although this database client is not listed as
"affected", it is vulnerable and will not be
receiving a patch. Please take note of this when
deploying this software.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Message from soprano-2.9.4_1:

You'll have to install databases/virtuoso to use Soprano's Virtuoso

Message from mysql56-server-5.6.27:

Remember to run mysql_upgrade the first time you start the MySQL server
after an upgrade from an earlier version.

Installing databases/xapian-core...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    xapian-core: 1.2.22,1

The process will require 14 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing xapian-core-1.2.22,1...
[1/1] Extracting xapian-core-1.2.22,1: .......... done
Installing deskutils/fbreader...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    fbreader: 0.99.6_2
    libunibreak: 1.1_3,1
    qt4-imageformats: 4.8.7

The process will require 6 MiB more space.
[1/3] Installing libunibreak-1.1_3,1...
[1/3] Extracting libunibreak-1.1_3,1: .......... done
[2/3] Installing qt4-imageformats-4.8.7...
[2/3] Extracting qt4-imageformats-4.8.7: .......... done
[3/3] Installing fbreader-0.99.6_2...
[3/3] Extracting fbreader-0.99.6_2: .......... done
Installing deskutils/menumaker...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    menumaker: 0.99.9

The process will require 439 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing menumaker-0.99.9...
[1/1] Extracting menumaker-0.99.9: .......... done
Installing deskutils/qorganizer...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    qorganizer: 3.1_4

The process will require 931 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing qorganizer-3.1_4...
[1/1] Extracting qorganizer-3.1_4: ..... done
Installing devel/liborcus07...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    liborcus07: 0.7.1

The process will require 4 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing liborcus07-0.7.1...
[1/1] Extracting liborcus07-0.7.1: .......... done
Installing devel/p5-perlqt...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 22 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    p5-perlqt: 4.14.3
    smokeqt: 4.14.3_1
    smokegen: 4.14.3
    qwt5: 5.2.3
    qt4-multimedia: 4.8.7
    qt4-script: 4.8.7
    qt4-opengl: 4.8.7
    qscintilla2: 2.9.1,1
    qt4-designer: 4.8.7
    qt4-webkit: 4.8.7
    qt4-declarative: 4.8.7
    qt4-xmlpatterns: 4.8.7
    qt4-assistant: 4.8.7
    qt4-sqlite-plugin: 4.8.7
    qt4-doc: 4.8.7
    qt4-help: 4.8.7
    qt4-clucene: 4.8.7
    qt4-qt3support: 4.8.7
    phonon: 4.8.3
    qzeitgeist: 0.8.0_2
    qt4-testlib: 4.8.7
    qimageblitz: 0.0.6_2

The process will require 356 MiB more space.
[1/22] Installing qt4-script-4.8.7...
[1/22] Extracting qt4-script-4.8.7: .......... done
[2/22] Installing qt4-opengl-4.8.7...
[2/22] Extracting qt4-opengl-4.8.7: .......... done
[3/22] Installing qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.7...
[3/22] Extracting qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.7: .......... done
[4/22] Installing qt4-declarative-4.8.7...
[4/22] Extracting qt4-declarative-4.8.7: .......... done
[5/22] Installing qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.8.7...
[5/22] Extracting qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.8.7: .... done
[6/22] Installing qt4-clucene-4.8.7...
[6/22] Extracting qt4-clucene-4.8.7: .......... done
[7/22] Installing qt4-webkit-4.8.7...
[7/22] Extracting qt4-webkit-4.8.7: .......... done
[8/22] Installing qt4-doc-4.8.7...
[8/22] Extracting qt4-doc-4.8.7: .......... done
[9/22] Installing qt4-help-4.8.7...
[9/22] Extracting qt4-help-4.8.7: .......... done
[10/22] Installing qt4-assistant-4.8.7...
[10/22] Extracting qt4-assistant-4.8.7: ...... done
[11/22] Installing qt4-qt3support-4.8.7...
[11/22] Extracting qt4-qt3support-4.8.7: .......... done
[12/22] Installing qt4-testlib-4.8.7...
[12/22] Extracting qt4-testlib-4.8.7: .......... done
[13/22] Installing qt4-designer-4.8.7...
[13/22] Extracting qt4-designer-4.8.7: .......... done
[14/22] Installing qzeitgeist-0.8.0_2...
[14/22] Extracting qzeitgeist-0.8.0_2: .......... done
[15/22] Installing smokegen-4.14.3...
[15/22] Extracting smokegen-4.14.3: .......... done
[16/22] Installing qwt5-5.2.3...
[16/22] Extracting qwt5-5.2.3: .......... done
[17/22] Installing qt4-multimedia-4.8.7...
[17/22] Extracting qt4-multimedia-4.8.7: .......... done
[18/22] Installing qscintilla2-2.9.1,1...
[18/22] Extracting qscintilla2-2.9.1,1: .......... done
[19/22] Installing phonon-4.8.3...
[19/22] Extracting phonon-4.8.3: .......... done
[20/22] Installing qimageblitz-0.0.6_2...
[20/22] Extracting qimageblitz-0.0.6_2: ........ done
[21/22] Installing smokeqt-4.14.3_1...
[21/22] Extracting smokeqt-4.14.3_1: .......... done
[22/22] Installing p5-perlqt-4.14.3...
[22/22] Extracting p5-perlqt-4.14.3: .......... done
Message from qzeitgeist-0.8.0_2:

You'll have to install sysutils/zeitgeist to enable event logging.

Message from phonon-4.8.3:

Please, consider installing backends for Phonon:
- multimedia/phonon-gstreamer    GStreamer backend
- multimedia/phonon-vlc        VLC backend

Message from p5-perlqt-4.14.3:

To use Perl bindings outside KDE session set PERL5LIB
environment variable:

PERL5LIB=/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.20: /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl

See "man 1 perlrun" for details.

Installing devel/py-qt4...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 30 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    py27-qt4: 4.11.4
    py27-qt4-gui: 4.11.4,1
    qt4-inputmethods: 4.8.7
    py27-qt4-core: 4.11.4,1
    py27-sip: 4.17,1
    qt4-iconengines: 4.8.7
    py27-qt4-help: 4.11.4
    py27-qt4-doc: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-assistant: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-network: 4.11.4,1
    qt4-libQtAssistantClient: 4.6.3_1
    py27-qt4-multimedia: 4.11.4
    py27-qt4-script: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-svg: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-opengl: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-designer: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-xml: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-test: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-declarative: 4.11.4
    py27-qt4-phonon: 4.11.4
    py27-qt4-qscintilla2: 2.9.1,1
    py27-qt4-sql: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-scripttools: 4.11.4,1
    qt4-scripttools: 4.8.7
    py27-qt4-dbus: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-dbussupport: 4.11.4_1
    py27-qt4-designerplugin: 4.11.4,1
    py27-qt4-webkit: 4.11.4
    py27-qt4-demo: 4.11.4_1,1
    py27-qt4-xmlpatterns: 4.11.4

The process will require 64 MiB more space.
[1/30] Installing py27-sip-4.17,1...
[1/30] Extracting py27-sip-4.17,1: .......... done
[2/30] Installing qt4-inputmethods-4.8.7...
[2/30] Extracting qt4-inputmethods-4.8.7: .... done
[3/30] Installing py27-qt4-core-4.11.4,1...
[3/30] Extracting py27-qt4-core-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[4/30] Installing qt4-iconengines-4.8.7...
[4/30] Extracting qt4-iconengines-4.8.7: .... done
[5/30] Installing py27-qt4-gui-4.11.4,1...
[5/30] Extracting py27-qt4-gui-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[6/30] Installing py27-qt4-script-4.11.4,1...
[6/30] Extracting py27-qt4-script-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[7/30] Installing py27-qt4-xml-4.11.4,1...
[7/30] Extracting py27-qt4-xml-4.11.4,1: ........ done
[8/30] Installing py27-qt4-network-4.11.4,1...
[8/30] Extracting py27-qt4-network-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[9/30] Installing qt4-libQtAssistantClient-4.6.3_1...
[9/30] Extracting qt4-libQtAssistantClient-4.6.3_1: .......... done
[10/30] Installing py27-qt4-designer-4.11.4,1...
[10/30] Extracting py27-qt4-designer-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[11/30] Installing qt4-scripttools-4.8.7...
[11/30] Extracting qt4-scripttools-4.8.7: .......... done
[12/30] Installing py27-qt4-help-4.11.4...
[12/30] Extracting py27-qt4-help-4.11.4: .......... done
[13/30] Installing py27-qt4-doc-4.11.4,1...
[13/30] Extracting py27-qt4-doc-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[14/30] Installing py27-qt4-assistant-4.11.4,1...
[14/30] Extracting py27-qt4-assistant-4.11.4,1: .... done
[15/30] Installing py27-qt4-multimedia-4.11.4...
[15/30] Extracting py27-qt4-multimedia-4.11.4: .......... done
[16/30] Installing py27-qt4-svg-4.11.4,1...
[16/30] Extracting py27-qt4-svg-4.11.4,1: ....... done
[17/30] Installing py27-qt4-opengl-4.11.4,1...
[17/30] Extracting py27-qt4-opengl-4.11.4,1: ......... done
[18/30] Installing py27-qt4-test-4.11.4,1...
[18/30] Extracting py27-qt4-test-4.11.4,1: ....... done
[19/30] Installing py27-qt4-declarative-4.11.4...
[19/30] Extracting py27-qt4-declarative-4.11.4: .......... done
[20/30] Installing py27-qt4-phonon-4.11.4...
[20/30] Extracting py27-qt4-phonon-4.11.4: .......... done
[21/30] Installing py27-qt4-qscintilla2-2.9.1,1...
[21/30] Extracting py27-qt4-qscintilla2-2.9.1,1: .......... done
[22/30] Installing py27-qt4-sql-4.11.4,1...
[22/30] Extracting py27-qt4-sql-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[23/30] Installing py27-qt4-scripttools-4.11.4,1...
[23/30] Extracting py27-qt4-scripttools-4.11.4,1: .... done
[24/30] Installing py27-qt4-dbus-4.11.4,1...
[24/30] Extracting py27-qt4-dbus-4.11.4,1: .......... done
[25/30] Installing py27-qt4-dbussupport-4.11.4_1...
[25/30] Extracting py27-qt4-dbussupport-4.11.4_1: . done
[26/30] Installing py27-qt4-designerplugin-4.11.4,1...
[26/30] Extracting py27-qt4-designerplugin-4.11.4,1: . done
[27/30] Installing py27-qt4-webkit-4.11.4...
[27/30] Extracting py27-qt4-webkit-4.11.4: .......... done
[28/30] Installing py27-qt4-xmlpatterns-4.11.4...
[28/30] Extracting py27-qt4-xmlpatterns-4.11.4: .......... done
[29/30] Installing py27-qt4-demo-4.11.4_1,1...
[29/30] Extracting py27-qt4-demo-4.11.4_1,1: .......... done
[30/30] Installing py27-qt4-4.11.4...
Installing devel/qjson...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    qjson: 0.8.1

The process will require 1 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing qjson-0.8.1...
[1/1] Extracting qjson-0.8.1: .......... done
Installing devel/ruby-qtruby...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ruby20-qtruby: 4.14.3_1

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing ruby20-qtruby-4.14.3_1...
[1/1] Extracting ruby20-qtruby-4.14.3_1: .......... done
Message from ruby20-qtruby-4.14.3_1:

To use Ruby bindings outside KDE session set RUBYLIB
environment variable:


See "man 1 ruby" for details.

Installing editors/libreoffice-es...
The following 35 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    es-libreoffice: 5.0.4
    libreoffice: 5.0.4
    crosextrafonts-carlito: 20130920_2
    libwpd010: 0.10.1
    librevenge: 0.0.4
    firebird25-client: 2.5.4_3
    libexttextcat: 3.4.4
    libcdr01: 0.1.2
    liberation-fonts-ttf: 2.00.1,2
    CoinMP: 1.8.3
    libwps: 0.4.2
    libe-book: 0.1.2_1
    libcmis: 0.5.0
    liborcus: 0.9.2
    libgltf: 0.0.2_1
    glew: 1.13.0
    libvisio01: 0.1.5
    libmwaw03: 0.3.7
    libetonyek01: 0.1.3_1,1
    libpagemaker: 0.0.2
    GentiumBasic: 110_3
    hyphen: 2.8.8
    libmspub01: 0.1.2_1
    linuxlibertine-g: 20120116_1
    libodfgen01: 0.1.6
    crosextrafonts-caladea: 20130214_1
    libwpg03: 0.3.1
    liblangtag: 0.5.8
    mythes: 1.2.4
    nss: 3.21
    libabw: 0.1.1
    libfreehand: 0.1.1

The process will require 465 MiB more space.
5 MiB to be downloaded.
pkg: Network is unreachable
Installing emulators/i386-wine-staging...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    i386-wine-staging: 1.9.1,1

The process will require 273 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1...
[1/1] Extracting i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1: .......... done
This system does not appear to use a nvidia graphics driver.  If this changes
and then every time the driver's version changes execute (as root)
    sh /usr/local/share/wine/
to get 2D/3D acceleration to work with the nvidia driver.  Without this wine
will crash when a program requires 2D/3D graphics acceleration.

Message from i386-wine-staging-1.9.1,1:
Some ZFS tuning guides recommend setting KVA_PAGES=512 in your kernel
configuration.  This is incompatible with Wine.  The maximum possible
is KVA_PAGES=500, which should still be enough for ZFS.

The port also installs some of Wine's documentation which describes
additional programs that are not in the manual pages under
There is more in the source tree but the others are only useful in
conjunction with the rest of the source tree.
Installing emulators/q4wine...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    q4wine: 1.1.r2_3
    icoutils: 0.31.0_1
    cabextract: 1.6

The process will require 5 MiB more space.
[1/3] Installing icoutils-0.31.0_1...
[1/3] Extracting icoutils-0.31.0_1: ....... done
[2/3] Installing cabextract-1.6...
[2/3] Extracting cabextract-1.6: .......... done
[3/3] Installing q4wine-1.1.r2_3...
[3/3] Extracting q4wine-1.1.r2_3: .......... done
Message from q4wine-1.1.r2_3:

Q4Wine has been installed.

For more info about running wine on FreeBSD please see:

FreeBSD/amd64 users:
You need to manually install Wine 32bit binary from:

This program will attempt to obtain some system information by accessing files
in procfs. You must mount procfs filesystem for this to work correctly.
This can be accomplished by adding the following line to your /etc/fstab file:

# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
proc                    /proc           procfs  rw              0       0

and then, as root, executing the command:

mount /proc

Also you need passwordless sudo for mdconfig, mount_cd9660, umount commands for
work with ISO images.

Installing french/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    fr-aspell: 0.50.3_1,1

The process will require 17 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing fr-aspell-0.50.3_1,1...
[1/1] Extracting fr-aspell-0.50.3_1,1: .......... done
Installing ftp/multiget...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 5 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    multiget: 1.1.3_10
    wx28-gtk2: 2.8.12_6
    libmspack: 0.5
    pangox-compat: 0.0.2_1
    wx28-gtk2-common: 2.8.12_6

The process will require 17 MiB more space.
[1/5] Installing libmspack-0.5...
[1/5] Extracting libmspack-0.5: ......... done
[2/5] Installing pangox-compat-0.0.2_1...
[2/5] Extracting pangox-compat-0.0.2_1: ....... done
[3/5] Installing wx28-gtk2-common-2.8.12_6...
[3/5] Extracting wx28-gtk2-common-2.8.12_6: .......... done
[4/5] Installing wx28-gtk2-2.8.12_6...
[4/5] Extracting wx28-gtk2-2.8.12_6: .......... done
[5/5] Installing multiget-1.1.3_10...
[5/5] Extracting multiget-1.1.3_10: ... done
Installing ftp/wxdfast...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    wxdfast: 0.6.0_9

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing wxdfast-0.6.0_9...
[1/1] Extracting wxdfast-0.6.0_9: .......... done
Installing games/pysolfc...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    pysolfc: 2.0_6
    py27-pillow: 2.9.0
    py27-tkinter: 2.7.11_6

The process will require 17 MiB more space.
[1/3] Installing py27-tkinter-2.7.11_6...
[1/3] Extracting py27-tkinter-2.7.11_6: ........ done
[2/3] Installing py27-pillow-2.9.0...
[2/3] Extracting py27-pillow-2.9.0: .......... done
[3/3] Installing pysolfc-2.0_6...
[3/3] Extracting pysolfc-2.0_6: .......... done
Installing german/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    de-aspell: 20030222.1_1

The process will require 11 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing de-aspell-20030222.1_1...
[1/1] Extracting de-aspell-20030222.1_1: .......... done
Installing graphics/djvulibre...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:

The process will require 4 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing djvulibre-
[1/1] Extracting djvulibre- .......... done
Installing graphics/libraw...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    libraw: 0.17.1

The process will require 4 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing libraw-0.17.1...
[1/1] Extracting libraw-0.17.1: .......... done
Installing graphics/prison...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 8 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    prison: 1.0_1
    libdmtx: 0.7.4_7
    ghostscript9-x11: 9.06_11
    liblqr-1: 0.4.1_8
    openjpeg: 2.1.1
    libqrencode: 3.4.4_1

The process will require 29 MiB more space.
[1/8] Installing ghostscript9-x11-9.06_11...
[1/8] Extracting ghostscript9-x11-9.06_11: .... done
[2/8] Installing liblqr-1-0.4.1_8...
[2/8] Extracting liblqr-1-0.4.1_8: .......... done
[3/8] Installing libfpx-
[3/8] Extracting libfpx- .... done
[4/8] Installing openjpeg-2.1.1...
[4/8] Extracting openjpeg-2.1.1: .......... done
[5/8] Installing ImageMagick-,1...
[5/8] Extracting ImageMagick-,1: .......... done
[6/8] Installing libdmtx-0.7.4_7...
[6/8] Extracting libdmtx-0.7.4_7: ....... done
[7/8] Installing libqrencode-3.4.4_1...
[7/8] Extracting libqrencode-3.4.4_1: .......... done
[8/8] Installing prison-1.0_1...
[8/8] Extracting prison-1.0_1: .......... done
Message from liblqr-1-0.4.1_8:
NOTE: In order to compile examples for liblqr, you will
also need pngwriter port (/usr/ports/graphics/pngwriter).
Examples are located in /usr/local/share/examples/liblqr-1
Installing graphics/qcomicbook...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    qcomicbook: 0.9.0_6
    poppler-qt4: 0.34.0

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing poppler-qt4-0.34.0...
[1/2] Extracting poppler-qt4-0.34.0: .......... done
[2/2] Installing qcomicbook-0.9.0_6...
[2/2] Extracting qcomicbook-0.9.0_6: .......... done
Installing graphics/ristretto...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 5 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ristretto: 0.8.0
    libxfce4util: 4.12.1
    xfce4-conf: 4.12.0
    libxfce4menu: 4.12.1_1
    startup-notification: 0.12_4

The process will require 3 MiB more space.
[1/5] Installing libxfce4util-4.12.1...
[1/5] Extracting libxfce4util-4.12.1: .......... done
[2/5] Installing xfce4-conf-4.12.0...
[2/5] Extracting xfce4-conf-4.12.0: .......... done
[3/5] Installing startup-notification-0.12_4...
[3/5] Extracting startup-notification-0.12_4: .......... done
[4/5] Installing libxfce4menu-4.12.1_1...
[4/5] Extracting libxfce4menu-4.12.1_1: .......... done
[5/5] Installing ristretto-0.8.0...
[5/5] Extracting ristretto-0.8.0: .......... done
Installing hebrew/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    iw-aspell: 1.0.0_1,2

The process will require 8 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing iw-aspell-1.0.0_1,2...
[1/1] Extracting iw-aspell-1.0.0_1,2: ....... done
Installing hungarian/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:

The process will require 7 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing hu-aspell-,2...
[1/1] Extracting hu-aspell-,2: ..... done
Installing japanese/font-vlgothic...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ja-font-vlgothic: 20141206_3

The process will require 8 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing ja-font-vlgothic-20141206_3...
[1/1] Extracting ja-font-vlgothic-20141206_3: .......... done
Installing japanese/ibus-mozc...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 6 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ja-ibus-mozc: 2.17.2106.102
    ja-mozc-tool: 2.17.2106.102
    ja-tegaki-zinnia-japanese: 0.3
    protobuf: 2.6.1
    ja-zinnia: 0.06_1
    ja-mozc-server: 2.17.2106.102

The process will require 65 MiB more space.
[1/6] Installing ja-tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3...
[1/6] Extracting ja-tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3: ..... done
[2/6] Installing protobuf-2.6.1...
[2/6] Extracting protobuf-2.6.1: .......... done
[3/6] Installing ja-zinnia-0.06_1...
[3/6] Extracting ja-zinnia-0.06_1: .......... done
[4/6] Installing ja-mozc-tool-2.17.2106.102...
[4/6] Extracting ja-mozc-tool-2.17.2106.102: ....... done
[5/6] Installing ja-mozc-server-2.17.2106.102...
[5/6] Extracting ja-mozc-server-2.17.2106.102: ....... done
[6/6] Installing ja-ibus-mozc-2.17.2106.102...
[6/6] Extracting ja-ibus-mozc-2.17.2106.102: .......... done
Message from ja-ibus-mozc-2.17.2106.102:
To activate ibus-mozc, please add the following into ~/.xinitrc,
~/.xsession, or ~/.kde4/env (for KDE4):

export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
/usr/local/bin/mozc start
ibus-daemon -r --daemonize --xim

Note that textproc/ibus-qt with IBUS option is required to
make QT_IM_MODULE=ibus work.
Installing java/icedtea-web...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 19 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    icedtea-web: 1.5.2
    openjdk8: 8.66.17_3
    java-zoneinfo: 2015.f
    javavmwrapper: 2.5
    libxul: 38.5.2
    ffmpeg: 2.8.5,1
    fdk-aac: 0.1.4
    opencv-core: 2.4.9_3
    libtheora: 1.1.1_6
    xvid: 1.3.4,1
    libvpx: 1.5.0
    schroedinger: 1.0.11_4
    libx264: 0.144.2533_1
    libaacplus: 2.0.2_8
    gstreamer1-libav: 1.6.2
    alsa-plugins: 1.1.0
    nss: 3.21
    soundtouch: 1.9.2
    gstreamer1-plugins-good: 1.6.2

The process will require 424 MiB more space.
[1/19] Installing fdk-aac-0.1.4...
[1/19] Extracting fdk-aac-0.1.4: .......... done
[2/19] Installing opencv-core-2.4.9_3...
[2/19] Extracting opencv-core-2.4.9_3: .......... done
[3/19] Installing libtheora-1.1.1_6...
[3/19] Extracting libtheora-1.1.1_6: .......... done
[4/19] Installing xvid-1.3.4,1...
[4/19] Extracting xvid-1.3.4,1: ........ done
[5/19] Installing libvpx-1.5.0...
[5/19] Extracting libvpx-1.5.0: .......... done
[6/19] Installing schroedinger-1.0.11_4...
[6/19] Extracting schroedinger-1.0.11_4: .......... done
[7/19] Installing libx264-0.144.2533_1...
[7/19] Extracting libx264-0.144.2533_1: ......... done
[8/19] Installing libaacplus-2.0.2_8...
[8/19] Extracting libaacplus-2.0.2_8: .......... done
[9/19] Installing ffmpeg-2.8.5,1...
[9/19] Extracting ffmpeg-2.8.5,1: .......... done
[10/19] Installing java-zoneinfo-2015.f...
[10/19] Extracting java-zoneinfo-2015.f: .......... done
[11/19] Installing javavmwrapper-2.5...
[11/19] Extracting javavmwrapper-2.5: .......... done
[12/19] Installing gstreamer1-libav-1.6.2...
[12/19] Extracting gstreamer1-libav-1.6.2: .......... done
[13/19] Installing alsa-plugins-1.1.0...
[13/19] Extracting alsa-plugins-1.1.0: .......... done
[14/19] Installing nss-3.21...
[14/19] Extracting nss-3.21: .......... done
[15/19] Installing soundtouch-1.9.2...
[15/19] Extracting soundtouch-1.9.2: .......... done
[16/19] Installing gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.6.2...
[16/19] Extracting gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.6.2: .......... done
[17/19] Installing openjdk8-8.66.17_3...
[17/19] Extracting openjdk8-8.66.17_3: .......... done
[18/19] Installing libxul-38.5.2...
[18/19] Extracting libxul-38.5.2: .......... done
[19/19] Installing icedtea-web-1.5.2...
[19/19] Extracting icedtea-web-1.5.2: .......... done
Message from openjdk8-8.66.17_3:

This OpenJDK implementation requires fdescfs(5) mounted on /dev/fd and
procfs(5) mounted on /proc.

If you have not done it yet, please do the following:

    mount -t fdescfs fdesc /dev/fd
    mount -t procfs proc /proc

To make it permanent, you need the following lines in /etc/fstab:

    fdesc    /dev/fd        fdescfs        rw    0    0
    proc    /proc        procfs        rw    0    0

Installing korean/baekmukfonts-ttf...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ko-baekmukfonts-ttf: 2.2_2

The process will require 27 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing ko-baekmukfonts-ttf-2.2_2...
[1/1] Extracting ko-baekmukfonts-ttf-2.2_2: .......... done
Installing math/djbfft...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    djbfft: 0.76_2

The process will require 251 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing djbfft-0.76_2...
[1/1] Extracting djbfft-0.76_2: .......... done
Installing math/libqalculate...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    libqalculate: 0.9.7_5
    cln: 1.3.4

The process will require 17 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing cln-1.3.4...
[1/2] Extracting cln-1.3.4: .......... done
[2/2] Installing libqalculate-0.9.7_5...
[2/2] Extracting libqalculate-0.9.7_5: .......... done
Installing misc/chmlib...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    chmlib: 0.40_1

The process will require 135 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing chmlib-0.40_1...
[1/1] Extracting chmlib-0.40_1: .......... done
Installing misc/kde4-xdg-env...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    kde4-xdg-env: 1.1

The process will require 497 B more space.
[1/1] Installing kde4-xdg-env-1.1...
[1/1] Extracting kde4-xdg-env-1.1: . done
Installing misc/mc...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    mc: 4.8.15
    libssh2: 1.6.0_1,2
    libslang2: 2.3.0

The process will require 13 MiB more space.
[1/3] Installing libssh2-1.6.0_1,2...
[1/3] Extracting libssh2-1.6.0_1,2: .......... done
[2/3] Installing libslang2-2.3.0...
[2/3] Extracting libslang2-2.3.0: .......... done
[3/3] Installing mc-4.8.15...
[3/3] Extracting mc-4.8.15: .......... done
Installing misc/pcbsd-meta-mate...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 49 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    pcbsd-meta-mate: 1421269030
    mate-applets: 1.10.3_1
    libwnck: 2.30.7_1
    libxklavier: 5.3_1,1
    mate-desktop: 1.10.2
    gtksourceview2: 2.10.5_4
    gucharmap: 3.16.2
    libgtop: 2.31.90
    mate-settings-daemon: 1.10.2
    libmatekbd: 1.10.0
    gstreamer-plugins-good: 0.10.31_2,3
    libmateweather: 1.10.0
    upower: 0.99.3
    mate-polkit: 1.10.1
    mate-panel: 1.10.1
    mate-menus: 1.10.0_1
    mate-icon-theme: 1.10.1
    atril: 1.10.2
    libspectre: 0.2.7_1
    caja: 1.10.3
    unique: 1.1.6_6
    exempi: 2.2.2
    mate-terminal: 1.10.1
    vte: 0.28.2_2
    gnome-pty-helper: 0.40.2
    mate-system-monitor: 1.10.1
    engrampa: 1.10.1
    gtar: 1.28_2
    mate-base: 1.10.0
    hal-info: 20091130
    marco: 1.10.2
    zenity: 3.16.3
    mate-control-center: 1.10.1
    mate-session-manager: 1.10.2_1
    mate-themes: 1.10.4
    gtk-engines2: 2.20.2_2
    gtk-murrine-engine: 0.98.2_4
    mate-icon-theme-faenza: 1.10.0
    mate-backgrounds: 1.10.0
    mate-notification-daemon: 1.10.1
    mate-utils: 1.10.3
    mate-media: 1.10.0
    libmatemixer: 1.10.0_1
    mate-power-manager: 1.10.2
    gnome-keyring: 3.16.0
    gcr: 3.16.0
    pluma: 1.10.2
    py27-gtksourceview: 2.10.1_2

The process will require 388 MiB more space.
[1/49] Installing libxklavier-5.3_1,1...
[1/49] Extracting libxklavier-5.3_1,1: .......... done
[2/49] Installing mate-desktop-1.10.2...
[2/49] Extracting mate-desktop-1.10.2: .......... done
[3/49] Installing libmatekbd-1.10.0...
[3/49] Extracting libmatekbd-1.10.0: .......... done
[4/49] Installing gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31_2,3...
[4/49] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31_2,3: .......... done
[5/49] Installing zenity-3.16.3...
[5/49] Extracting zenity-3.16.3: .......... done
[6/49] Installing libwnck-2.30.7_1...
[6/49] Extracting libwnck-2.30.7_1: .......... done
[7/49] Installing gtksourceview2-2.10.5_4...
[7/49] Extracting gtksourceview2-2.10.5_4: .......... done
[8/49] Installing mate-settings-daemon-1.10.2...
[8/49] Extracting mate-settings-daemon-1.10.2: .......... done
[9/49] Installing libmateweather-1.10.0...
[9/49] Extracting libmateweather-1.10.0: .......... done
[10/49] Installing upower-0.99.3...
[10/49] Extracting upower-0.99.3: .......... done
[11/49] Installing mate-menus-1.10.0_1...
[11/49] Extracting mate-menus-1.10.0_1: .......... done
[12/49] Installing mate-icon-theme-1.10.1...
[12/49] Extracting mate-icon-theme-1.10.1: .......... done
[13/49] Installing unique-1.1.6_6...
[13/49] Extracting unique-1.1.6_6: .......... done
[14/49] Installing exempi-2.2.2...
[14/49] Extracting exempi-2.2.2: .......... done
[15/49] Installing gnome-pty-helper-0.40.2...
[15/49] Extracting gnome-pty-helper-0.40.2: . done
[16/49] Installing marco-1.10.2...
[16/49] Extracting marco-1.10.2: .......... done
[17/49] Installing gtk-engines2-2.20.2_2...
[17/49] Extracting gtk-engines2-2.20.2_2: .......... done
[18/49] Installing gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2_4...
[18/49] Extracting gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2_4: .. done
[19/49] Installing gcr-3.16.0...
[19/49] Extracting gcr-3.16.0: .......... done
[20/49] Installing gucharmap-3.16.2...
[20/49] Extracting gucharmap-3.16.2: .......... done
[21/49] Installing libgtop-2.31.90...
[21/49] Extracting libgtop-2.31.90: .......... done
[22/49] Installing mate-polkit-1.10.1...
[22/49] Extracting mate-polkit-1.10.1: .......... done
[23/49] Installing mate-panel-1.10.1...
[23/49] Extracting mate-panel-1.10.1: .......... done
[24/49] Installing libspectre-0.2.7_1...
[24/49] Extracting libspectre-0.2.7_1: .......... done
[25/49] Installing caja-1.10.3...
[25/49] Extracting caja-1.10.3: .......... done
[26/49] Installing libgxps-
[26/49] Extracting libgxps- .......... done
[27/49] Installing vte-0.28.2_2...
[27/49] Extracting vte-0.28.2_2: .......... done
[28/49] Installing gtar-1.28_2...
[28/49] Extracting gtar-1.28_2: .......... done
[29/49] Installing hal-info-20091130...
[29/49] Extracting hal-info-20091130: .......... done
[30/49] Installing mate-control-center-1.10.1...
[30/49] Extracting mate-control-center-1.10.1: .......... done
[31/49] Installing mate-session-manager-1.10.2_1...
[31/49] Extracting mate-session-manager-1.10.2_1: .......... done
[32/49] Installing mate-themes-1.10.4...
[32/49] Extracting mate-themes-1.10.4: .......... done
[33/49] Installing mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.10.0...
[33/49] Extracting mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.10.0: .......... done
[34/49] Installing mate-backgrounds-1.10.0...
[34/49] Extracting mate-backgrounds-1.10.0: .......... done
[35/49] Installing mate-notification-daemon-1.10.1...
[35/49] Extracting mate-notification-daemon-1.10.1: .......... done
[36/49] Installing libmatemixer-1.10.0_1...
[36/49] Extracting libmatemixer-1.10.0_1: .......... done
[37/49] Installing gnome-keyring-3.16.0...
[37/49] Extracting gnome-keyring-3.16.0: .......... done
[38/49] Installing py27-gtksourceview-2.10.1_2...
[38/49] Extracting py27-gtksourceview-2.10.1_2: .... done
[39/49] Installing mate-applets-1.10.3_1...
[39/49] Extracting mate-applets-1.10.3_1: .......... done
[40/49] Installing atril-1.10.2...
[40/49] Extracting atril-1.10.2: .......... done
[41/49] Installing mate-terminal-1.10.1...
[41/49] Extracting mate-terminal-1.10.1: .......... done
[42/49] Installing mate-system-monitor-1.10.1...
[42/49] Extracting mate-system-monitor-1.10.1: .......... done
[43/49] Installing engrampa-1.10.1...
[43/49] Extracting engrampa-1.10.1: .......... done
[44/49] Installing mate-base-1.10.0...
[45/49] Installing mate-utils-1.10.3...
[45/49] Extracting mate-utils-1.10.3: .......... done
[46/49] Installing mate-media-1.10.0...
[46/49] Extracting mate-media-1.10.0: .......... done
[47/49] Installing mate-power-manager-1.10.2...
[47/49] Extracting mate-power-manager-1.10.2: .......... done
[48/49] Installing pluma-1.10.2...
[48/49] Extracting pluma-1.10.2: .......... done
[49/49] Installing pcbsd-meta-mate-1421269030...
Message from libgtop-2.31.90:

In order to use the File System read/write monitor, you must chmod
/dev/devstat so that all users can open it read-only.  For example:

# chmod 0444 /dev/devstat

In order for this to persist across reboots, add the following to

perm    devstat    0444

Message from mate-base-1.10.0:
Congratulations!  MATE base has been successfully installed on your system.
For help on starting it up, as well as answers to common questions, and
some known issues, please see the FreeBSD GNOME homepage at:


Installing misc/pcbsd-meta-openbox...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 7 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    pcbsd-meta-openbox: 1366133527
    openbox: 3.6_1
    imlib2: 1.4.6_7,2
    obmenu: 1.0_8
    obkey: 1.0
    openbox-themes: 1.0.1_5
    obconf: 2.0.4_2

The process will require 6 MiB more space.
[1/7] Installing imlib2-1.4.6_7,2...
[1/7] Extracting imlib2-1.4.6_7,2: .......... done
[2/7] Installing openbox-3.6_1...
[2/7] Extracting openbox-3.6_1: .......... done
[3/7] Installing obmenu-1.0_8...
[3/7] Extracting obmenu-1.0_8: .......... done
[4/7] Installing obkey-1.0...
[4/7] Extracting obkey-1.0: .......... done
[5/7] Installing openbox-themes-1.0.1_5...
[5/7] Extracting openbox-themes-1.0.1_5: .......... done
[6/7] Installing obconf-2.0.4_2...
[6/7] Extracting obconf-2.0.4_2: .......... done
[7/7] Installing pcbsd-meta-openbox-1366133527...
Message from obmenu-1.0_8:

Obmenu has been installed.

If you don't have ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml

the Obmenu config can be copied, please type as user:

    su user

    cp /usr/local/etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml

    chmod 644 ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml


Have fun!

Installing misc/xfce4-weather-plugin...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 5 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    xfce4-weather-plugin: 0.8.6_2
    garcon: 0.4.0_1
    libexo: 0.10.7
    p5-URI: 1.71
    xfce4-panel: 4.12.0_1

The process will require 10 MiB more space.
[1/5] Installing p5-URI-1.71...
[1/5] Extracting p5-URI-1.71: .......... done
[2/5] Installing garcon-0.4.0_1...
[2/5] Extracting garcon-0.4.0_1: .......... done
[3/5] Installing libexo-0.10.7...
[3/5] Extracting libexo-0.10.7: .......... done
[4/5] Installing xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1...
[4/5] Extracting xfce4-panel-4.12.0_1: .......... done
[5/5] Installing xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.6_2...
[5/5] Extracting xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.6_2: .......... done
Installing multimedia/freetuxtv...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 26 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    freetuxtv: 0.6.6
    vlc: 2.2.1_6,4
    libdvdread: 5.0.3
    libmtp: 1.1.10
    libzvbi: 0.2.35_2
    libunicode: 0.4_10
    libdvdnav: 5.0.3
    twolame: 0.3.13_4
    libdca: 0.0.5_1
    liba52: 0.7.4_3
    taglib: 1.10
    fluidsynth: 1.1.6_2
    jackit: 0.124.1_5
    e2fsprogs-libuuid: 1.42.13
    celt: 0.11.3_2
    libsamplerate: 0.1.8_6
    libcaca: 0.99.b19_1
    freeglut: 3.0.0
    goom: 2k4.0_5
    faad2: 2.7_5,1
    liveMedia: 2014.12.17_1,2
    libass: 0.13.1
    libmpeg2: 0.5.1_6
    dirac: 1.0.2_4
    libshout: 2.4.1
    libdvbpsi: 1.2.0

The process will require 70 MiB more space.
[1/26] Installing e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.42.13...
[1/26] Extracting e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.42.13: .......... done
[2/26] Installing celt-0.11.3_2...
[2/26] Extracting celt-0.11.3_2: .......... done
[3/26] Installing libsamplerate-0.1.8_6...
[3/26] Extracting libsamplerate-0.1.8_6: .......... done
[4/26] Installing libdvdread-5.0.3...
[4/26] Extracting libdvdread-5.0.3: .......... done
[5/26] Installing libunicode-0.4_10...
[5/26] Extracting libunicode-0.4_10: ....... done
[6/26] Installing jackit-0.124.1_5...
[6/26] Extracting jackit-0.124.1_5: .......... done
[7/26] Installing freeglut-3.0.0...
[7/26] Extracting freeglut-3.0.0: .......... done
[8/26] Installing libmtp-1.1.10...
[8/26] Extracting libmtp-1.1.10: .......... done
[9/26] Installing libzvbi-0.2.35_2...
[9/26] Extracting libzvbi-0.2.35_2: .......... done
[10/26] Installing libdvdnav-5.0.3...
[10/26] Extracting libdvdnav-5.0.3: .......... done
[11/26] Installing twolame-0.3.13_4...
[11/26] Extracting twolame-0.3.13_4: .......... done
[12/26] Installing libdca-0.0.5_1...
[12/26] Extracting libdca-0.0.5_1: .......... done
[13/26] Installing liba52-0.7.4_3...
[13/26] Extracting liba52-0.7.4_3: .......... done
[14/26] Installing taglib-1.10...
[14/26] Extracting taglib-1.10: .......... done
[15/26] Installing fluidsynth-1.1.6_2...
[15/26] Extracting fluidsynth-1.1.6_2: .......... done
[16/26] Installing libcaca-0.99.b19_1...
[16/26] Extracting libcaca-0.99.b19_1: .......... done
[17/26] Installing goom-2k4.0_5...
[17/26] Extracting goom-2k4.0_5: .......... done
[18/26] Installing faad2-2.7_5,1...
[18/26] Extracting faad2-2.7_5,1: .......... done
[19/26] Installing liveMedia-2014.12.17_1,2...
[19/26] Extracting liveMedia-2014.12.17_1,2: .......... done
[20/26] Installing libass-0.13.1...
[20/26] Extracting libass-0.13.1: .......... done
[21/26] Installing libmpeg2-0.5.1_6...
[21/26] Extracting libmpeg2-0.5.1_6: .......... done
[22/26] Installing dirac-1.0.2_4...
[22/26] Extracting dirac-1.0.2_4: .......... done
[23/26] Installing libshout-2.4.1...
[23/26] Extracting libshout-2.4.1: .......... done
[24/26] Installing libdvbpsi-1.2.0...
[24/26] Extracting libdvbpsi-1.2.0: .......... done
[25/26] Installing vlc-2.2.1_6,4...
[25/26] Extracting vlc-2.2.1_6,4: .......... done
[26/26] Installing freetuxtv-0.6.6...
[26/26] Extracting freetuxtv-0.6.6: .......... done
Message from freeglut-3.0.0:
Joystick support is untested and it is unknown if it works.

Do not hesitate to contact if this causes issues.
Message from liveMedia-2014.12.17_1,2:
For more documentation on this software
(and to get the latest version), please
see .
Message from freetuxtv-0.6.6:

FreetuxTV has been installed.

These channels you can browse for FreetuxTV

Installing multimedia/libmatroska...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    libmatroska: 1.4.4
    libebml: 1.3.3

The process will require 3 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing libebml-1.3.3...
[1/2] Extracting libebml-1.3.3: .......... done
[2/2] Installing libmatroska-1.4.4...
[2/2] Extracting libmatroska-1.4.4: .......... done
Installing multimedia/transcode...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    transcode: 1.1.7_25

The process will require 4 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing transcode-1.1.7_25...
[1/1] Extracting transcode-1.1.7_25: .......... done
Installing net-im/pidgin...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 23 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    pidgin: 2.10.12_1
    libpurple: 2.10.12_1
    gstreamer-plugins-core: 0.10_13
    gstreamer-plugins-xvid: 0.10.23_1,3
    gstreamer-plugins-bad: 0.10.23_2,3
    gstreamer-plugins-theora: 0.10.36_1,3
    gstreamer-plugins-a52dec: 0.10.19_1,3
    gstreamer-plugins-ugly: 0.10.19_1,3
    gstreamer-plugins-ogg: 0.10.36_1,3
    gstreamer-plugins-vorbis: 0.10.36_1,3
    gstreamer-plugins-libpng: 0.10.31_2,3
    gstreamer-plugins-mp3: 0.10.0_1
    gstreamer-plugins-mad: 0.10.19_3,3
    gstreamer-plugins-dvd: 0.10.19_4,3
    gstreamer-plugins-dts: 0.10.23_1,3
    gstreamer-ffmpeg: 0.10.13_4
    gstreamer-plugins-pango: 0.10.36_2,3
    gstreamer-plugins-v4l2: 0.10.31_1,3
    farstream: 0.2.7
    libnice: 0.1.13
    libnice-gst1: 0.1.13
    gstreamer1-plugins-bad: 1.6.2
    gtkspell: 2.0.16_5

The process will require 78 MiB more space.
[1/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.19_1,3...
[1/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.19_1,3: .......... done
[2/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.23_2,3...
[2/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.23_2,3: .......... done
[3/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.36_1,3...
[3/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.36_1,3: .. done
[4/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.19_3,3...
[4/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.19_3,3: .. done
[5/23] Installing libnice-0.1.13...
[5/23] Extracting libnice-0.1.13: .......... done
[6/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.23_1,3...
[6/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.23_1,3: .. done
[7/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.36_1,3...
[7/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.36_1,3: .. done
[8/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.19_1,3...
[8/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.19_1,3: .. done
[9/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.36_1,3...
[9/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.36_1,3: .. done
[10/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.31_2,3...
[10/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.31_2,3: .. done
[11/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-mp3-0.10.0_1...
[12/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.19_4,3...
[12/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.19_4,3: .. done
[13/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.23_1,3...
[13/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.23_1,3: .. done
[14/23] Installing gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13_4...
[14/23] Extracting gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13_4: ...... done
[15/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.36_2,3...
[15/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.36_2,3: .. done
[16/23] Installing libnice-gst1-0.1.13...
[16/23] Extracting libnice-gst1-0.1.13: . done
[17/23] Installing gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1.6.2...
[17/23] Extracting gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1.6.2: .......... done
[18/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_13...
[18/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_13: . done
[19/23] Installing gstreamer-plugins-v4l2-0.10.31_1,3...
[19/23] Extracting gstreamer-plugins-v4l2-0.10.31_1,3: .. done
[20/23] Installing farstream-0.2.7...
[20/23] Extracting farstream-0.2.7: .......... done
[21/23] Installing libpurple-2.10.12_1...
[21/23] Extracting libpurple-2.10.12_1: .......... done
[22/23] Installing gtkspell-2.0.16_5...
[22/23] Extracting gtkspell-2.0.16_5: .......... done
[23/23] Installing pidgin-2.10.12_1...
[23/23] Extracting pidgin-2.10.12_1: .......... done
Installing net-im/turpial...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 10 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    turpial: 3.0_2
    py27-setproctitle: 1.1.9
    py27-Jinja2: 2.8
    py27-Babel: 2.1.1
    py27-pytz: 2015.7,1
    py27-MarkupSafe: 0.23
    py27-libturpial: 1.7.0
    py27-oauth: 1.0.1_2
    py27-simplejson: 3.8.1
    py27-requests: 2.8.1

The process will require 20 MiB more space.
[1/10] Installing py27-pytz-2015.7,1...
[1/10] Extracting py27-pytz-2015.7,1: .......... done
[2/10] Installing py27-Babel-2.1.1...
[2/10] Extracting py27-Babel-2.1.1: .......... done
[3/10] Installing py27-MarkupSafe-0.23...
[3/10] Extracting py27-MarkupSafe-0.23: .......... done
[4/10] Installing py27-oauth-1.0.1_2...
[4/10] Extracting py27-oauth-1.0.1_2: .......... done
[5/10] Installing py27-simplejson-3.8.1...
[5/10] Extracting py27-simplejson-3.8.1: .......... done
[6/10] Installing py27-requests-2.8.1...
[6/10] Extracting py27-requests-2.8.1: .......... done
[7/10] Installing py27-setproctitle-1.1.9...
[7/10] Extracting py27-setproctitle-1.1.9: .......... done
[8/10] Installing py27-Jinja2-2.8...
[8/10] Extracting py27-Jinja2-2.8: .......... done
[9/10] Installing py27-libturpial-1.7.0...
[9/10] Extracting py27-libturpial-1.7.0: .......... done
[10/10] Installing turpial-3.0_2...
[10/10] Extracting turpial-3.0_2: .......... done
Installing net/cagibi...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    cagibi: 0.2.0

The process will require 105 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing cagibi-0.2.0...
[1/1] Extracting cagibi-0.2.0: ...... done
Installing net/openslp...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    openslp: 2.0.0

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing openslp-2.0.0...
[1/1] Extracting openslp-2.0.0: .......... done
Installing net/qoauth...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    qoauth: 1.0.1_1
    qca: 2.1.1

The process will require 3 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing qca-2.1.1...
[1/2] Extracting qca-2.1.1: .......... done
[2/2] Installing qoauth-1.0.1_1...
[2/2] Extracting qoauth-1.0.1_1: .......... done
Installing polish/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    pl-aspell: 6.0.20061121.0_1,1

The process will require 6 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing pl-aspell-6.0.20061121.0_1,1...
[1/1] Extracting pl-aspell-6.0.20061121.0_1,1: ..... done
Installing russian/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ru-aspell: 0.99.f7.1_1,2

The process will require 6 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing ru-aspell-0.99.f7.1_1,2...
[1/1] Extracting ru-aspell-0.99.f7.1_1,2: ........ done
Installing security/gpgme...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    gpgme: 1.6.0

The process will require 1 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing gpgme-1.6.0...
[1/1] Extracting gpgme-1.6.0: .......... done
Installing security/heimdal...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    heimdal: 1.5.3_4

The process will require 11 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing heimdal-1.5.3_4...
[1/1] Extracting heimdal-1.5.3_4: .......... done
Installing security/libssh...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    libssh: 0.7.2

The process will require 1 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing libssh-0.7.2...
[1/1] Extracting libssh-0.7.2: .......... done
Installing security/pam_kde...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    pam_kde: 1.0

The process will require 861 B more space.
[1/1] Installing pam_kde-1.0...
[1/1] Extracting pam_kde-1.0: .. done
Installing sysutils/di...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    di: 4.37

The process will require 68 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing di-4.37...
[1/1] Extracting di-4.37: ...... done
Installing sysutils/ksysguardd...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ksysguardd: 4.11.14

The process will require 68 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing ksysguardd-4.11.14...
[1/1] Extracting ksysguardd-4.11.14: .. done
Installing sysutils/lineakd...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    lineakd: 0.9_4

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing lineakd-0.9_4...
[1/1] Extracting lineakd-0.9_4: .......... done
Installing sysutils/xfce4-genmon-plugin...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    xfce4-genmon-plugin: 3.4.0_5

The process will require 128 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_5...
[1/1] Extracting xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_5: .......... done
Installing textproc/ebook-tools...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ebook-tools: 0.2.2_3
    libzip: 1.0.1

The process will require 555 KiB more space.
[1/2] Installing libzip-1.0.1...
[1/2] Extracting libzip-1.0.1: .......... done
[2/2] Installing ebook-tools-0.2.2_3...
[2/2] Extracting ebook-tools-0.2.2_3: .......... done
Installing textproc/en-hunspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    en-hunspell: 7.1_1

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing en-hunspell-7.1_1...
[1/1] Extracting en-hunspell-7.1_1: .......... done
Installing textproc/ibus-m17n...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 4 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ibus-m17n: 1.3.3_5
    m17n-lib: 1.6.4_6
    m17n-db: 1.7.0
    libotf: 0.9.13_2

The process will require 8 MiB more space.
[1/4] Installing m17n-db-1.7.0...
[1/4] Extracting m17n-db-1.7.0: .......... done
[2/4] Installing libotf-0.9.13_2...
[2/4] Extracting libotf-0.9.13_2: .......... done
[3/4] Installing m17n-lib-1.6.4_6...
[3/4] Extracting m17n-lib-1.6.4_6: .......... done
[4/4] Installing ibus-m17n-1.3.3_5...
[4/4] Extracting ibus-m17n-1.3.3_5: .......... done
Installing textproc/ibus-qt...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ibus-qt: 1.3.3_1

The process will require 541 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing ibus-qt-1.3.3_1...
[1/1] Extracting ibus-qt-1.3.3_1: .......... done
Message from ibus-qt-1.3.3_1:
ibus-qt install finished. You may select ibus as the
input method in qtconfig.

Installing textproc/ibus-table...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    ibus-table: 1.5.0_1

The process will require 707 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing ibus-table-1.5.0_1...
[1/1] Extracting ibus-table-1.5.0_1: .......... done
Installing textproc/libwps03...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    libwps03: 0.3.1_1
    librevenge: 0.0.4

The process will require 8 MiB more space.
[1/2] Installing librevenge-0.0.4...
[1/2] Extracting librevenge-0.0.4: .......... done
[2/2] Installing libwps03-0.3.1_1...
[2/2] Extracting libwps03-0.3.1_1: .......... done
Installing textproc/xfce4-dict-plugin...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    xfce4-dict-plugin: 0.7.1

The process will require 756 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing xfce4-dict-plugin-0.7.1...
[1/1] Extracting xfce4-dict-plugin-0.7.1: .......... done
Installing ukrainian/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing uk-aspell-,2...
[1/1] Extracting uk-aspell-,2: ........ done
Installing vietnamese/aspell...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:

The process will require 195 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing vi-aspell-,2...
[1/1] Extracting vi-aspell-,2: ........ done
Installing www/firefox...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    firefox: 43.0.4_1,1

The process will require 94 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing firefox-43.0.4_1,1...
[1/1] Extracting firefox-43.0.4_1,1: .......... done
Message from firefox-43.0.4_1,1:

smb:// issues (Gvfs/GIO option):
Network group, machine, and share browsing does not work correctly.

sftp:// (Gvfs/GIO option):
Only sftp access using public key authentication works.  To easily
setup public key authentication to "remote_host":

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh remote_host "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"

The SSH server on remote_host must allow pub key authentication.


Firefox and HTML5

Certain functions used to display HTML5 elements need the sem(4)
module but only on 8.x releases (or before r201546).

If your Firefox crashes with the following message while viewing a
HTML5 page:
"Bad system call (core dumped)"

you need to load the sem module (kldload sem).

To load sem on every boot put the following into your


Any bug reports should be addressed to the maintainers at:
You may also Cc: Please do not send
bug reports to any other addresses.

Please include the following information with any bug report:
* Output from 'uname -a'.
* Output from 'ident /usr/ports/www/firefox/Makefile'
* Where/when did the problem occur: configuring, building, or
    running firefox
* How can you reproduce the problem?

Thank you for your help in testing and reporting bugs, and we hope you
enjoy using Firefox.
The Maintainers (gecko@)
Installing www/tidy-lib...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    tidy-lib: 090315.c_3

The process will require 1 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing tidy-lib-090315.c_3...
[1/1] Extracting tidy-lib-090315.c_3: .......... done
Installing x11-fonts/fonts-indic...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    fonts-indic: 2.1.5_3

The process will require 859 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing fonts-indic-2.1.5_3...
[1/1] Extracting fonts-indic-2.1.5_3: ......... done
Installing x11-fonts/wqy...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    wqy-fonts: 20100803_5,1

The process will require 42 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1...
[1/1] Extracting wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1: .......... done
Message from wqy-fonts-20100803_5,1:
Please add /usr/local/share/fonts/wqy for your X server by either:

# xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/wqy
# xset fp rehash

or by adding the following line to the section "Files" of
your X-server configuration file (usually /etc/X11/xorg.conf)
and restarting the X-server:

Section "Files"
    FontPath   "/usr/local/share/fonts/wqy"

Installing x11-themes/kde4-wallpapers-freebsd...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    kde4-wallpapers-freebsd: 1.0

The process will require 4 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing kde4-wallpapers-freebsd-1.0...
[1/1] Extracting kde4-wallpapers-freebsd-1.0: .......... done
Installing x11-wm/icewm...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    icewm: 1.3.8_2

The process will require 3 MiB more space.
[1/1] Installing icewm-1.3.8_2...
[1/1] Extracting icewm-1.3.8_2: .......... done
Installing x11-wm/wmakerconf...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 6 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    wmakerconf: 2.12_11
    windowmaker: 0.95.7_1
    wmicons: 1.0_2
    libwraster: 0.95.7_1
    lua51: 5.1.5_9

The process will require 22 MiB more space.
[1/6] Installing wmicons-1.0_2...
[1/6] Extracting wmicons-1.0_2: .......... done
[2/6] Installing libwraster-0.95.7_1...
[2/6] Extracting libwraster-0.95.7_1: .......... done
[3/6] Installing lua51-5.1.5_9...
[3/6] Extracting lua51-5.1.5_9: .......... done
[4/6] Installing windowmaker-0.95.7_1...
[4/6] Extracting windowmaker-0.95.7_1: .......... done
[5/6] Installing rpm4-
[5/6] Extracting rpm4- .......... done

No RPM database found.  If you wish to use RPM to install
RPM packages the you will need to initialise the database
with the commands:

    mkdir -p /var/lib/rpm
    /usr/local/bin/rpm --initdb

[6/6] Installing wmakerconf-2.12_11...
[6/6] Extracting wmakerconf-2.12_11: .......... done
Installing x11-wm/xfce4...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 13 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    xfce: 4.12_1
    gtk-xfce-engine: 3.2.0
    mousepad: 0.4.0_2
    orage: 4.12.1_1
    libical: 1.0.1
    xfce4-desktop: 4.12.3
    Thunar: 1.6.10_1
    xfce4-tumbler: 0.1.31_1
    xfce4-terminal: 0.6.3_2
    xfce4-settings: 4.12.0_1
    xfce4-session: 4.12.1_2
    xfce4-appfinder: 4.12.0
    xfce4-wm: 4.12.3

The process will require 24 MiB more space.
[1/13] Installing xfce4-tumbler-0.1.31_1...
[1/13] Extracting xfce4-tumbler-0.1.31_1: .......... done
[2/13] Installing libical-1.0.1...
[2/13] Extracting libical-1.0.1: .......... done
[3/13] Installing Thunar-1.6.10_1...
[3/13] Extracting Thunar-1.6.10_1: .......... done
[4/13] Installing gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0...
[4/13] Extracting gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0: .......... done
[5/13] Installing mousepad-0.4.0_2...
[5/13] Extracting mousepad-0.4.0_2: .......... done
[6/13] Installing orage-4.12.1_1...
[6/13] Extracting orage-4.12.1_1: .......... done
[7/13] Installing xfce4-desktop-4.12.3...
[7/13] Extracting xfce4-desktop-4.12.3: .......... done
[8/13] Installing xfce4-terminal-0.6.3_2...
[8/13] Extracting xfce4-terminal-0.6.3_2: .......... done
[9/13] Installing xfce4-settings-4.12.0_1...
[9/13] Extracting xfce4-settings-4.12.0_1: .......... done
[10/13] Installing xfce4-session-4.12.1_2...
[10/13] Extracting xfce4-session-4.12.1_2: .......... done
[11/13] Installing xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0...
[11/13] Extracting xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0: .......... done
[12/13] Installing xfce4-wm-4.12.3...
[12/13] Extracting xfce4-wm-4.12.3: .......... done
[13/13] Installing xfce-4.12_1...
Message from xfce4-tumbler-0.1.31_1:
To override the default configuration, you must copy the rc-file:

    mkdir ~/.config/tumbler
    cp /usr/local/etc/xdg/tumbler/tumbler.rc ~/.config/tumbler

For more information see
Message from xfce4-session-4.12.1_2:
To be able to shutdown or reboot your system, you'll have to add .rules
files in /usr/local/etc/polkit-1/rules.d directory. Which looks
like this (replace PUTYOURGROUPHERE by your group):

polkit.addRule(function (action, subject) {
  if ( == "org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.restart" || == "org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.stop"
      && subject.isInGroup("PUTYOURGROUPHERE")) {
    return polkit.Result.YES;

For those who have working suspend/resume:

polkit.addRule(function (action, subject) {
  if ( == "org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.suspend"
      && subject.isInGroup("PUTYOURGROUPHERE")) {
    return polkit.Result.YES;
Installing x11/lumina...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 23 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    lumina: 0.8.7_1,1
    qt5-multimedia: 5.4.1_1
    xscreensaver: 5.34
    gle: 3.1.0_6
    p5-libwww: 6.15
    p5-Net-HTTP: 6.09
    p5-HTTP-Negotiate: 6.01_1
    p5-HTTP-Message: 6.11
    p5-Encode-Locale: 1.05
    p5-IO-HTML: 1.001_1
    p5-HTTP-Date: 6.02_1
    p5-LWP-MediaTypes: 6.02_1
    p5-HTTP-Daemon: 6.01_1
    p5-WWW-RobotRules: 6.02_1
    p5-HTTP-Cookies: 6.01_1
    p5-HTML-Parser: 3.71_1
    p5-HTML-Tagset: 3.20_1
    p5-Authen-NTLM: 1.09_1
    p5-File-Listing: 6.04_1
    netpbm: 10.35.98
    qt5-concurrent: 5.4.1
    kde4-icons-oxygen: 4.14.3
    qt5-imageformats: 5.4.1

The process will require 83 MiB more space.
[1/23] Installing p5-Encode-Locale-1.05...
[1/23] Extracting p5-Encode-Locale-1.05: ... done
[2/23] Installing p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1...
[2/23] Extracting p5-IO-HTML-1.001_1: ....... done
[3/23] Installing p5-HTTP-Date-6.02_1...
[3/23] Extracting p5-HTTP-Date-6.02_1: ....... done
[4/23] Installing p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02_1...
[4/23] Extracting p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02_1: .... done
[5/23] Installing p5-HTTP-Message-6.11...
[5/23] Extracting p5-HTTP-Message-6.11: .......... done
[6/23] Installing p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1...
[6/23] Extracting p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1: ... done
[7/23] Installing p5-Net-HTTP-6.09...
[7/23] Extracting p5-Net-HTTP-6.09: .......... done
[8/23] Installing p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1...
[8/23] Extracting p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1: ....... done
[9/23] Installing p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.01_1...
[9/23] Extracting p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.01_1: ....... done
[10/23] Installing p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1...
[10/23] Extracting p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1: ..... done
[11/23] Installing p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.01_1...
[11/23] Extracting p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.01_1: .......... done
[12/23] Installing p5-HTML-Parser-3.71_1...
[12/23] Extracting p5-HTML-Parser-3.71_1: .......... done
[13/23] Installing p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1...
[13/23] Extracting p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1: ..... done
[14/23] Installing p5-File-Listing-6.04_1...
[14/23] Extracting p5-File-Listing-6.04_1: ....... done
[15/23] Installing gle-3.1.0_6...
[15/23] Extracting gle-3.1.0_6: .......... done
[16/23] Installing p5-libwww-6.15...
[16/23] Extracting p5-libwww-6.15: .......... done
[17/23] Installing netpbm-10.35.98...
[17/23] Extracting netpbm-10.35.98: .......... done
[18/23] Installing qt5-multimedia-5.4.1_1...
[18/23] Extracting qt5-multimedia-5.4.1_1: .......... done
[19/23] Installing xscreensaver-5.34...
[19/23] Extracting xscreensaver-5.34: .......... done
[20/23] Installing qt5-concurrent-5.4.1...
[20/23] Extracting qt5-concurrent-5.4.1: .......... done
[21/23] Installing kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3...
[21/23] Extracting kde4-icons-oxygen-4.14.3: .......... done
[22/23] Installing qt5-imageformats-5.4.1...
[22/23] Extracting qt5-imageformats-5.4.1: .......... done
[23/23] Installing lumina-0.8.7_1,1...
[23/23] Extracting lumina-0.8.7_1,1: .......... done
Message from lumina-0.8.7_1,1:
The Lumina Desktop Environment has been installed!

An entry for for launching Lumina from a graphical login manager has already been added to the system, but if you with to start Lumina manually, you will need to do one of the following:
1) Put the line "exec Lumina-DE" at the end of your user's "~/.xinitrc" file before running startx
2) Wrap the Lumina binary call with an X initialization call:
Example: "xinit ${PREFIX}/bin/Lumina-DE -- :0"

Also note that the system-wide default settings for Lumina are contained in ${PREFIX}/etc/luminaDesktop.conf[.dist]. While it is possible to customize the desktop to the user's liking after logging in, you may want to adjust the default settings as necessary if there are multiple user accounts on this system.
Installing x11/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    xfce4-screenshooter-plugin: 1.8.2_2

The process will require 767 KiB more space.
[1/1] Installing xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.2_2...
[1/1] Extracting xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.2_2: .......... done
Installing sysutils/grub2-pcbsd...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The most recent version of packages are already installed
Installing sysutils/grub2-efi...
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The most recent version of packages are already installed
Extracting ports overlay...
Pruning: /usr/local/share/applications/cups.desktop
Pruning: /usr/local/share/xsessions/[0-9a-zA-Z]*.desktop
Pruning: /usr/local/etc/fonts/conf.d/85-wqy.conf
Extracting ports overlay data...DONE
Updating pkgng config...
Unmounting stage BE...
Running: cp /tmp/.pkgUpdateLog.8046 /.updateStage/usr/local/log/pc-updatemanager/upgrade.log
Starting syscache...
Your update is finished! Please reboot to load into the new boot-environment

Otro update pera esta vez de seguridad y es que no paran

pc-updatemanager: miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016, 16:40:06 CET
Stopping syscache...
Creating stage BE...
GRUB configuration updated successfully
Created successfully
Mounting the stage BE...
Running: mount -t devfs devfs /.updateStage/dev
Fetching freebsd-update files...
Running: chroot /.updateStage / fetch
Looking up mirrors... none found.
Fetching public key from done.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.2-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 2 metadata files... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
Fetching 9 patches..... done.
Applying patches... done.

The following files will be updated as part of updating to 10.2-RELEASE-p14:
Installing freebsd-update files...
Running: chroot /.updateStage / install
Installing updates... done.
Unmounting stage BE...
Running: cp /tmp/.pkgUpdateLog.9628 /.updateStage/usr/local/log/pc-updatemanager/upgrade.log
Starting syscache...
Your update is finished! Please reboot to load into the new boot-environment

A mano el libreoffice:

[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~% sudo pkg install es-libreoffice-5.0.4Updating pcbsd-major repository catalogue...
pcbsd-major repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 33 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    es-libreoffice: 5.0.4
    libreoffice: 5.0.4
    crosextrafonts-carlito: 20130920_2
    libwpd010: 0.10.1
    firebird25-client: 2.5.4_3
    libexttextcat: 3.4.4
    libcdr01: 0.1.2
    liberation-fonts-ttf: 2.00.1,2
    CoinMP: 1.8.3
    libwps: 0.4.2
    libe-book: 0.1.2_1
    libcmis: 0.5.0
    liborcus: 0.9.2
    libgltf: 0.0.2_1
    glew: 1.13.0
    libvisio01: 0.1.5
    libmwaw03: 0.3.7
    libetonyek01: 0.1.3_1,1
    libpagemaker: 0.0.2
    GentiumBasic: 110_3
    hyphen: 2.8.8
    libmspub01: 0.1.2_1
    linuxlibertine-g: 20120116_1
    libodfgen01: 0.1.6
    crosextrafonts-caladea: 20130214_1
    libwpg03: 0.3.1
    liblangtag: 0.5.8
    mythes: 1.2.4
    libabw: 0.1.1
    libfreehand: 0.1.1

The process will require 448 MiB more space.
87 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
Fetching es-libreoffice-5.0.4.txz: 100%    3 MiB 134.0kB/s    00:24   
Fetching libreoffice-5.0.4.txz: 100%   78 MiB 101.0kB/s    13:34   
Fetching libwpd010-0.10.1.txz: 100%  160 KiB  54.5kB/s    00:03   
Fetching libcdr01-0.1.2.txz: 100%  337 KiB  86.3kB/s    00:04   
Fetching libwps-0.4.2.txz: 100%  377 KiB  77.1kB/s    00:05   
Fetching libe-book-0.1.2_1.txz: 100%  673 KiB  86.1kB/s    00:08   
Fetching libcmis-0.5.0.txz: 100%  915 KiB  72.1kB/s    00:13   
Fetching libvisio01-0.1.5.txz: 100%  178 KiB  60.7kB/s    00:03   
Fetching libmwaw03-0.3.7.txz: 100%    2 MiB  88.4kB/s    00:18   
Fetching libetonyek01-0.1.3_1,1.txz: 100%  251 KiB  51.5kB/s    00:05   
Fetching libpagemaker-0.0.2.txz: 100%   63 KiB  32.4kB/s    00:02   
Fetching libmspub01-0.1.2_1.txz: 100%  139 KiB  47.5kB/s    00:03   
Fetching libodfgen01-0.1.6.txz: 100%  196 KiB  50.1kB/s    00:04   
Fetching libwpg03-0.3.1.txz: 100%   54 KiB  55.5kB/s    00:01   
Fetching libabw-0.1.1.txz: 100%   78 KiB  39.9kB/s    00:02   
Fetching libfreehand-0.1.1.txz: 100%  229 KiB  46.9kB/s    00:05   
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/33] Installing libwpd010-0.10.1...
[1/33] Extracting libwpd010-0.10.1: 100%
[2/33] Installing glew-1.13.0...
[2/33] Extracting glew-1.13.0: 100%
[3/33] Installing crosextrafonts-carlito-20130920_2...
[3/33] Extracting crosextrafonts-carlito-20130920_2: 100%
[4/33] Installing firebird25-client-2.5.4_3...
[4/33] Extracting firebird25-client-2.5.4_3: 100%
[5/33] Installing libexttextcat-3.4.4...
[5/33] Extracting libexttextcat-3.4.4: 100%
[6/33] Installing libcdr01-0.1.2...
[6/33] Extracting libcdr01-0.1.2: 100%
[7/33] Installing liberation-fonts-ttf-2.00.1,2...
[7/33] Extracting liberation-fonts-ttf-2.00.1,2: 100%
[8/33] Installing CoinMP-1.8.3...
[8/33] Extracting CoinMP-1.8.3: 100%
[9/33] Installing libwps-0.4.2...
[9/33] Extracting libwps-0.4.2: 100%
[10/33] Installing libe-book-0.1.2_1...
[10/33] Extracting libe-book-0.1.2_1: 100%
[11/33] Installing libcmis-0.5.0...
[11/33] Extracting libcmis-0.5.0: 100%
[12/33] Installing liborcus-0.9.2...
[12/33] Extracting liborcus-0.9.2: 100%
[13/33] Installing libgltf-0.0.2_1...
[13/33] Extracting libgltf-0.0.2_1: 100%
[14/33] Installing libvisio01-0.1.5...
[14/33] Extracting libvisio01-0.1.5: 100%
[15/33] Installing libmwaw03-0.3.7...
[15/33] Extracting libmwaw03-0.3.7: 100%
[16/33] Installing opencollada-
[16/33] Extracting opencollada- 100%
[17/33] Installing libetonyek01-0.1.3_1,1...
[17/33] Extracting libetonyek01-0.1.3_1,1: 100%
[18/33] Installing libpagemaker-0.0.2...
[18/33] Extracting libpagemaker-0.0.2: 100%
[19/33] Installing GentiumBasic-110_3...
[19/33] Extracting GentiumBasic-110_3: 100%
[20/33] Installing hyphen-2.8.8...
[20/33] Extracting hyphen-2.8.8: 100%
[21/33] Installing libmspub01-0.1.2_1...
[21/33] Extracting libmspub01-0.1.2_1: 100%
[22/33] Installing linuxlibertine-g-20120116_1...
[22/33] Extracting linuxlibertine-g-20120116_1: 100%
[23/33] Installing libodfgen01-0.1.6...
[23/33] Extracting libodfgen01-0.1.6: 100%
[24/33] Installing crosextrafonts-caladea-20130214_1...
[24/33] Extracting crosextrafonts-caladea-20130214_1: 100%
[25/33] Installing libwpg03-0.3.1...
[25/33] Extracting libwpg03-0.3.1: 100%
[26/33] Installing liblangtag-0.5.8...
[26/33] Extracting liblangtag-0.5.8: 100%
[27/33] Installing mythes-1.2.4...
[27/33] Extracting mythes-1.2.4: 100%
[28/33] Installing libabw-0.1.1...
[28/33] Extracting libabw-0.1.1: 100%
[29/33] Installing lp_solve-
[29/33] Extracting lp_solve- 100%
[30/33] Installing libfreehand-0.1.1...
[30/33] Extracting libfreehand-0.1.1: 100%
[31/33] Installing clucene-
[31/33] Extracting clucene- 100%
[32/33] Installing libreoffice-5.0.4...
[32/33] Extracting libreoffice-5.0.4: 100%
[33/33] Installing es-libreoffice-5.0.4...
[33/33] Extracting es-libreoffice-5.0.4: 100%
Message from crosextrafonts-carlito-20130920_2:
You can start using the fonts by following these instructions:

Add the following line to the "Files" section of your configuration file:

    FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/Carlito/"
Message from liberation-fonts-ttf-2.00.1,2:
You can start using the fonts by following these instructions:

Add the following line to the "Files" section of your configuration file:

    FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/Liberation/"
Message from GentiumBasic-110_3:
To use these fonts, add the following line to the "Files" section of

    FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/GentiumBasic/"

Users of older versions of X may additionally have to make sure that
the freetype module is loaded.  Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for error
messages.  If freetype is required, add the following line to the
"Modules" section of xorg.conf:

    Load "freetype"
Message from linuxlibertine-g-20120116_1:
You can start using the fonts by following these instructions:

Add the following line to the "Files" section of your configuration file:

    FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/LinLibertineG/"
Message from crosextrafonts-caladea-20130214_1:
You can start using the fonts by following these instructions:

Add the following line to the "Files" section of your configuration file:

    FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/Caladea/"
[ximo@nunbsd-6836] ~%